Appendix 2 - Tabled documents

Appendix 2Tabled documents

Monday 3 June 2024

Ms Natalie James, Secretary, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Correspondence between Coalition Senators and Ms James

Senator Tony Sheldon

Article from the Australian, 30 May 2024

Letter from Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash to Mr Richard Shields

Proposed Framework for Liberal Party Industrial Relations Policy

Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck

Article from the Advocate, 22 February 2023

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash

Article from Workplace Express, 28 March 2024

CFMEU WA Facebook Post, 17 April 2024

Senator Matt O'Sullivan

Transcript from a press conference from the Minister for Home Affairs, the Hon Claire O'Neill MP

Ms Anna Faithfull, Deputy Secretary, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Australian Apprentices in Training by State and Territory

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Mr Tony Cook PSM, Secretary, Department of Education

Response to Senator O'Sullivan's letter

Response to Senator O'Sullivan's additional letter

Response to Senator Allman-Payne's letter

Revised response to Schools question 5 in Senator O'Sullivan's letter of 29 May 2024

Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson

Approaches to Senate estimates questions on notice asked of all (or multiple) agencies

Newsletter and social media post relating to upgrades to Mount Eliza secondary school facilities

Article from the Sydney Morning Herald, 13 March 2024

Senator Kerrynne Liddle

Articles tabled by Senator Liddle

Senator Matt O'Sullivan

Articles tabled by Senator O'Sullivan

Mr Stephen Gniel, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority

Opening statement

Dr Jennfier Donovan, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Education Research Organisation

Opening statement

Thursday 6 June 2024

Mr Tony Cook PSM, Secretary, Department of Education

Letter from the Group of Eight to the Attorney General

Letter from TEQSA to universities

Letter from TEQSA to non-university higher education institutions

Senator Matt O'Sullivan

Letter from Minster Clare to Professor O'Kane

2022 Higher Education Providers Finance Tables

Article from the West Australian, 8 December 2023

Map of ANU

Professor Genevieve Bell AO, Vice-Chancellor & President, Australian National University

Opening statement

Statement from the Chancellor of ANU

Senator Karen Grogan

Article from Sky News, 9 May 2024

Ms Anna Faithfull, Deputy Secretary, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

2023 Fee-Free TAFE Enrolments by Field of Education