On 5 February 2020, having considered recently tabled Auditor-General’s Reports, the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit resolved to conduct an inquiry into the following Auditor-General’s Reports:
No. 1 (2019-20) Cyber Resilience of Government Business Enterprises and Corporate Commonwealth Entities
No. 13 (2019-20) Implementation of the My Health Record System
Under section 8(1) of the Public Accounts and Audit Committee Act 1951, the Committee is required to ‘examine all reports of the Auditor-General (including reports of the results of performance audits) that are tabled in each House of the Parliament’ and ‘report to both Houses of the Parliament, with any comment it thinks fit, on any items or matters in those reports, or any circumstances connected with them, that the Committee thinks should be drawn to the attention of the Parliament’.