Appendix 1

Submissions and additional information


1.                     Sunnyfield

2.                     Community Living Association Inc

3.                     Goldfields Individual & Family Support Association Inc.

4.                     Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA)

5.                     LISA Inc

6.                     MJD Foundation Ltd

7.                     Anglicare Australia

8.                     Disability Council NSW and NSW Carers Advisory Council

9.                     Cara

10.                   The Shepherd Centre - for deaf children

11.                   Catholic Social Services Australia

12.                   JacksonRyan Partners

13.                   One Door

14.                   Community Mental Health Australia

15.                   DARE Disability Support

16.                   Thorndale Foundation

17.                   Family Advocacy

18.                   The Ella Centre

19.                   Speech Pathology Australia

20.                   Australian Physiotherapy Association

21.                   Uniting Country SA

22.                   VICSERV

23.                   NACCHO

24.                   Launch Housing

25.                   Public Service Research Group, UNSW Canberra

26.                   National Disability Services

27.                   Aspect

28.                   Dietitians Association of Australia

29.                   The Centre for Excellence in Child & Family Welfare

30.                   Victorian Healthcare Association

31.                   Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association

32.                   Making Connections Together

33.                   Royal Institute for Deaf & Blind Children

34.                   Enable Western Australia Inc.

35.                   Australian Orthotic Prosthetic Association

36.                   IDRS

37.                   Buzza

38.                   Queensland Alliance for Mental Health

39.                   Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia

40.                   Name Withheld

41.                   Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals

42.                   Prader-Willi Syndrome Australia

43.                   MHCSA

44.                   Merri Health

45.                   Hear and Say

46.                   Occupational Therapy Australia

47.                   Department of Health and Human Services

48.                   Queenslanders with Disability Network Ltd

49.                   Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia

50.                   The Australian Psychological Society Limited

51.                   Autism Specific Early Learning and Care Centre

52.                   National Disability Insurance Agency

53.                   Dr Natasha Cortis

54.                   Maurice Blackburn Lawyers

55.                   The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

56.                   Helping Minds

57.                   South Australian Office of the Public Advocate

58.                   Flinders University

59.                   Mental Health of Young People with Developmental Disabilities

60.                   Mental Health Council of Tasmania

61.                   Queensland Advocacy Incorporated

62.                   AEIOU Foundation

63.                   The Royal Australian College of Physicians

64.                   Municipal Association of Victoria

65.                   Community Lifestyle Accommodation Ltd

66.                   Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation

67.                   Brotherhood of St Laurence

68.                   Northcott

69.                   Australian Services Union

70.                   Noah's Ark Inc

71.                   Summer Foundation

72.                   Community and Public Sector Union

73.                   Bega Valley Shire Council

74.                   People With Disability Australia

75.                   Mental Health Australia

76.                   Office of the Public Guardian

77.                   Ability Options

78.                   Nardy House Inc

79.                   Future Social Service Institute

80.                   Volunteering Australia

81.                   Victorian Council of Social Service

82.                   Office of the Public Advocate

83.                   Health Issues Centre

84.                   Australian Association of Social Workers

85.                   Law Council of Australia

86.                   Leadership Plus

87.                   The Benevolent Society

88.                   Associate Professor Melanie Randle

89.                   Integra

90.                   Victorian Government

91.                   Victoria Legal Aid

92.                   UnitingCare Australia

93.                   Legal Aid New South Wales

94.                   Name Withheld

95.                   Name Withheld

96.                   Council for Intellectual Disability

97.                   Whole Family Health

98.                   Western Australian Government


100.               Therapy Focus

101.               Queensland Government

102.               Monash University and Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine

Additional information

1.      Additional Information from Professor Gwynnyth Lewellyn, arising from a Sydney Public hearing 4 July 2018, received 9 July 2018

2.      Additional information from Dr Ken Baker, NDIS essentaisl issues getting transport, arising from Sydney Public hearing 4 July 2018, received 13 July 2018.  

Answers to questions on notice

1.      Answers to questions taken on notice by the NDIA at a public hearing in Cairns on 1 March 2018.

2.      Answers to questions taken on notice by the NDIA at a public hearing in Kalgoorlie on 18 April 2018

3.      Answers to questions taken on notice by the Western Australian Government at a public hearing in Perth pn 17 April 2018.

4.      Answers to questions taken on notice by the Victorian Healthcare Association in Melbourne on 14 June 2018.

5.      Answers to questions taken on notice by DSS at a public hearing in Sydney on 4 July 2018.

Tabled Documents

1.      Tabled documents from a public hearing held in Cairns on 14 March 2018, received from Workability on 14 March 2018

2.      Tabled documents from a public hearing held in Cairns on 14 March 2018, received from NDIA on 14 March 2018

3.      Tabled documents from a public hearing held in Townsville on 15 March 2018, received from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for disabled and respite care, received on 15 March 2018

4.      Tabled documents from a public hearing held in Townsville on 15 March 2018, received from AbbaCare on 15 March 2018

5.      Tabled ducuments annual report from a public hearing held in Townsville on 15 March 2018, received from Independent Advocacy in the Tropics Inc on 15 March 2018

6.      Tabled ducuments from a public hearing held in Townsville on 15 March 2018, received from Independent Advocacy in the Tropics Inc on 15 March 2018

7.      Tabled documents from a public hearing held in Kalgoorlie on 18 April 2018, received from Life Without Barriers on 18 April 2018

8.      Tabled documents from a public hearing held in Kalgoorlie on 18 April 2018, received from Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia on 18 April 2018

9.      Tabled documents from a public hearing held in Perth on 17 April 2018, received from Professor Gilchrist on 17 April 2018

10.  Tabled documents from a public hearing held in Perth on 17 April 2018, received from Professor Gilchrist on 17 April 2018

11.  Tabled documents from a public hearing held in Perth on 17 April 2018, received from Professor Gilchrist on 17 April 2018

12.  Tabled documents from a public hearing held in Melbourne on 14 June 2018, Cash for care under the NDIS, received from Dr Fiona Macdonald on 14 June 2018

13.  Tabled documents from a public hearing held in Melbourne on 14 June 2018, Wage theft, underpayment and unpaid work in marketised social care, received from Dr Fiona Macdonald on 14 June 2018

14.  Tabled documents from a public hearing held in Melbourne on 14 June 2018, Reasonable, necessary and valued: Pricing disability services for quality support and decent jobs, received from Dr Fiona Macdonald on 14 June 2018.

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