Completed inquiries and reports

Report name Date tabled
Report 504: Inquiry into procurement at Services Australia and the NDIA - Final Report  26 June 2024
Report 503: Inquiry into the Defence Major Projects Report 2020-21 and 2021-22 and Procurement of Hunter Class Frigates - Final Report  26 June 2024
Report 502: The never-ending quest for the golden thread - Inquiry into probity and ethics in the Australian public sector     26 June 2024
Budget Statement on the 2024-25 Draft Estimates for the Australian National Audit Office and the Parliamentary Budget Office
 14 May 2024
Report 501 Annual Report 2022-23  15 November 2023
Report 499: Inquiry into the Annual Performance Statements 2021-22 2023  17 October 2023
Report 500: Inquiry into procurement at Services Australia and the NDIA - Interim Report  13 September 2023
Report 498: 'Commitment issues' - An inquiry into Commonwealth procurement  9 August 2023
Report 497 Inquiry into Commonwealth Financial Statements 2021–22  29 June 2023
Report 496 Inquiry into the Defence Major Projects Report 2020-21 and 2021-22 and Procurement of Hunter Class Frigates - Interim Report   29 June 2023
Report 495 Inquiry into Commonwealth Grants Administration  29 June 2023
Budget Statement on the 2023-24 Draft Estimates for the Australian National Audit Office and the Parliamentary Budget Office.  09 May 2023

Report 494 Inquiry into the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s crisis management arrangement

 30 March 2023

Report 493 Annual Report 2021-22  25 October 2022

Budget Statement on the 2022-23 Draft Estimates for the Australian National Audit Office and the Parliamentary Budget Office.  25 October 2022

Lapsed Inquiries
Commonwealth investments to achieve policy objectives
Implementation of COVID-19 measures
Report name Date tabled
Report 492 Governance in the Stewardship of Public Resources
Parliamentary Paper: TBA
12 April 2022
Report 491 Review of the Auditor-General Act 1997
Parliamentary Paper: TBA
31 March 2022
Report 490 Alternative Financing Mechanisms
Parliamentary paper: TBA
31 March 2022
Report 489 Defence Major Projects Report 2019-20
Parliamentary Paper: TBA
31 March 2022
Report 488 Commonwealth Financial Statements 2019-20
Parliamentary Paper: TBA
31 March 2022
Statement on the 2022-23 Draft Estimates for the Australian National Audit Office and the Parliamentary Budget Office 29 March 2022
Report 487 Annual Report 2020-21
Parliamentary Paper: TBA
2 December 2021
Report 486 Regulatory Activities
Parliamentary Paper: 251/2021
24 August 2021
Statement on the 2021-22 Draft Estimates for the Australian National Audit Office and the Parliamentary Budget Office 11 May 2021
Report 485 Cyber Resilience
Parliamentary Paper: 570/2020
9 December 2020
Report 484 The Administration of Government Grants
Parliamentary Paper: 549/2020
7 December 2020
Report 483 Inquiry into the 2018-19 Defence Major Projects Report and the Future Submarine Project - Transition to Design
Parliamentary Paper: 548/2020
7 December 2020
Report 482 Review of the Operations of the Parliamentary Budget Office 2019-20
Parliamentary Paper: 466/2020
19 October 2020
Report 480.1 Annual Report (2019-20)
Parliamentary Paper: 465/2020
19 October 2020
Statement on the 2020-21 Draft Estimates for the Australian National Audit Office and the Parliamentary Budget Office 6 October 2020
Report 481 Efficiency and Effectiveness
Parliamentary Paper: 120/2020
15 June 2020

Report 480: Annual Report (2018-19)
Parliamentary Paper: 536/2019
Executive Minute: Response to Report 480, tabled 19 October 2020

5 December 2019


Lapsed Inquiries
Inquiry into Australian Government Contract Reporting
Inquiry into Cyber Resilience

Report Name Date Tabled
Statement on the draft budget estimates for the Australian National Audit Office and the Parliamentary Budget Office (PDF 124KB)
2 April 2019
Report 479 Australian Government Security Arrangements
Parliamentary Paper: 114/2019
2 April 2019

Report 478 Issuing of a Certificate under section 37 of the Auditor-General Act 1997
Parliamentary Paper: 113/2019

2 April 2019
Report 477 Commonwealth Financial Statements - Second Report, and Foreign Investment in Real Estate
Parliamentary Paper: 112/2019
2 April 2019
Report 476 Australian Government Funding
Parliamentary Paper: 40/2019
14 February 2019
Report 475 Defence First Principles Review, Naval Construction and Mental Health in the AFP
Parliamentary Paper: 39/2019
14 February 2019
Report 473 Defence Major Projects Report (2016-17)
Parliamentary Paper: 306/2018
18 September 2018
Report 472 Commonwealth Procurement - Second Report
Parliamentary Paper: 387/2018
17 October 2018
Report 474 Annual Report 2017-18
Parliamentary Paper: 247/2018
14 August 2018
Updated Australian National Audit Office 2018-19 Budget Submission (PDF 882KB) 21 May 2018 (published)
Statement on the draft budget estimates for the Australian National Audit Office and the Parliamentary Budget Office (PDF 91KB)
View statement in hypertext markup language- (HTML)
8 May 2018

Report 471 Security of Overseas Missions
Parliamentary Paper: 143/2018

8 May 2018
Review by correspondence
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority - ANAO Report No. 56 (2016-17) (PDF 2,185KB)
NBN Co Ltd - ANAO Report No. 16 (2017-18) (PDF 1,303KB)
Australia Council for the Arts -ANAO Report No. 7 (2017-18) (PDF 193KB)
National Disability Insurance Agency -ANAO Report No. 13 (2017-18) (PDF 2,791KB)
Report 470 Defence Sustainment Expenditure
Parliamentary Paper: 66/2018
20 March 2018
Report 469 CommonwealthPerformance Framework
Parliamentary Paper:546/2017
6 December 2017

Report 468 Defence Major Projects Report (2015-16)
Parliamentary Paper: 383/2017

26 October 2017
Report 467 Cybersecurity Compliance
Parliamentary Paper: 382/2017
25 October 2017
Report 466 Annual Report 2016-17
Parliamentary Paper: 299/2017
12 September 2017
Report 465 Commonwealth Procurement
Parliamentary Paper:316/2017
14 September 2017
Report 464 Commonwealth Grants Administration
Parliamentary Paper: 294/2017
5 September 2017

Report 463 Commonwealth Financial Statements
Parliamentary Paper: 293/2017

5 September 2017
Report 462 Commonwealth Infrastructure Spending
Parliamentary Paper: 209/2017
21 June 2017
Report 461 Commonwealth Risk Management
Parliamentary Paper: 136/2017
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10 May 2017

Statement on the draft budget estimates for the Australian National Audit Office and the Parliamentary Budget Office (PDF 858KB)
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9 May 2017

Parliamentary Budget Office Independent Review 2016-17

March 2017
Report 460: Public Sector Governance
Parliamentary Paper: 30/2017
16 February 2017

Report 459 Annual Report 2015-16 (PDF 712KB)
Parliamentary Paper: 377/2016
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9 November 2016

Report name Date tabled
Report 458: Defence Major Projects Report (2014-15)
Parliamentary Paper: 127/2016
5 May 2016 
Report 457: Development of the Commonwealth Performance Framework - Second Report
Parliamentary Paper: 126/2016
5 May 2016

Report 456: Defence Major Equipment Procurement and Evaluation, and Great Barrier Reef Regulation
Parliamentary Paper: 125/2016

5 May 2016

Statement on the draft budget estimates for the Australian National Audit Office and the Parliamentary Budget Office (PDF 841KB)
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3 May 2016
Correspondence on Review of Independent Auditor Report, Review of Communication Processes: ANAO (PDF 124KB) 17 March 2016 

Report 455: Parliamentary Delegation to New Zealand and Fiji by Members of the JCPAA (PDF 849KB)
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Government Response - Australian Public Service Commission - Recommendation 1 - (PDF 101KB)
Government Response - Australian Bureau of Statistics - Recommendation 2 - (PDF 1MB)
Parliamentary Paper: 35/2016

22 February 2016
Report 454: Early years quality fund
Parliamentary Paper: 34/2016
22 February 2016
Report 453: Development of the Commonwealth Performance Framework
Parliamentary Paper: 484/2015
18 December 2015 
Report 452: Natural Disaster Recovery; Centrelink Telephone Services; and Safer Streets Program
Parliamentary Paper: 483/2015
7 December 2015 
Report 451: Community Pharmacy Agreements
Parliamentary Paper: 440/2015
23 November 2015
Report 450: Annual Report 2014-15 (PDF 213KB)
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Parliamentary Paper: 251/2015
7 September 2015

Report 449: Regional Development Australia Fund, Military Equipment Disposal and Tariff Concessions
Parliamentary Paper: 203/2015

Note: Report 449 refers to the following inquiries:

11 August 2015 
Statement on the appointment of the Auditor-General, 25 May 2015 (PDF 20KB) 25 May 2015
Report 448: Review of the 2013-14 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report
Parliamentary Paper: 137/2015
25 May 2015
Statement on the draft budget estimates for the Australian National Audit Office and the Parliamentary Budget Office (PDF 90KB)
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12 May 2015
Report 447: EPBC Act, Cyber Security, Mail Screening, ABR and Helicopter Program
Parliamentary Paper: 57/2015
2 March 2015
Report 446: Review of the Operations of the Parliamentary Budget Office
Parliamentary Paper: 434/2014
1 December 2014
Report 445: Regional Cities Program, KPIs and Medicare
Parliamentary Paper: 198/2014
22 September 2014

Report 444: Annual Report 2013-14
Parliamentary Paper: 197/2014

22 September 2014
Report 443: Review of Auditor-General’s Reports Nos. 23 and 25 (2012-13) and 32 (2012-13) to 9 (2013-14)
Parliamentary Paper: 91/2014
16 June 2014
Report 442: Inquiry into the 2012-13 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report
Parliamentary Paper: 83/2014
26 May 2014
Report 441: Inquiry into Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 Rules Development
Parliamentary Paper: 74/2014
13 May 2014
Statement on the draft budget estimates for the Australian National Audit Office and the Parliamentary Budget Office (PDF 93KB)
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13 May 2014

Earlier reports of the Joint Committee on Public Accounts and Audit are available at the following pages:

Register of Committee Reports: