Chapter 1Introduction
Initiation of the inquiry
1.1On 29 October 2024, pursuant to subsection 7(c) of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011, the Attorney-General wrote to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights (the committee) to request that the committee inquire into and report on, antisemitism at Australian universities, and to consider:
the prevalence, nature and experiences of antisemitic activity at universities;
university frameworks for the prevention of, and responses to, antisemitism at universities, including rules, policies and other measures introduced to ensure the safety and wellbeing of students, staff and academics;
the effectiveness and adequacy of these frameworks;
the support provided to students, staff and academics experiencing antisemitism at universities;
international experiences and best practices in dealing with antisemitic activity at universities;
what policy or regulatory changes are required to better address and prevent antisemitism at universities; and
any other relevant matters.
1.2The Attorney-General requested that the committee report to both Houses of Parliament by 31 March 2025.
1.3Subsection 7(c) of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011 empowers the committee to inquire into any matter relating to human rights which is referred to it by the Attorney‑General.
Conduct of the inquiry
1.4The Chair of the committee, Mr Josh Burns MP, issued a media release on 7 November 2024 to call for submissions. The committee wrote to 115 stakeholders inviting them to make a submission to the inquiry by 20 December 2024, and advertised the inquiry on its website.
1.5The committee received 47 public submissions, which were published on the committee website, and two confidential submissions. A list of submissions received is included at Appendix 1.
1.6The committee held four public hearings in relation to this inquiry. These hearings took place on 29 November and 12 December 2024, and 22 January and 5 February 2025, in Canberra. The committee heard evidence from a range of universities, community groups, student peak bodies, academics, and several government departments and agencies. A list of witnesses for the public hearings are included at Appendix 2, and the Hansard transcripts are available on the committee website.
Structure of the report
1.7The report contains 4 chapters, as follows:
Chapter 1 sets out the details of the inquiry;
Chapter 2 sets out the background to the inquiry, and the legislation relevant to the regulation of universities in Australia;
Chapter 3 discusses the key issues raised by submitters and witnesses to the inquiry; and
Chapter 4 sets out the relevant international human rights law, and the committee’s views and recommendations.
1.8The committee acknowledges and thanks the organisations and individuals who contributed to the inquiry by making submissions, giving evidence at the public hearing and providing additional information.