Pursuant to subsection 7(1) of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Act 2010, the Committee will inquire into and report on the impact of technology on illicit drug use and trading, including online availability, importation and supply chains, and law enforcement capability to disrupt the activities of organised criminal gangs, with reference to:
- trends and changes in relation to online drug availability;
- the impact of technologies, including online communications, cryptocurrency, and encryption and anonymising technologies on law enforcement responses to the online illicit drug trade;
- supply chains and sourcing online, including the role of individual suppliers and criminal organisations;
- impacts on at-risk groups, young people and their families, and the community due to the availability of illicit drugs online;
- the dangers of purchasing drugs online, including the chemical content of ‘recreational’ drugs;
- the impact of legislation and policies that seek to decriminalise drug use and possession on the online availability, quality control and the capacity of law enforcement agencies to police illicit drugs; and
- any related matter.