Media Releases

  • Committee to scrutinise over $266 million in Defence Public Works

    At a public hearing on 13 October 2021 the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works will scrutinise a proposal from the Department of Defence for over $266 million in public works supporting Australia’s Integrated Air and Missile Defence program.

    Media release issue date: Tuesday, 12 October 2021

    Committee Secretariat contact:

    Committee Secretary
    Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works
    PO Box 6021
    Parliament House
    Canberra ACT 2600

    Phone: +61 2 6277 4636

    About this inquiry

    To inquire into and report on the Department of Defence – Facilities to support LAND 19 Phase 7B Short Range Ground Base Air Defence, RAAF Base Edinburgh, South Australia

    Past Public Hearings

    13 Oct 2021: Canberra


    Inquiry Status

    Report Tabled


    If you require any special arrangements to enable you to participate in the Committee's inquiry, please contact the Committee Secretariat.

    Further information regarding accessibility can be found at