Submissions received by the Committee

Inquiry into Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Welfare Reform and Reinstatement of Racial Discrimination Act) Bill 2009 and the Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (2009 Measures) Bill 2009 along with the Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Restoration of Racial Discrimination Act) Bill 2009

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No. Submitter  


Oliver, Mr Andrew

(PDF 26KB)


Nicholls, Ms Anthea

(PDF 20KB)


Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS)

(PDF 71KB)


Yearly Meeting Indigenous Concerns Committee (YMICC) of The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia

(PDF 39KB)


Las Casas Dominican Centre

(PDF 127KB)


National Council of Churches in Australia (NATSIEC)

(PDF 52KB)


Settlement Council of Australia

(PDF 75KB)


Law Institute of Victoria

(PDF 592KB)


Community Child Care

(PDF 38KB)


The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Regional Victoria

(PDF 71KB)


Billings, Dr Peter and Cassimatis, Dr Anthony

(PDF 221KB)


Nura Gili Indigenous Programs, University of New South Wales

(PDF 275KB)


Western Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS)

(PDF 223KB)


Pensioners and Superannuants Association

(PDF 67KB)



(PDF 91KB)


St Vincent de Paul Society National Council of Australia

(PDF 687KB)


Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS)

(PDF 170KB)


Human Rights Law Resource Centre

(PDF 263KB)


Amnesty International Australia

(PDF 4294KB)


Carers Australia

(PDF 100KB)


Office of the Privacy Commissioner

(PDF 214KB)


Public Interest Law Clearing House (PILCH)

(PDF 320KB)


Australian Indigenous Communications Association (AICA)

(PDF 717KB)


Reconciliation Australia

(PDF 615KB)


Annetts, Mr Joe

(PDF 109KB)


Merckenschlager, Mr Max



Egan, Sr Patricia

(PDF 107KB)


Aboriginal Catholic Social Services (ACSS)

(PDF 635KB)


Family Relationship Services Australia (FRSA)

(PDF 205KB)


Federation of Community Legal Centres (Vic) Inc (FCLC)

(PDF 222KB)


National Association of Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN)

(PDF 134KB)


Small, Ms Pauline




(PDF 60KB)


Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

(PDF 126KB)


Intervention Rollback Action Group (IRAG)

(PDF 196KB)

36 Paterson, Ms Jane (PDF 545KB)
37 Healy, Dr Joan (PDF 14KB)
38 Chester, Ms Leonie Nampijinpa (PDF 43KB)
39 Heysen, Ms Kerry (PDF 34KB)
40 Ryan, Ms Genevieve (PDF 4KB)
41 Edge, Ms Jennifer (PDF 40KB)
42 Lynn, Ms Joan (PDF 5KB)
43 Radman, Ms Patricia (PDF 400KB)
44 Leahy, Dr Micheal (PDF 70KB)
45 van Ruth, Sr Katrina (PDF 22KB)
46 Rich, Ms Bianca (PDF 13KB)
47 White, Ms Pilawuk (PDF 20KB)
48 Madigan, Sr Michele (PDF 27KB)
49 McMahon, Mr John (PDF 12KB)
50 Altman, Professor Jon (PDF 47KB)
51 Michele Harris spokesperson for group of concerned Australians (PDF 1137KB)
52 National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) (PDF 334KB)
53 Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (AYAC) (PDF 143KB)
54 National Council of Single Mothers and their Children Inc (PDF 45KB)
55 Tangentyere Council, Central Australian Youth Link-Up Service (CAYLUS) (PDF 1036KB)
56 Victorian Council for Civil Liberties (PDF 63KB)
57 Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, University of Technology, Sydney (PDF 755KB)
58 ANU National Centre for Indigenous Studies, ANU College of Law (PDF 363KB)
59 Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory (AMSANT) (PDF 337KB)
60 Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (ANTaR) (PDF 58KB)
61 Central Land Council (CLC) (PDF 501KB)
62 The Fred Hollows Foundation (PDF 893KB)
63 Catholic Social Services Australia (PDF 38KB)
64 Good Shepherd Youth and Family Service (PDF 69KB)
65 Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) Indigenous Committee (PDF 25KB)
66 Brotherhood of St Laurence (PDF 241KB)
67 Sole Parents' Union (PDF 217KB)
68 North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA) (PDF 851KB)
69 Law Society Northern Territory (PDF 39KB)
70 Women's Electoral Lobby Australia (PDF 218KB)
71 Distaff Associates (PDF 88KB)
72 The Salvation Army Australia Southern Territory (PDF 206KB)
73 Regulatory Institutions Network (RegNet) (PDF 174KB)
74 Central Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service (CAALAS) (PDF 392KB)
75 Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission (PDF 12727KB)
76 Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) (PDF 571KB)
77 National Welfare Rights Network (PDF 839KB)
78 Judge, Ms Celia (PDF 5KB)
79 Australian Financial Counselling and Credit Reform Association (AFCCRA) (PDF 184KB)
80 Laynhapuy Homelands Association (PDF 114KB)
81 Northern Land Council (PDF 51KB)
82 Northern Territory Government (PDF 314KB)
83 Law Council of Australia
Supplementary Submission, received 4 March 2010 (PDF 57KB)
(PDF 164KB)
84 Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse (PDF 178KB)
85 Women’s Refuge Movement Working Party (PDF 105KB)
86 Oxfam Australia (PDF 66KB)
87 Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney (STICS) (PDF 180KB)
88 Sydney Centre for International Law, Faculty of Law (PDF 52KB)
89 Reconciliation for Western Sydney (PDF 42KB)
90 Finter, Ms Deidre (PDF 158KB)
91 UnitingCare Australia (PDF 336KB)
92 National Foundation for Australian Women (PDF 64KB)
93 Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara, Women's Council (Aboriginal Corporation) (PDF 460KB)
  Attachment 1 (PDF 253KB) Attachment 2 (PDF 96KB) Attachment 3 (PDF 205KB)  
94 Bennelong & Surrounds Residents for Reconciliation (PDF 17KB)
95 Kacha, Ms Sabine (PDF 135KB)

Documents Tabled at hearings

1 Menzies School of Research, tabled at hearing 15.2.10.
(PDF 256KB)

Northern Territory Government, tabled at hearing 15.2.10*
Territory 2030 Strategic Plan Summary 2009.
Territory 2030 Strategic Plan 2009.
A Working Future, information brochures.

3 Central Land Council, tabled at hearing 17.02.10 (PDF 518KB)
4 Mrs Barbara Shaw, tabled at hearing 17.02.10  
  United Nationals Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples  
  This is What We Said: Australian Aboriginal people give their views on the Northern Territory Intervention  
  Will They be Heard? – a response to the NTER Consultations June to August 2009 (PDF 1854KB)
5 Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs*  
  House of Representatives, Second Reading Speech, Hansard, 25.11.09.  
  Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Welfare Reform and Reinstatement of Racial Discrimination Act) Bill 2009 Explanatory Memorandum.  
  Media Release, Comprehensive consultation on redesigning the Northern Territory Emergency Response, 23.11.09.
Media Release, Major welfare reforms to protect children and strengthen families, 25.11.09.
Media Release, Strengthening the Northern Territory Emergency Response, 25.11.09.
Media Release, Children eating healthier food in NTER communities, 15.12.09.
Media Release, Towards a sustainable development phase: Discussion paper on Future Directions for the NTER, 21.05.09.
  Future Directions for the Northern Territory Emergency Response, Discussion Paper, FaHCSIA.
Report on the Northern Territory Emergency Response Redesign Consultations, FaHCSIA.
Report on the NTER Redesign Engagement Strategy and Implementation, Final Report, Cultural & Indigenous Research Centre Australia, September 2009.
Northern Territory Emergency Response Taskforce, Final Report to Government, June 2008.
Survey of Government Business Managers Relation to the Impact of the Northern Territory Emergency Response, Report of Findings, July 2008.
Central Land Council Submission to the NTER Review, FaHCSIA.
Final Stores Post Licensing Monitoring Report, 66 Stores.
Community Feedback on the Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER) Research Report, September 2008, FaHCSIA.
Report on the evaluation of income management in the Northern Territory.
6 Law Council of Australia, tabled at hearing 25.2.10
Corrigendum to submission 83
(PDF 55KB)
  United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people, James Anaya  
  Policy Statement, Indigenous Australians and the Legal Profession, February 2010.
Background Paper, Policy Statement on Indigenous Australians and the Legal Profession, February 2010
7 Brotherhood of St Lawrence, tabled at hearing 26.2.10
Summary of key points
(PDF 1382KB)
8 ANGLICARE Australia, tabled at hearing 26.10.09  
  Case Study – September 2008, Jo Wickes – The Magdalene Centre (PDF 530KB)
  Case Study – Making Ends Meet (PDF 591KB)
  St Luke's Anglicare, The Early Years Program (PDF 1159KB)
  Case Study – December 2009, Financial Counselling (PDF 522KB)
  Memo, Policy Unit, Income Management or Case Management? (PDF 1344KB)
9 UnitingCare, tabled at hearing 26.10.09  
  Evidence tabled by UnitingCare Australia and Anglicare Australia – 26 February 2010. (PDF 3237KB)
  Media Release, Services get better value for money and produce better outcomes than involuntary income management, 25 February 2010. (PDF 358KB)
  Because Children and Families Matter, Delivering on the National Reform Agenda, November 2009. (PDF 1071KB)
  *These documents are readily accessible on the relevant organisation's website.  

Additional Information received

1 Amnesty International Australia
Additional information following hearing 11.02.10, received 25.02.10
(PDF 567KB)
Response to Questions on Notice 1- 27, 29 -33, following hearing 04.02.10
QoN1 (PDF 6KB) QoN2 (PDF 5KB) QoN3 (PDF 11KB) QoN4 (PDF 34KB)
QoN5 (PDF 9KB) QoN6 (PDF 6KB) QoN7a (PDF 18KB) QoN7b (PDF 11KB)
QoN8 (PDF 5KB) QoN9 (PDF 6KB) QoN10 (PDF 5KB) QoN11 (PDF 6KB)
QoN12 (PDF 12KB) QoNs13-14, 16-27 (PDF 64KB) QoN15 (PDF 6KB)
QoN29-32 (PDF 20KB) QoN33 (PDF 6KB)
Attachments to QoN22 (PDF 47KB) (PDF 35KB) (PDF 38KB) (PDF 42KB) (PDF 56KB)
Supplement to QoN3, received 22.07.10 (PDF 87KB)
3 Northern Territory Government
Response to Questions on Notice 1-12, following hearing 15.02.10
(PDF 100KB)
4 North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency
Response to Question on Notice, following hearing 15.02.10
(PDF 57KB)
5 Dr Peter Billings and Dr Andrew Cassimatis
Response to Question on Notice, following hearing 25.02.10
(PDF 27KB)
6 Welfare Rights Network
Response to Question on Notice, following hearing 25.02.10
(PDF 165KB)
7 Australian Council of Social Service
Response to Question on Notice, following hearing 26.02.10
(PDF 39KB)
8 Central Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service (CAALAS)
Response to Question on Notice, following hearing 17.02.10
(PDF 36KB)
9 Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory (AMSANT)
Response to Question on Notice, following hearing 15.02.10
(PDF 34KB)
10 Ms Weinman and Professor Bailey
Response to Question on Notice, following hearing 25.02.10
(PDF 11KB)
11 Welfare Rights Centre
Additional comments, following hearing 25.02.10
(PDF 29KB)
12 Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS)
Addendum, following hearing 17.02.10
(PDF 28KB)

Response to Questions on Notice

(PDF 163KB)

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515
Fax: +61 2 6277 5829