Projects valued between $5 million and $15 million - Medium works

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works receives notification of all works with a proposed cost over
$5 million*. Those works estimated to be over $15 million are referred by Parliament in order for the Committee to undertake a full public inquiry. Those works undertaken on behalf of the Commonwealth with a proposed cost over $5 million and under $15 million are notified to the Committee as ‘medium works’. Agencies are required to notify the Committee of medium works prior to tenders being called for the works.

In the interests of transparency and accountability, the Committee, with the agreement of the Minister for Finance, has resolved to publish the following information about the medium works of which it is notified:

This information will be published and updated regularly on the Committee’s website.

List of Works (PDF 850KB)

Dates and Deadlines for Medium Works Notifications

Medium Works notifications are considered on the Thursday of every joint sitting week (see Parliamentary Sitting Calendar). To be considered notifications must be provided to the Secretariat ( eight working days prior (usually COB Monday the week prior to the scheduled meeting). 

* From 1 January 2023 the lower medium works threshold was increased from $2 million to $5 million.

About this committee

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works is constituted by the Public Works Committee Act 1969. The Committee conducts inquiries into matters referred to it by either House of the Parliament or the Governor-General pursuant to the provisions of s18 of the Public Works Committee Act 1969.

PWC Procedure Manual

UPDATED - PWC Procedure Manual - December 2022

Notification of Medium Works Template

Notification of Medium Works Template 

Track this Committee

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 4636