COVID-19, criminal activity and law enforcement

June 2021

© Commonwealth of Australia 2021
ISBN: 978-1-76093-237-4

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List of Recommendations

Chapter 1—Introduction

  Referral and conduct of the inquiry
  Related inquiries and reports by other committees
  Notes on references
  Structure and scope of this report

Chapter 2—Serious and organised crime

  The nature of organised crime and criminal organisations
  Emerging risks in organised crime
  Illicit drugs
  Trends in other illicit activities
  Increased extremist and terrorism chatter
  Cartel conduct
  Australia's response to organised crime
  Safeguarding the future from organised crime
  Committee view

Chapter 3—The integrity of pharmaceutical, PPE products and vaccines

  Drivers and enablers
  Fraudulent pharmaceuticals and vaccine concerns
  Ensuring essential PPE and medical products
  Looking ahead
  Committee view

Chapter 4—Cybercrime and cyber-enabled crime

  The nature of cybercrime
  Pandemic-related drivers of cybercrime
  Cybercrime trends
  Scams and fraud
  Online child sexual exploitation
  End-to-end encryption and anonymising technologies
  Addressing cybercrime
  Mitigation methods
  Committee view

Chapter 5—Pressures on police and the community

  Impacts on operational policing
  Assaults on police officers
  Increased rates of domestic and family violence
  Infringement of civil liberties
  The social license of law enforcement
  Committee view

Submissions and additional information

Public hearings and witnesses

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3419

Past Public Hearings

28 Aug 2020: Canberra
