Chapter 2
Background and key issues
Enabling people with disability to have choice and control over their
lives is one of the central tenets of the National Disability Insurance Scheme
At present, Australians with disability are not assured of access to housing
suitable for their needs. This has long been an issue of local, state and
national concern. As noted in the committee's 2015 report, the lack of adequate
housing can significantly limit people's ability to fully exercise choice and
control. Ultimately it restricts their ability to participate in society and live
an ordinary life.[2]
Addressing the shortage of suitable housing and increasing access in a
meaningful way requires understanding that Australians with disability are not
a homogenous group; their needs and preferences are varied. Recognition of this
is the key to improving, both quantitatively and qualitatively, access to
suitable housing.
This chapter discusses the barriers which impede access to suitable
housing. Possible ways of improving the system are outlined in chapter three.
Accommodation has been repeatedly raised with the committee by participants, families, carers, advocacy
groups, providers and other stakeholders. In the past year, accommodation has been raised in public and in-camera
hearings and private meetings. Subsequently, the committee
sought advice from relevant government
agencies on this issue.
The committee understands the Department of Social Services (DSS) and
the state and territory governments are currently undertaking work around
housing capacity and funding options, primarily as part of the negotiations of
the bilateral agreements between the Commonwealth and state and territories for
the transition to the full NDIS. Negotiations are ongoing to develop a
framework for funding participants and/or providers for specialist disability
housing, including the financial appreciation treatment of land acquired or land
associated with existing buildings. This work may also include a suite of
prices or adjustments (loadings) for geography, accommodation type, occupancy
(individual or group based) or other factors as appropriate.[3]
A 'Housing Discussion Paper'[4]
was developed by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) in early 2014.
The committee was aware of the paper, but did not see a copy until July 2015
when it was released as a result of the National Disability Services' Freedom
of Information request. The paper discusses what accommodation options the
NDIS will support and how it will be funded.
2015 Senate Community Affairs
References Committee inquiry
In 2015, the Senate Community Affairs References Committee inquired into
the Adequacy of Residential Care Arrangements Available in Australia for
Young People with Severe Physical, Mental or Intellectual Disabilities. For
the purposes of the inquiry, young people were defined as those under 65 years
of age. Among a series of targeted recommendations, the committee called on the
NDIS committee to conduct an inquiry into the issue of disability housing.[5]
National Disability Agreement
The National Disability Agreement (NDA) was developed by the
Commonwealth, state and territory governments in 2009. The Agreement is
intended to be in place until the full rollout of the NDIS. The Agreement is
clear in stating that:
It is the role of the states and territories to deliver
specialist disability services such as disability supported accommodation,
respite and community support services such as therapy, early childhood
interventions, life skills and case management. These responsibilities remain
in place prior to the full rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.[6]
In 2011, under the NDA's auspices, a National Disability Research and
Development Agenda was designed to focus on research issues that impact people
with disability, across a whole range of sectors including education, transport
and health. Future policy decisions are intended underpinned by evidence
provided through this Agenda.[7]
Estimates of those in need of accommodation assistance
In its 2011 report, Disability Care and Support, the Productivity
Commission (PC) calculated there were around 15 700 people in state government
managed supported accommodation and a further 6500 in residential aged care. It
was estimated that the existing waiting lists would add a further 25 per cent
to the population needing specialist disability accommodation. With population
increases the PC working figure was now around 28 000 people, or 6.8 per cent
of projected participants that may require direct assistance under the Scheme.[8]
More recently, the NDIA estimates that up to 193 000 participants are on
low to very low incomes and may need housing assistance from some source
(including those already with assistance). This includes:
6200 people under 65 in residential aged care (600 aged under
17 000 people in specialist disability accommodation (3000 in institutions
and 14 000 in group homes);
57 000 living in social and public housing;
Estimated unmet need for affordable housing of between 127 000
NDIS participants.[9]
The NDIS and general housing demand
The Disability Housing Futures Working Group (DHF), a group comprising
housing experts from across Australia and overseas, was formed to 'explore the
availability of innovative ideas, models and research on housing for people
with disability, and to contribute new thinking and new modelling, and identify
opportunities for a viable disability housing market under the NDIS.'[10]
The group published its report in February 2016 and submitted it to this
According to the DHF, the NDIS will affect participants in a number of
ways, including their access to housing options. As the NDIS increases
individually-tailored support funding for people with disability, as is
expected, there may be a concurrent rise in demand for affordable, appropriate
and well-located housing. Their submission described the NDIS as potentially
'the catalyst for the most transformative growth in housing supply for people
with a disability in decades'.[11]
However, it is estimated that 35 000 to 55 000 NDIS participants will not have
their housing needs met in the first decade of the scheme.[12]
Sundale, a disability services and housing provider, also submitted that
while there would be an impact on both consumer demand for disability housing,
as well as housing and accommodation providers, the extent of this is still
Options and expectations
As indicated earlier, a 'Housing Discussion Paper' was developed by the
NDIA in early 2014 and was not provided to the committee at that time. The paper
discusses what accommodation options the NDIS will support and how they would
be funded. Options explored in this paper are discussed further in chapter three.
A submission from the NSW Disability Network Forum (DNF) sets out three
important elements which DNF believes should underpin housing support. These
choice and control, including choice from models other than those
currently available;
separation of housing and support; and
high expectations of people with disability.[14]
Access to suitable housing is inextricably a part of exercising choice
and control in any person's life, as recognised by the Convention on the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD):
States Parties to this Convention recognize the equal right
of all persons with disabilities to live in the community, with choices equal
to others, and shall take effective and appropriate measures to facilitate full
enjoyment by persons with disabilities of this right and their full inclusion
and participation in the community, including by ensuring that:
- Persons with disabilities
have the opportunity to choose their place of residence and where and with whom
they live on an equal basis with others and are not obliged to live in a
particular living arrangement;
- Persons with disabilities have
access to a range of in-home, residential and other community support services,
including personal assistance necessary to support living and inclusion in the
community, and to prevent isolation or segregation from the community;
- Community services and
facilities for the general population are available on an equal basis to persons
with disabilities and are responsive to their needs.[15]
This goal, DNF explained, does not ignore the realities of the high cost
of housing faced by all Australians, nor does it advocate for unlimited choice:
[W]e recognise that few people in the community have complete
choice about housing. Rather, the DNF is advocating for funding models in
relation to accommodation for people with disability under the NDIS that enable
the tradeoffs made by people with disability (in regard to budget, needs and
preferences) to mirror those made by others, rather than being circumscribed by
Government policy.[16]
Housing assistance policy and programs
People with disability are over-represented in housing assistance
programs. The committee received numerous submissions that detailed the multiple
barriers people with disability face in accessing suitable housing, including
barriers in the housing system and the disability support system.
The DNF submission makes the following statements regarding current
support for housing options for people with disabilities:
Most of the housing assistance programs available in Australia
are funded under the National Affordable Housing Agreement (NAHA) and
associated National Partnerships Agreements between the federal government,
states and territories. Payments under this system totalled $1.6 billion in
Social housing
Access to the 427 600 social housing dwellings across Australia
is means tested and prioritised to those considered to be in greatest need. The
waiting list for social housing was over 200 000 in June 2014, meaning that
demand is considerably greater than supply. 76 000 of the 200 000 on the
waiting list were assessed as being 'in greatest need'.
Commonwealth Rent Assistance
Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA) is a supplementary payment
available to Australian residents who rent accommodation, whether in the
private rental market or community housing. It is not available to public
housing tenants, and recipients must meet eligibility requirements for a social
security income support payment.
National Rental Affordability
Scheme (NRAS)
The National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) is a joint
federal and state government commitment, offering annual subsidies for
investors to lease their NRAS-allocated properties to low and moderate income
households at a discounted rate. The offered rate must be at least 20 per cent
below the market rate, and the subsidy is available for up to 10 years.[17]
Barriers in the housing system
Barriers to accessing suitable accommodation options for people with
disability within the housing system include cost, disadvantage or
discrimination in competition for private rental properties, and a limited
supply of 'accessible' housing.
In 2012, 53 per cent of Australians with disability were in paid
employment. In comparison 83 per cent of the working population [those without
disability] participate in the workforce.[18]
These low employment participation rates impacts their ability to pay private
market rentals rates.
Those not employed are often reliant on the Disability Support Pension
(DSP), as their principal source of income, which carries a maximum payable
amount of $22 500 per annum. As pointed out by the DHF, less than one per cent
of suitable rental properties are accessible for people on such low incomes. As
a consequence, DHF states in its submission, most people on low incomes have to
spend close to 50 per cent of their DSP plus CRA for one bedroom rentals in the
private market.[19]
Disability Support Pension
While the NDIS generally will have no impact on the receipt or amount of
Disability Support Pension (DSP) someone is likely to receive, how it is used
to service specialised accommodation costs is an issue that is frequently
The NDIA recently published a Position Paper on Draft Pricing and
Payments for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) which has proposed
calculating the individual's rent contribution to SDA as 25 per cent of their
In formulating a resident contribution in the benchmark
prices as per the SDA Framework, the Agency has assumed residents will
contribute 25 per cent of the base rate of the Disability Support Pension plus
any Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA) for which they are eligible...The
reasonable rent contribution component of the benchmark prices will be adjusted
if Disability Support Pension or CRA payment rates are changed.[20]
What the NDIS will pay for
The NDIA is a funder of individual disability supports. It does not have
assets to invest directly in housing and cannot borrow or use its balance
sheet. It will therefore need to work with partners to implement new disability
housing solutions. However, the NDIA have said that the capital costs of certain
specialist disability housing would be covered under the Scheme. In addition,
there is agreement that the NDIA will also contribute to the life cycle costs
of possible future accommodation.
This concept of the NDIA paying for capital and life cycle costs evolved
from the 2011 PC report that envisaged the Scheme could pay for the 'User Cost
of Capital' to cover the higher costs a participant may be subject to as a
result of their disability.
Nevertheless, the costs of housing for people with disability who do not
require specialist housing solutions would remain the responsibility of other
housing systems, such as social housing and Commonwealth rent assistance. The
NDIS will complement, but not replace, the efforts of the housing sector, the
Commonwealth, state and local governments, and families.
The role of the NDIS with respect to housing infrastructure is set out
in sections 7.19 and 7.20 of the NDIS (Support for Participants) Rules 2013:
7.19 The NDIS will be responsible for:
- supports to assist a person
with disability to live independently in the community, including by building
their capacity to maintain a tenancy, and support for appropriate behaviour
management; and
- home modifications for
accessibility for a person in private dwellings; and
- home modifications for
accessibility for a person in legacy public and community housing dwellings on
a case-by-case basis but not to the extent that it would compromise the
responsibility of housing authorities to develop, maintain and refurbish stock
that meets the needs of people with disability; and
- user cost of capital in some
situations where a person requires an integrated housing and support model and
the cost of the accommodation component exceeds a reasonable contribution from
What the NDIS will not pay for
Under section 7.20 of the Rules, the Scheme will not be responsible for:
- the provision of
accommodation for people in need of housing assistance, including routine
tenancy support and ensuring that appropriate and accessible housing is
provided for people with disability; or
- ensuring that new publicly-funded
housing stock, where the site allows, incorporates Liveable Housing Design
features; or
- homelessness-specific
services including homelessness prevention and outreach, or access to temporary
or long term housing for participants who are homeless or at risk of
homelessness; or
- the improvement of community
infrastructure, ie accessibility of the built and natural environment, where
this is managed through other planning and regulatory systems and through
building modifications and reasonable adjustment where required.[21]
Available funding
The PC recommended $565m for accommodation costs at full scheme terms in
2011-12 dollars. This has been indexed to around $700m in 2019-20, for a cohort
of around 31 280 participants (i.e. 6.8 per cent of 460 000 participants across
Australia in 2019-20, recognising growth in the population).[22]
In preparation for its roundtable on disability accommodation, the
committee received evidence from the Department of Social Services explaining
the status of the money allocated for supported accommodation:
Around 80 per cent of the $565m in 2011-12 terms or the $700m
in 2019-20 terms is committed to meeting the existing costs of supported
accommodation places and the accommodation costs of people residing in aged
care facilities. This 80 per cent comes from the supported accommodation
residents and aged care residents in the need estimate above.
In the initial trial and transition phases of the NDIS, only
a proportion of the population will be able to access the NDIS. Because these
funds were calculated as part of the package costs for individuals, the funds
notionally available for housing will grow as more people come into the NDIS
and the budget for the NDIS grows commensurately.[23]
Bilateral agreements between the Commonwealth and the states and
territories for the transition to a NDIS
The Commonwealth has so far signed new bilateral agreements for the
transition period with NSW, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland.
These agreements outline the funding principles which all parties will be
guided by:
a mix of potential funding streams may be utilised to address
existing and new specialist disability housing;
funding would be based on the efficient lifecycle cost of
delivery of specialist disability housing representative of typical providers;
residents will be expected to provide a reasonable contribution
towards their accommodation;
funding is provided for both existing and new supply of
specialist disability housing, as well as for both private and publicly owned
specialist disability housing;
providers of specialist disability housing will be expected to
finance (‘cash-flow’) the purchase or build of accommodation and their
operations; and
funding will allow for the continuity of supply from providers
and also ensure there is
scope for change and innovation over time.
With regard to the lifecycle costs of accommodation that will need to be
covered between the NDIS and the participant, the following principles apply:
an efficient cost of purchase, lease or construction for new
specialist disability housing, including land and buildings;
an efficient cost of capital (finance) for new and existing
specialist disability housing;
an efficient cost of depreciation, which allows for the
replacement of specialist disability housing (existing and new supply) at the
end of their useful life; and
an efficient accommodation-related operational cost of specialist
disability housing, including facilities management, rates, insurance,
utilities, repairs and maintenance.
Therefore, the NDIS funding
support for specialist disability housing will be based on the following
NDIS funding support = (asset base x cost of capital) +
accommodation related operating costs + depreciation – land appreciation –
resident contribution.[24]
The agreement between the Commonwealth and NSW also recognises that NSW
is moving the direct provision of specialist disability housing to the
non-government sector, and that NSW government will no longer be the service
provider for these clients.
The NDIA will also support access to affordable housing options for
people with disability through local area coordination and information, linkages
and capacity (formerly Tier 2) building, by helping people with a disability
link to other systems such as social and community housing; and support people
with disability to engage with the private rental market to identify
appropriate options.
The Community Affairs References Committee acknowledged the complexities
of the provision of specialist housing for people with disability under the
NDIS. While welcoming the concept of individualised funding for those people
in need of accommodation, the committee was concerned that this type of funding
alone could not adequately fund the capital element of disability housing:
The committee recognises the importance of individualised
care packages for young people with disability as part of the NDIS's movement
to person-centred care. However, the committee also notes the difficulties that
arise with respect to funding capital works. State and Commonwealth Governments
should give consideration to capital funding for construction of specialised
disability accommodation.[25]
Specialist disability accommodation - position paper on draft pricing and payments
On 1 April 2016 the NDIA published a position paper on draft pricing and
payments for comment by stakeholders by 15 April 2016. The paper incorporated
the Pricing and Payments Framework which sets out some of the policy background
and thinking behind the setting of pricing.
The Framework discusses establishing benchmark prices for all specialist
disability accommodation using the following formula:
Dwelling price =
Consumption costs [26]
+ Opportunity costs of capital[27]
+ Costs of ownership[28]
- Land price inflation[29]
- Resident rent contributions (from all participants in dwelling)
Benchmark price =
Dwelling price / Anticipated number of dwelling residents.[30]
According to the paper, a
number of other factors will be considered when setting the benchmark price, to
take account of a number of additional variables:
The benchmark prices will
have additive and/or multiplicative factors or weights for classes of dwellings
(determined by the Agency) that can be applied by the Agency as necessary
including for:
Geographical location[31] (recognising – for example – that land costs,
building costs and maintenance costs can be higher or lower in various
Number of bedrooms
(recognising that the size of a dwelling affects costs);
Whether the dwelling is
furnished or unfurnished;
building/dwelling features requiring additional build costs to address
disability requirements;
Price inflation in the
second and subsequent years of an established benchmark price; and/or
Any other factor the
Agency determines to be necessary.[32]
Treatment of publicly owned land in setting the benchmark prices
The committee is aware of the difficulties in negotiations between the
Commonwealth and states and territories over the cost of making land available
for specialist disability housing. In its deliberations over benchmark
pricing, the NDIA has attempted to provide a consistent approach to the
treatment of publicly owned land and where the costs involved would lie.
It is relatively common for state and territory governments to release
land at below market cost, or even at nil cost, to organisations for a specific
purpose, e.g. the supply of specialist housing. However each scenario is
different, which creates a difficulty for the NDIA in its attempts to create a
benchmark pricing structure.
To equitably address these different procurement circumstances, the NDIA
has indicated that it will endeavour to treat all land costs in the same way,
regardless of their provenance. The NDIA will have a land cost element in its
benchmark price, and if the providers' land costs are less than this price, the
state or territory government will be required to 'charge and recover' this
difference and pass it on to the NDIA. This difference between the market price
charged by the state or territory government and the benchmark price paid by
the NDIA will comprise part of that government's 'in-kind' contribution.
The NDIA proposes that if the state
or territory government are charging the market rental costs, the provider will
receive the full benchmark price and the government will recoup the market
rent. This will form part of that government's cash contribution to the NDIS,
but not the in-kind contribution. In the NDIA proposal, if state and territory
governments do not wish to participate in the 'pass back mechanism', other
bilateral arrangements will be made.[33]
Accommodation options for people
with disability
Chapter three considers various housing options for people with
disability, as well as the funding and investment avenues available to those
looking to develop these options.
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