List of recommendations

List of recommendations

Recommendation 1

4.65The committee recommends that university Vice Chancellors hold a formal meeting with Jewish student bodies and Jewish staff during semester one of 2025 to engage directly on their observations regarding antisemitism on their campuses. The committee recommends that Vice Chancellors should subsequently make a public comment on their work to combat antisemitism and regarding those meetings with Jewish students and staff.

Recommendation 2

4.66The committee recommends that Australian universities should review their complaints procedures with a view to their simplification, including giving particular consideration to: establishing a single central office to receive and process all complaints; adopting a clear definition of antisemitism that aligns closely with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition; and providing for alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.

Recommendation 3

4.67The committee recommends that Australian universities should report on the outcome of complaints in a more transparent manner while maintaining the privacy of the complaints process. The committee recommends that such reports should include, where relevant, comment by the Vice Chancellor regarding their work to address antisemitism on campus.

Recommendation 4

4.68The committee recommends that the government give consideration as to whether it is necessary to amend the Fair Work Act 2009 to enable disciplinary or other action to be taken in relation to an employee (or a grant recipient where the Australian Research Council Act 2001 and related legislation applies), where that person is found to have engaged in conduct which would breach Part 5.1 of the Criminal Code Act 1995, or section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975.

Recommendation 5

4.69The committee recommends that Australian universities should publish regular de-identified reports setting out the number of complaints received, the nature of the complaints, the number of complaints resolved since the last report and the timeframe for the resolution of outstanding complaints.

Recommendation 6

4.70The committee recommends that universities consider increased investment in research into antisemitism and opportunities for collaboration regarding current projects, having close regard to the work being undertaken by the Monash University Australian Centre for Jewish Civilisation as an appropriate model.

Recommendation 7

4.71The committee recommends that universities deliver ongoing training to students, staff and leadership on recognising and addressing antisemitism.

Recommendation 8

4.72The committee recommends that the government give consideration to amending the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011to provide TEQSA with enhanced powers to enforce compliance with the higher education threshold standards relating to student wellbeing and safety, as those standards are applied in practice by universities (e.g. through Codes of Conduct).

Recommendation 9

4.73The committee recommends that government monitor the implementation of these recommendations and further recommends that the National Student Ombudsman review university practices to reduce antisemitism on campuses within twelve months of the tabling of this report.

Recommendation 10

4.74The committee recommends that if, following a review of the implementation of these recommendations in consultation with the Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism, it is apparent that the response by universities has been insufficient, the government should give consideration to the establishment of a judicial inquiry.