Spam Bill 2003 and the Spam (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2003 (current as at 23 February 2004)

Spam Bill 2003 and the Spam (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2003 (current as at 23 February 2004)

If there is no link to the submission a copy can be obtained by contacting the committee secretariat on (02) 6277 3526.

1 Mr Colin Hunt
2 Mr Howard F Lowndes
3 Professional Way (Word format)
4 Australian Direct Marketing
5 Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc. (EFA) (PDF format)
6 Australian Consumer's Association (Word format)
7 Coalition Against Unsolicited Bulk Email, Australia (CAUBE.AU) (PDF format)
8 Microsoft Australia (Word format)
9 Captain Susan L. Smith
10 Australian Privacy Foundation (Word format)
11 Internet Society of Australia (ISOC-AU)
12 Mr Rowan Rafferty
13 Australian Computer Society (Word format)
14 National Office for the Information Economy (Word format)
14a National Office for the Information Economy (Word format)
15 Mr Dan Svantesson (Word format)
16 Ms Sharon Grierson MP (PDF Format)
17 Mr Andrew Calvin (Word format)
18 Infobase Systems Pty Limited (Word format)
19 ACTU (PDF format)