Report 504: Inquiry into procurement at Services Australia and the NDIA

REPORT - June 2024

List of recommendations

2.48The Committee recommends that the National Disability Insurance Agency provides it with a detailed update on its own internal investigations into matters arising from the Watt Review, and its subsequent actions, at six months and again at 12 months from the date of this report.

2.49The Committee recommends that the National Disability Insurance Agency updates it on the continuing implementation of the PACE system, including an assessment of value for money, productivity, user experience, and improved outcomes, at six months and again at 12 months from the date of this report.

2.50The Committee recommends that the National Disability Insurance Agency provide an update in December 2024 regarding progress in the realisation of cost savings and anti-fraud measures as a result of the new PACE system.

2.51The Committee recommends that the Department of Finance and the Digital Transformation Agency take appropriate action to understand the extent to which inappropriate cultivation of Commonwealth officials may be occurring as a result of hospitality and gifts by major ICT vendors.

2.52The Committee recommends that the Australian National Audit Office consider the evidence and issues raised in this inquiry and consider further audits in relation to gifts and hospitality issues in the public sector to identify practices of concern, raise awareness, and help to build ethical cultures that operate with probity. This may include exercising its powers to obtain information from private sector entities that contract to the Commonwealth, in relation to gifts and hospitality provided to public officials.
