Submissions received by the Committee as at 7 April 2009

Inquiry into the exposure drafts of the legislation to implement the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme

Submissions received by the Committee as at 7 April 2009

Sub No. Submitter

Professor Joshua Gans (PDF 456KB)

2 The committee received correspondence to its inquiry in the form of standard letters. An example of the letter is attached (PDF 44KB).  These were recieved from: Mr Ray Gomerski; Mr Ian Addison; Mr William Shumack; Mr Peter Micenko; Ms Dora Ulgade; Sinclair Knight Merz; Ms Chloe Mason; Mr Mark Campbell
3 Olivier La Mer Adair (PDF 35KB)
4 Alix Turner (PDF 116KB)
5 Dr Gideon Polya (PDF 351KB)
6 Australian Pipeline Industry Association (APIA) (PDF 814KB)
7 Mr Tom Worthington (PDF 26KB)
8 CRC for Rail Innovation (PDF 45KB)
9 Association of Tourist Railways Queensland (ATRQ) (PDF 46KB)
11 Griffin Energy (PDF 67KB)
12 Mr Simon Corbell MLA, ACT Minister for the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (PDF 66KB)
13 CITIC Pacific Mining Management Pty Ltd (PDF 165KB)
14 Cement Industry Federation (PDF 77KB)
15 Ian McGregor, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) (PDF 121KB)
16 Dr Chloe Mason (PDF 63KB)
17 Mr Des Moore (PDF 741KB)
18 Dr Klaus Weber (PDF 12KB)
19 Dr David Tranter OAM (PDF 17KB)
20 Mr Andrew Farran (PDF 15KB)
21 Energy Supply Association of Australia (PDF 1731KB)
22 Mr David Kault (PDF 9KB)
23 Quintessence (PDF 98KB)
24 Dr Judith Ajani, Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University (PDF 92KB)
25 Dr Geoffrey Davies, Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University (PDF 117KB)
26 Climate Action Canberra (PDF 22KB)
27 Australian Workers’ Union (PDF 132KB)
28 Carbon Sense Coalition (PDF 215KB)
29 Mr Gerard De Ruyter (PDF 12KB)
30 Australian Geothermal Energy Association (PDF 155KB); Attachment A (PDF 97KB); Attachment B (PDF 755KB)
31 Mr David Bath (PDF 71KB)
32 Mr Ian Dunlop (PDF 100KB)
33 Mr Barry Brook and Mr Tim Kelly (PDF 175KB)
34 Dr Andrew Glikson, Research School of Earth Science and School of Archaeology and Anthropology, The
Australian National University (PDF 648KB)
35 Locals Into Victoria's Environment (PDF 288KB)
36 Australian Plantation Products and Paper Industry Council (PDF 51KB)
37 Housing Industry Association (PDF 47KB)
38 Australian Ethical Investment (PDF 115KB)
39 Energy Networks Association (PDF 96KB)
40 Chevron Australia (PDF 54KB)

WA Farmers Federation (PDF 130KB)

42 Ms Jane Gilchrist (PDF 133KB)
43 CCIWA  (PDF 41KB)
44 Alcoa Australia Rolled Products (PDF 102KB)
45 Mr William Kininmonth (PDF 95KB); Attachment A (PDF 451KB); Attachment B (PDF 329KB)
46 Leighton Holdings (PDF 6466KB)
47 Resources Law International (PDF 224KB); Attachment A (PDF 255KB); Attachment B (PDF 182KB)
48 Mr Iain Murchland (PDF 115KB)
49 Parramatta Climate Action Network (PDF 157KB)

Australian Landfill Owners Association (ALOA) (PDF 47KB)

51 Alstrom Power Systems (PDF 195KB)
52 Cool nrg (PDF 163KB)
53 ABB Grain (PDF 601KB)
54 Australian Industry Greenhouse Network  (AIGN) (PDF 430KB)
55 Dr Peter Wood (PDF 471KB)
56 Refigerants Australia (PDF 344KB)
59 Australian Aluminium Council (PDF 189KB)

Uniting Church in Australia (PDF 426KB)

61 Airconditioning and Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturers Association (AREMA) (PDF 134KB)
62 Hydro Tasmania (PDF 169KB)
63 Rio Tinto (PDF 2066KB)
65 CSR Limited (PDF 69KB)
66 BlueScope & OneSteel (PDF 387KB)
68 Conoco Phillips (PDF 1515KB)
69 Minerals Council of Australia (PDF 654KB)

Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) (PDF 240KB)

71 DomGas Alliance (PDF 836KB); Attachment A (PDF 265KB); Attachment B (PDF 250KB)
72 InterGen Australia (PDF 26KB)
73 Australian Rail Association (PDF 300KB)
74 Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) (PDF 610KB)
75 Cement Australia (PDF 83KB)
76 Westpac (PDF 45KB)
77 Greening Australia (PDF 176KB)
78 Ms Penelope Bassett-Scarfe (PDF 123KB)
79 Total Environment Centre (PDF 219KB)

Australian Retailers Association (PDF 90KB)  

81 Santos Ltd (PDF 44KB); Attachment (PDF 23KB)
82 Greenfleet (PDF 374KB
83 Transpacific Industries Group Ltd (PDF 4092KB
84 Mr David Hamilton (PDF 104KB
85 Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association (PACIA) (PDF 87KB
86 Rising Tide Newcastle (PDF 27KB
87 Business Council of Australia (BCA) (PDF 147KB
89 Renewable Fuels Australia (RFA) (PDF 119KB

Australian Industry Group (PDF 210KB

91 National Generators Forum (PDF 247KB
92 Ms Margaret Dingle (PDF 220KB
93 CHOICE (PDF 234KB); Attachment A (PDF 1065KB); Attachment B (PDF 492KB)
94 Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) (PDF 783KB
95 Woodside Energy Ltd. (PDF 319KB
96 Investor Group on Climate Change (PDF 84KB
97 Engineers Australia (PDF 237KB
98 Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICA) (PDF 218KB); Attachment (PDF 396KB)
99 Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) (PDF 116KB

Catholic Health Australia (PDF 97KB)

102 Mr Richard Clark (PDF 45KB)
103 BP Australia   (PDF 662KB)
104 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ) (PDF 204KB)
105 The Climate Institute (PDF 308KB)
106 Australian Coal Association (ACA) (PDF 690KB)
107 Australian Bankers' Association (ABA) (PDF 165KB)
108 Climate Emergency Network (PDF 1267KB)
109 Darebin Climate Action Now (PDF 181KB)

CO2 Australia Limited (PDF 40KB)

111 Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) (PDF 217KB); Attachment A (PDF 152KB); Attachment B (PDF 131KB)
112 The Shell Company of Australia Limited (PDF 713KB)
113 Origin Energy (PDF 1111KB); Attachment (PDF 97KB)
114 Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA) (PDF 158KB)
115 Australian Institute of Petroleum Ltd (PDF 296KB)
116 Voluntary Carbon Markets Association (VCMA) (PDF 219KB)
117 Grain Growers Association (GGA) (PDF 69KB)
118 Geelong Manufacturing Council (PDF 214KB)
119 Mr Tom Quirk (PDF 84KB); Supplementary Submission (PDF 40KB); Attachment (PDF 36KB)
120 Mr Philip Clark (PDF 206KB)
121 Mr Mark Lewis (PDF 135KB)
122 Dandenong Ranges Renewable Energy Association (PDF 42KB)

Energy Networks Association (ENA) (PDF 4294KB)

124 Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry  (ACCI) (PDF 271KB)
125 Taxation Institute of Australia (PDF 57KB)
126 Professor R.M. Carter, James Cook University (PDF 1049KB); Attachment A (PDF 232KB); Attachment B (PDF 1880KB); Attachment C (PDF 106KB); Attachment D (PDF 2108KB)
127 Families Fighting Climate Change (PDF 218KB)
128 Caltex Australia (PDF 168KB)

Chamber of Minerals and Energy of WA (CMEWA) (PDF 443KB)

130 Dr Bob Such MP (PDF 50KB)
132 Mr Tom Quirk (PDF 158KB)

FS Hespe (PDF 2923KB)

134 Mr Simon Corbell, MLA (PDF 65KB)
135 Genesse & Wyoming (PDF 77KB)
136 Mr Chris Reilly (PDF 462KB)
137 Freehills (PDF 12KB)
138 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia (PDF 543KB)
139 The Fair Farming Association (PDF 18KB)
140 Mr Robert Stringer (PDF 22KB)

Australian Conservation Foundation (PDF 259KB)

142 Environment Business Australia (PDF 16KB); Attachment (PDF 124KB)

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540
Fax: +61 2 6277 5719