Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Further MySuper and Transparency Measures) Bill 2012

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Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Further MySuper and Transparency Measures) Bill 2012

Introduced into the House of Representatives on 19 September 2012
Portfolio: Treasury

Committee view

1.2        The committee seeks an explanation from the Treasurer for the absence of a statement of compatibility for this bill. 

1.3        To assist the committee to form a view on the compatibility of the bill with human rights, the committee also requests that the Treasurer provide the committee with a written assessment of the human rights implications of the bill.

Purpose of the bill

1.4        This bill is the third tranche of legislation implementing the government’s MySuper and governance reforms as part of Stronger Super. The bill amends a range of related Acts to:

1.5        The committee notes that the bill enables the collection, disclosure and publication of information and is therefore likely to engage the right to privacy in article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The bill also contains several reverse burden and strict liability offences which engage the presumption of innocence in article 14(2) of ICCPR.

1.6        A statement of compatibility was not provided for this bill.

1.7        Before forming a view on whether the bill is compatible with human rights, the committee proposes to write to the Treasurer to seek his views on the compatibility of the bill with human rights and an explanation for the absence of a statement of compatibility.

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