National Broadband Network Companies Amendment (Tasmania) Bill 2014

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National Broadband Network Companies Amendment (Tasmania) Bill 2014

Sponsor: Senator Urquhart
Introduced: Senate, 5 March 2014

1.108      This bill proposes to amend the National Broadband Network Companies Act 2011 to require NBN Co to only make fixed line connections to the NBN in Tasmania using fibre to the premises.

1.109      This bill is accompanied by a statement of compatibility which states it promotes the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living[1] and to continuous improvement of living conditions. The statement concludes that the provision of the best available high speed broadband creates opportunities to grow the Tasmanian economy and improve the delivery of health, education and aged care services.[2]

1.110      The committee notes that the bill may also be considered to promote the right to freedom of expression, which encompasses the right to both receive and impart information in any medium.[3]

1.111      Provided that there are no technical impediments to the connection of optical fibre to all premises in Tasmania, the committee considers that the bill does not appear to give rise to human rights concerns.

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