Additional comments

Additional comments

1.1Coalition committee members propose an additional recommendation that Defence be required to report to the Minister for Defence and Minister for Defence Industry on significant scope variations that will impact on cost. A threshold should also be set that will trigger this reporting. Significant scope and schedule variations should also be reported.

1.2Coalition members disagree with the characterisation in paragraph 1.23 in relation to design and maturity of the type 26 on which the Hunter is based is an evolution of the type 3.

1.3Coalition members believe some of the language used throughout this report is inflammatory and does not reflect the views of all members of the committee.

Recommendation 1

1.4Coalition members of the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit recommend that the Department of Defence be required to report to the Minister for Defence and Minister for Defence Industry on significant scope variations that will impact on cost. In addition to this:

  • a threshold should also be set that will trigger this reporting; and
  • significant scope and schedule variations should also be reported.

Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC

Deputy Chair

Senator the Hon Matthew CanavanMr Ian Goodenough MP

Mr Henry Pike MPMr Aaron Violi MP