Acronyms and abbreviations

AAT Administrative Appeals Tribunal
ACC Australian Crime Commission
ACLEI Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity
ACT Australian Capital Territory
AFP Australian Federal Police
AFP Act Australian Federal Police Act 1979
AGD Attorney-General's Department
annual report Annual Report 2015–16
CACT Criminal Assets Confiscation Taskforce
Crimes Act Crimes Act 1914
KPIs Key Performance Indicators
PBS Portfolio Budget Statements
PGPA Act Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013
ROI return on investment
Surveillance Act Surveillance Devices Act 2004
TIA Act Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979
the Act Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Act 2010
the commissioner AFP Commissioner, Mr Andrew Colvin APM OAM
the committee Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement
the Ombudsman Commonwealth Ombudsman
the project Future Directions project

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