The Committee recommends that the ANAO, in conjunction where appropriate with the Department of Defence, considers ways to improve the clarity of the MPR, with an emphasis on making the report more understandable to readers who may not have technical knowledge of defence terminology. This could include the following:
A “Definitions” section in the MPR, with contextual descriptions of terms that may have specific technical meaning that is unique to the Department of Defence, such as constant costs, out-turned costs, risk, Projects of Interest, Projects of Concern, Initial Materiel Release, Initial Operational Capability, Final Materiel Release and Final Operation Capability, to improve the readability and accessibility of the MPR for the Parliament and the public. It is suggested that the ANAO consult with the Department of Defence to agree consistent definitions to be used in preparing the MPR;
A section explaining the technical definitions of the use of the term ‘risk’ in the context of the MPR, including a brief description of the nature of high or extreme risks requiring disclosure. The explanation should have scope to allow the Department of Defence to discuss the risks of individual projects within the Project Data Summary Sheets.