

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]           section 3, Workplace Relations Act 1996

[2]           Accurate Factory Maintenance Labour Hire Enterprise Agreement 2000-2003, McIntyre VP, AIRC, 9 February 2001. PR9009919

[3]           Electrolux Home Products V AWU [2001] FCA 1600 (14 November 2001)

[4]           Smythe, James. Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Hansard, Friday 3 May 2002, p EWRE102

[5]           explanatory memorandum to Workplace Relations Amendment (Secret Ballots for Protected Action) Bill 2002 p 2

[6]           Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Submission number 25, p46

[7]           IBID p 47.

[8]           Professor Niland (1989), Transforming Industrial Relations in NSW, Green Paper Volume 1, p101. Cited in Submission 25, the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations p47.

[9]           Smythe, James op cit, p EWRE102.

[10]         Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, op cit p45

[11]         IBID, p 59

[12]         IBID, p 61

[13]         Abbot, Tony. MP, Hansard, 20 February 2002, p504

[14]         IBID, p 504

[15]         explanatory memorandum to Workplace Relations Amendment (Genuine Bargaining) Bill 2002, p2

[16]         Smythe, James op cit, p EWRE102

[17]            Australian Industry Group v Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union & Ors Dec 125/00 [Print T1982].

[18]         Abbot, Tony. MP, Hansard, 20 February 2002, p504

[19]         Hamzy v Tricon International Restaurants trading as KFC [2001] FCA 1589

Chapter 2 - Consideration of the issues

[1]           ACCI, Submission number 17, p7

[2]           ACTU Submission number 9, p 2

[3]           IBID p30

[4]           SDA Submission number p2; 12-14

[5]           ACCER, Submission number 12, p.18

[6]           ACCI, Submission number 17, attachment B

[7]           IBID, p 12

[8]           IBID, p 12

[9]           Carrod B, Restaurant and Catering Australia, Hansard, Thursday 2 May 2002 p EWRE 29

[10]         Keenan, Ella. Council of Small Business Organisation of Australia, Hansard, Friday 3 May 2002, p 69

[11]         Weston, Sue. Hansard, IBID p103

[12]         ACCI Submission number 17, p 6-7

[13]         Keenan, Ella, p EWRE 69

[14]         VACC Submission number 13, p2

[15]         VACC Submission number 13, p2 1 10; ACCI submission number 17. Attachment D

[16]         ACCI, op cit, p8

[17]         IBID p 8

[18]         Bills Digest No 79 2001-02 Workplace Relations Amendment (Fair Dismissal) Bill 2002, p 6

[19]         Keenan, Ella. COSBOA, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.71

[20]         IBID p.72

[21]         Ai Group, Submission number 24, p 47

[22]         Ai Group, op cit, p 51

[23]         ACCI, Submission number 17, p77.

[24]         ACCER, Submission number 16, p 29.

[25]          For example, see, eg, A & L Priddle Electrical Contractors Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2000-2003 (AIRC A4209 Cas M Doc S7202).

[26]         Ai Group, op cit p 43

[27]         IBID p 52

[28]         ACTU, op cit 58

[29]         CPSU Submission 3, p.8

[30]         CPSU Submission number 3, p.8

[31]         LHMU Submission number 5, p 12

[32]         SDA Submission number 6, p. 4

[33]         Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, op cit p29

[34]         Smythe, James. op cit EWRE 110

[35]         IBID, p EWRE 110

[36]         DEWR, Submission number 25, p.53

[37]         IBID,p53

[38]         AEU, NTEU, Submission number 4, p.16-18

[39]         ACTU, Submission number 9 p.40

[40]         Smith, Stephen op cit p EWRE 6

[41]         Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, op cit, p48

[42]         Ai Group op cit p 17.

[43]         Smith Stephen, op cit, p EWRE 3

[44]         IBID p EWRE 3

[45]         AiG Submission number 24 , p 30

[46]         AiG Submission number 24, p 33-35

[47]         ACCI, opcit, p 41

[48]         Smith, Stephen, op cit p EWRE 10

[49]         Ai Group, op cit, p 31

[50]         ACCI, op cit, p 18.

[51]         AiGroup, op cit p 6

[52]         NFF, Submission number, 22 p 6

[53]         Shop Distributive & Allied Employers Association, Submission 6, p 3

[54]         ACTU, op cit, p 2

[55]         Fisher, Ross RCSA, Hansard, Thursday 2 May 2002, p EWRE 28

[56]         ACTU, op cit, p 38

Labor Senators Report

[1]           Explanatory memorandum, Workplace Relations (Termination of Employment) Bill 2000, Introduction

[2]           Statistics on Federal Unfair Dismissal cases prepared by Senator Murray (see Minority report).

[3]           The Workplace Relations Amendment (Small Business and Other Measures) Bill 2001, which would have also exempted small businesses from the unfair dismissal regime, defined small business as one with less than 20 employees. That Bill lapsed before it was considered by the Senate.

[4]           Early Election Warning: PM promises fight on unfair dismissal, Melbourne Herald Sun, 15 April 2002, p.8; The Hon Tony Abbott MP, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Second reading speech for the Workplace Relations Amendment (Fair Dismissal) Bill 2002.

[5]           2001] FCA 1589 (16 November 2001) at

[6]           Submission 25, DEWR, p.18

[7]           Yellow Pages - Business Index - Small and Medium Enterprises, February 2002, p.13

[8]           Mrs Ella Keenan, Chair, Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.71

[9]           Mr Peter Anderson, ACCI, Melbourne, Hansard, 3 May 2002, p.64

[10]         Yellow Pages - Business Index - Small and Medium Enterprises, February 2002, p.13; November 1997, p.6

[11]         CPA Australia, Small Business Survey, July 2001

[12]         CPA Australia, Small Business Survey Program, Employment Issues, March 2002, p.5

[13]         CPA Australia, Small Business Survey Program, Employment Issues, March 2002, p.4

[14]         Ibid.

[15]         Ibid.

[16]         Mrs Ella Keenan, COSBOA, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.72

[17]         The Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, The Hon. Tony Abbottt MP, Second reading speech, Workplace Relations Amendment (Fair Dismissal) Bill 2000, Second reading speech, 20 February 2002nd reading.

[18]         Mr Peter Anderson, ACCI, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.63

[19]         Submission 25, DEWR p. ; Mr James Smythe, DEWR, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.105

[20]         Mrs Ella Keenan, COSBOA, Hansard, 3 May 2002, pp.70-71

[21]         Mr John Ryan, ACCER, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.94

[22]         Mr Peter Anderson, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.59

[23]         Ibid. p.58

[24]         Mrs Leyla Yilmaz, Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.59

[25]         Submission 24, Australian Industry Group, pp.59-60; Mr Peter Anderson, ACCI, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.57

[26]         Second reading speech, Workplace Relations (Secret Ballots for Protected Action Bill 2002)

[27]         Submission 25, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, p.45

[28]         Mr J Smythe,  DEWR, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.45

[29]         Democrat senators’ report Consideration of the provisions of the Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment Act (More Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 1999, p.397

[30]         Submission 25, DEWR, p.48

[31]         Submission 9, ACTU, p.42

[32]         Submission 4, NTEU, p.14

[33]         Mr Alex Anderson, DEWR, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.111

[34]         Mr James Smythe, DEWR, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.107

[35]         Submission 9, ACTU, pp.2, 15

[36]         ABS, 6321.0 Industrial Disputes, Australia

[37]         Submission 25, DEWR, p.48

[38]         The Hon Tony Abbott MP, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Second reading speech, House of Representatives,

[39]         Mr James Smythe, DEWR, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.107

[40]         The Hon Tony Abbott MP, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Second reading speech, House of Representatives,

[41]         Mr John Ryan, ACCER, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.97

[42]         Submission 25, DEWR, p.46

[43]         Mr Dave Oliver, AMWU, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.79

[44]         Senator Campbell, Hansard, Melbourne, 2 May 2002, p.8

[45]         Submission 4, AEU and NTEU, p.16

[46]         Senator Tierney, Hansard, Melbourne, 2 May 2002, p.19

[47]         Mr Stephen Smith, Australian Industry Group, Hansard, Melbourne, 2 May 2002, p.7

[48]         Submission 4, NTEU-AEU, pp.6-12; Submission 23, IEU, p.3; Submission 6, SDA, p.6

[49]         The Hon Tony Abbott, MP, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Second reading speech, The Workplace Relations Amendment (Genuine Bargaining Bill) 2002

[50]         Submission 9, ACTU. p.5

[51]         The Hon Tony Abbott, MP, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Second reading speech, The Workplace Relations Amendment (Genuine Bargaining Bill) 2002, 20 February 2002, argued that the Bill was necessary because : ‘...elements within the union  movement have attempted to orchestrate a return to industry level bargaining through a process known as pattern bargaining.’

[52]         Submission 9 ACTU, p.7

[53]         Mr Dave Oliver, National Officer, AMWU, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.75

[54]         Mr Ted Murphy, NTEU, Hansard, 3 May 2002, p.88

[55]         Submission 7, WEL Pay Equity Coalition, p.2

[56]         Mr John Ryan, ACCER, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.97

[57]         Submission 16, ACCER, p.8

[58]         The Hon Tony Abbott, MP, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Second reading speech, The Workplace Relations Amendment (Genuine Bargaining Bill) 2002

[59]         Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee, op cit, October 2000, pp.15–20.

[60]         Mr Dave Oliver, AMWU, Hansard, Melbourne, 3 May 2002, p.83

[61]         Submission 24, Australian Industry Group, p.33

[62]         Submission 9, ACTU, p.22

[63]         The Hon Tony Abbott, MP, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Second reading speech, The Workplace Relations Amendment (Genuine Bargaining Bill) 2002

[64]         Ms Linda Rubenstein, ACTU, Hansard, Melbourne 2 May 2002, p.17

[65]         Kryger T, Statistics Group, APL, Casual Employment, 24 August 1999, Table: Casual employees as a proportion of the total workforce (and whether full or part-time and male or female).

[66]         Mr Joe De Bruyn, SDA, Hansard, 2 May 2002, p.50

[67]         Ibid. p.45

[68]         Mr Brian Carrad, Restaurant and catering Australia, Hansard, Melbourne, 2 May 2002, p.29

Democrats Minority Report

[1] Hansard EWRE 15 Thursday 2 May 2002

[2] Some discussion of the macroeconomic effects of bargaining arrangements is provided in Workplace Relations Amendment (Genuine Bargaining) Bill 2002 Digest 125, p. 5.

[3] ABS Australian System of National Accounts, Cat. No. 5204.

[4]  ABS Average Weekly Earnings, Cat. No. 6302, ABS Consumer Price Index, Cat. No. 6401.0

[5] ABS Industrial Disputes, Cat. No. 6321.0.

[6] Supplementary Report on the Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (More Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 1999, Senator Andrew Murray: November 1999, p. 389, main report.

[7] Supplementary Report on the Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (More Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 1999, Senator Andrew Murray: November 1999, p. 389, main report.

[8] Workplace Relations Amendment (Genuine Bargaining) Bill 2002, Bills Digest, No 125, 2001-02, p1.

[9] Supplementary Report on the Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (More Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 1999, Senator Andrew Murray: November 1999, p. 397.

[10] In Australian Industry Group – and - AMWU (Print T1982, 16 October 2000), Munro J.

[11] Workplace Relations Act 1996 sect. 170LC(4)

[12] Senator Andrew Murray, Workplace Relations Amendment Bill 2000, Minority Report,  p. 51.

[13] Senator Andrew Murray, Workplace Relations Amendment Bill 2000, Minority Report,  p. 53.

[14] Senator Andrew Murray, Workplace Relations Amendment Bill 2000, Minority Report,  p. 66.

[15] Hansard EWRE 106 Friday 3 May 2002

[16] Australian Industry Group – and – AMWU (Print T1982, 16 October 2000, para. 51.

[17] Proof Committee Hansard, Senate Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Legislation Committee, Reference: Workplace Relations Amendment Bills 2002, Friday, 3 May 2002, p. 57.

[18] Proof Hansard, 2 May 2002, p.11. The AIG specifically referred to the difficulty of obtaining commission case numbers. The current Bill does not appear to go to this issue.

[19] Senator Murray: Question 16 upon notice, 24 January 2002

[20] Hamzy v Tricon International Restaurants trading as KFC (2001), FCA 1589, (16 November 2001)

[21] Supplementary Report on the Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (More Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 1999, Senator Andrew Murray: November 1999, main report., p 396.

[22] Hansard, x March 2002.

[23] DIR data supplied to the Committee by Senator Murray.

[24] The NFF for instance in written supplementary evidence indicated that NSW differences to the federal jurisdiction were problematic:”farmers continually raised concerns...”

[25] Supplementary Report on the Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (More Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 1999, Senator Andrew Murray: November 1999, main report. p. 398

[26] Hansard EWRE 107, Friday 3 May 2002

[27] Workplace Relations Amendment (Secret Ballots for Protected Action) Bill 2002 Digest, 2001-02, p. 7.

[28]John Ryan, Executive Officer Australian Catholic Commission for Employment Relations