

Chapter 1 - The conduct of the inquiry

[1]         Senator, the Hon David Johnston, Minister for Justice and Customs, Correspondence 07/5188.

[2]         PJC-ACC, Inquiry into the future impact of serious and organised crime on Australian Society, September 2007, p. 62.

[3]         Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom & the Netherlands, The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, June 2009,

Chapter 2 - Overview of serious and organised crime in Australia

[1]         Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 12.

[2]         Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 6.

[3]         Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 82.

[4]         In its report, Inquiry into the future impacts of serious and organised crime on Australian society, September 2007, p. 5, the PJC-ACC notes that paedophile groups are an exception to this.

[5]         ACC, Organised Crime in Australia 2009, pp 5-6.

[6]         ACC, Organised Crime in Australia 2009, p. 5.

[7]         ACC, Organised Crime in Australia 2009, p. 5.

[8]         PJC-ACC, Inquiry into the future impact of serious and organised crime on Australian Society, September 2007, pp 38-39 & 40-41.

[9]         Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 6.

[10]       PJC-ACC, Inquiry into the future impact of serious and organised crime on Australian Society, September 2007, pp. 10-11.

[11]       PJC-ACC, Inquiry into the future impact of serious and organised crime on Australian Society, September 2007, p. 6.

[12]       Assistant Commissioner Morris, AFP, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 32.

[13]       Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 10.

[14]       Deputy Commissioner Stewart, QPS, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 18.

[15]       ACC, Organised Crime in Australia 2009, p. 6.

[16]       UNODC website, (accessed 16 June 2009).

[17]       Mr Costa, Director General, UNODC, The global crime threat – we must stop it, 18th Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Vienna, 16 April 2009, (accessed 16 June 2009).

[18]       Mr Costa, Director General, UNODC, The global crime threat – we must stop it, 18th Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Vienna, 16 April 2009, (accessed 16 June 2009).

[19]       ACC,, 2009

[20]       ACC, Organised Crime in Australia 2009, p. 7.

[21]       Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 15.

[22]       ACC, Organised Crime in Australia 2009, pp 8-9.

[23]       PJC-ACC, Inquiry into the future impact of serious and organised crime on Australian society, September 2007, p. 22.

[24]       ACC, Organised Crime in Australia 2009, p. 8.

[25]       ACC, Organised Crime in Australia 2009, p. 9.

[26]       ACC, Organised Crime in Australia 2009, p. 11.

[27]       PJC-ACC, Inquiry into the future impacts of serious and organised crime on Australian society, September 2007, p. 17.

[28]       ACC, Organised Crime in Australia 2009, p. 11.

[29]       ACC, Organised Crime in Australia 2009, p. 11.

[30]       ACC, Organised Crime in Australia 2009, p. 12.

[31]       Mr Keen, CMC, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 33.

[32]       ACC, Organised Crime in Australia 2009, p. 14.

[33]       ACC, Organised Crime in Australia 2009, p. 12.

[34]       ACC website, (Accessed 2 July 2009).

[35]       ACC, Australian Crime Commission Annual Report 2007-08, p. 10.

[36]       Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 3.

[37]       Dr Heriot, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, pp 35-36.

[38]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 12.

[39]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 12.

[40]       Attorney-General's Department, Submission 16, p. 6.

[41]       Attorney-General's Department, Submission 16, pp 6-8.

[42]       Section 4(1).

[43]       Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 9.

[44]       The Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act 1970 (RICO) provides for extended penalties and a civil cause of action for criminal acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organisation.

[45]       CMC, Submission 6, p. 5.

[46]       Mr Brady, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 18.

[47]       Chief Inspector Powell, SA Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 11.

[48]       Mr Kitson and Mr Outram, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 12.

[49]       Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 12.

[50]       Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 12.

[51]       Superintendent Bray, SA Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 6.

[52]       Mr Keen, CMC, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 29.

[53]       Mr Outram, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 12.

[54]       Mr O'Gorman, Australian Council for Civil Liberties, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 41.

[55]       The committee notes the current program supported by the United Kingdom's Association of Chief Police Officers to identify and map all organised crime groups operating in the United Kingdom. See: The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, p. 34.

[56]       Assistant Commissioner Harrison, SA Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 2.

[57]       PJC-ACC, Inquiry into the future impacts of serious and organised crime on Australian society, September 2007, p. 8.

[58]       Assistant Commissioner Morris, AFP, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 32.

[59]       See for example, Submissions 8, 10, 12, 21, 22 and 23.

[60]       See for example, the Hon Michael Gallacher, NSW Legislative Council Hansard, 2 April 2009, p. 14331.

[61]       The Hon Tony Kelly, NSW Minister for Police, NSW Legislative Council Hansard, 2 April 2009, p. 14331.

[62]       Standing Committee of Attorney-General's, 'Communiqué', 17 April 2009.

[63]       ABC News, New WA laws aimed at crime gangs, 18 June 2009, (accessed 23 June 2009).

[64]       The Hon Robert McClelland MP, Attorney-General for Australia, 'Commonwealth Legislation to Combat Serious and Organised Crime', media release, 24 June 2009.

[65]       This summary is taken directly from the Attorney-General's Department, Submission 16, p. 3.

[66]       Government of South Australia, Submission 13, p. 6.

[67]       Government of South Australia, Submission 13, p. 16.

[68]       Government of South Australia, Submission 13, pp 16-17.

[69]       Assistant Commissioner Harrison, SA Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 12.

[70]       Assistant Commissioner Harrison, SA Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 5.

[71]       Detective Superintendent Hollowood, Victoria Police, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 13.

[72]       Detective Superintendent Hollowood, Victoria Police, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 11.

[73]       Deputy Commissioner Stewart, QPS, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 18.

[74]       Deputy Commissioner Stewart, QPS, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 18.

[75]       Mr Keen, CMC, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 28.

[76]       Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2009, p. 3.

[77]       Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2009, p. 3.

[78]       Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 18.

[79]       Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 18.

[80]       Detective Superintendent Hollowood, Victoria Police, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 3.

[81]       Superintendent Hogan, QPS, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 23.

[82]       Mr  Gildea, Hells Angels MC, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 6.

[83]       Mr Dann, Bandidos MC, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 7.

[84]       Mr Hayes, Longriders Christian MC, Submission 12, p. 3.

[85]       Dr Veno and Dr van den Eynde, Submission 10.

[86]       Mr Gildea, Hells Angels, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 7.

[87]       Mr Withnell, WA, Submission 14, p. 10.

[88]       Mr Shand, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 42.

[89]       Mr Gildea, Hells Angels, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 13.

[90]       Mr Gildea, Hells Angels, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 13.

[91]       Mr Withnell, Submission 14, p. 4.

[92]       Mr Withnell, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2008, p. 29.

[93]       Mr Hayes, Longriders Christian MC, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 53.

[94]       Mr Hayes, Longriders Christian MC, Submission 12, p. 4. 

[95]       Mr Shane 'Shrek' Griffiths, Submission 22, p. 1.

[96]       Mr Fowler, Outcasts, Submission 19, p. 2.

[97]       Mr Gildea, Hells Angels, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 10.

[98]       Assistant Commissioner Harrison, SA Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, pp 10-11.

[99]       Chief Inspector Powell, SA Police,  Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 11.

[100]     The Hon Michael Gallacher, NSW Legislative Council Hansard, 2 April 2009, p. 14331.

[101]     Detective Superintendent Hollowood, Victoria Police, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 11.

[102]     Senator Hutchins, Mr Gildea and Mr Dann, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 7 November 20080, pp.  6-7.

Chapter 3 - Existing legislative approaches to combating organised crime in Australia[1]

[1]         The committee is particularly grateful to the Commonwealth Attorney‑General's Department for preparing a table summarising the existing legislative arrangements in Australian jurisdictions and for assisting the committee with a number of its additional questions.       

[2]         A table of organised crime legislation in key overseas jurisdictions is at Appendix 6.

[3]         Attorney-General's Department, Response to Questions on Notice, 23 December 2008, p. 4.

[4]         Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 80.

[5]         Dr Lynch, Gibert & Tobin Centre of Public Law, Committee Hansard, 29 September 2008, p.10.

[6]         Professor Williams, Gilbert & Tobin Centre of Public Law, Committee Hansard, 29 September 2008, p.2.

[7]         Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, pp. 19-20.

[8]         Law Council of Australia, Submission 8, p. 9.

[9]         United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, Article 3(2).

[10]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 12.

[11]       Dr Schloenhardt, Committee Hansard, 4 March 2009, p. 15.

[12]       Dr Schloenhardt, Committee Hansard, 4 March 2009, p. 15.

[13]       Police Federation of Australia, Submission 3C, p. 10.

[14]       Criminal Code Act 1995, section 11.2.

[15]       Criminal Code Act 1995, section 11.4.

[16]       Criminal Code Act 1995, section 11.5.

[17]       Mr Kitson, ACC, Proof Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 2.

[18]       Mr Ray, Law Council of Australia, Proof Hansard, 6 November 2008, p.48

[19]       Mr Burgess, Police Federation of Australia, Proof Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 86.

[20]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 81.

[21]       Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), subsection 93T(1).

[22]       Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), subsection 93T(2).

[23]       Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), subsection 93T(3).

[24]       Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), subsection 93T(4).

[25]       Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), section 351.

[26]       Mr Tony Stewart, Member for Bankstown, NSW Legislative Assembly Hansard, Crimes Legislation Amendment (Gangs) Bill, Second Reading, 30 August 2006, p. 1142.

[27]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 83.

[28]       The Hon Tony Kelly, Minister for Police, Minister for Lands, Minister for Rural Affairs, NSW Legislative Assembly Hansard, Crimes (Criminal Organisations) Control Bill, Second Reading, 2 April 2009, p. 14331.

[29]       Crimes (Criminal Organisations) Control Act 2009, section 27.

[30]       Criminal Assets Recovery Act 1990 (NSW).

[31]       Deputy Commissioner Kaldas, NSW Police, Committee Hansard, 29 September 2008, p. 26.

[32]       Assistant Commissioner Hudson, NSW Police, Committee Hansard, 29 September 2008, p. 27.

[33]       New South Wales Crime Commission Act 1985 (NSW), sections 16, 17 and 18.

[34]       Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 (NSW).

[35]       Law Enforcement (Controlled Operations) Act 1997 (NSW).

[36]       Law Enforcement and National Security (Assumed Identities) Act 1998 (NSW).

[37]       Surveillance Devices Act 2007 (NSW).

[38]       Major Crime (Investigative Powers) Act 2004, section 1.

[39]       Major Crime (Investigative Powers) Act 2004, subsection 5(1).

[40]       Major Crime (Investigative Powers) Act 2004, subsection 8(b).

[41]       Major Crime (Investigative Powers) Act 2004, subsection 14(2).

[42]       Major Crime (Investigative Powers) Act 2004, section 34.

[43]       Surveillance Devices Act 1999 (Vic)

[44]       Crime and Misconduct Act 2001 (Qld), part 6B.

[45]       Crime and Misconduct Act 2001 (Qld), parts 4 and 5 respectively.

[46]       Crime and Misconduct Act 2001 (Qld), part 6.

[47]       Crime and Misconduct Act 2001 (Qld), part 6A.

[48]       Crime and Misconduct Act 2001 (Qld), section 72.

[49]       Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), subsection 12(1).

[50]       Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), section 14.

[51]       Corruption and Crime Commission Act, 2003 (WA), section 46.

[52]       Corruption and Crime Commission Amendment (Investigative Function) Bill 2007

[53]       The Hon Mike Rann, MP, SA Premier, 'New laws to dismantle criminal bikie gangs', Media Release, 5 July 2007.

[54]       Criminal Assets Confiscation Act 2005 (SA).

[55]       Listening and Surveillance Devices Act 1972 (SA).

[56]       Criminal Law (Undercover Operations) Act 1995 (SA).

[57]       Criminal Investigation (Covert Operations) Bill 2008, introduced 14 October 2008; Assistant Commissioner Harrison, South Australian Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 3.

[58]       John Sylvester and Ian Munro, 'Organised crime groups 'thriving'', The Age, August 25, 2004. Available at: .

[59]       Deputy Commissioner Tilyard, Tasmania Police, Committee Hansard, 27 October 2008, pp. 3-4.

[60]       The Hon David Llewellyn MP, Tasmania House of Assembly Hansard, 25 September 2007, Part 2, pp. 29-94.

[61]       The Hon David Llewellyn MP, Tasmania House of Assembly Hansard, 22 August 2007, Part 2, pp 28 104.

[62]       Deputy Commissioner Tilyard, Tasmania Police, Committee Hansard, 27 October 2008, p. 3.

[63]       Sentencing Act (NT), Section 97A.

[64]       Summary Offences Act (NT), Section 55A.

[65]       Dr Toyne, Northern Territory Legislative Assembly Hansard, 24 August 2006.

[66]       Surveillance Devices Act 2007 (NT).

[67]       Police Administration Act (NT).

Chapter 4 - Legislation targeting participation in an organised crime group

[1]         Government of South Australia, Submission 13, p. 21.

[2]         For example, in the United States of America the federal legislature only has the power to make criminal laws in respect of matters with relevance to the federal government, such as interstate crimes. This means that most criminal law is the responsibility of state governments. This restriction has impacted on the way the US laws are structured in that criminal acts committed by 'enterprises' under the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act 1970 must have some connection with interstate commerce.

[3]         For example, the rights protections in both Canada and the United States of America have meant that those jurisdictions' legislative attempts to prevent organised crime groups from associating have focussed on participation in rather than membership of criminal organisations. See ACC, Submission 15, p. 6.

[4]         Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 16.

[5]         Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 16.

[6]         Alex Steel, 'Consorting in New South Wales: Substantive Offence or Police Power?', 26 UNSW Law Journal 3, 2003, 567 at 581.

[7]         See section 56, Summary Offences Act (NT); section 13, Summary Offences Act 1953 (SA); section 6, Police Offences Act 1935 (Tas); section 6, Vagrancy Act 1966 (Vic); section 65, Police Act 1982 (WA); section 546A, Crimes Act 1900 (NSW); and QLD (since repealed) See table on page 11 of Submission 16.

[8]         Government of South Australia, Submission 13, p. 29.

[9]         Security Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2002 (Cth).

[10]       Mr McDonald, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 40.

[11]       CMC, Submission 6, p. 1.

[12]       Assistant Commissioner Harrison, South Australian Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 3.

[13]       Assistant Commissioner Harrison, SA Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 5.

[14]       Chief Inspector Powell, SA Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, pp. 18-19.

[15]       Law Council of Australia, Submission 8, p. 4.

[16]       Dr Heriot, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 45.

[17]       Mr Ray, Law Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 48.

[18]       Mr Ray, Law Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p.50-1.

[19]       The committee notes that, as discussed in chapter 2, the level and nature of OMCG involvement in serious and organised crime is fiercely disputed.

[20]       Mr Gildea, Hells Angels, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p.7.

[21]       Mr Ray, Law Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 50.

[22]       Mr Griffiths, Submission 22, p.1.                                                          

[23]       See discussion in: The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, pp. 23-24,

[24]       Victoria Police, Submission 4, p. 2.

[25]       The Hon Mr Roberts-Smith QC, CCC, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2008, p. 16.

[26]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 80.

[27]       Government of South Australia, Submission 13, p. 12.

[28]       Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008, section 10.

[29]       The Hon Mr Kelly MLC, NSW Legislative Council Hansard, 2 April 2009, p. 14341.

[30]       ACC, Submission 15, p. 8.

[31]       The Hon Mr Roberts-Smith QC, CCC, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2008, p. 16.

[32]       See Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008 (SA), section 14; Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009 (NSW), section 14.

[33]       The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, pp. 25-26,

[34]       Attorney-General's Department, answers to question on notice, 6 November 2008, p. 5.

[35]       Dr Lynch, Gilbert and Tobin Centre of Public Law, Committee Hansard, 29 September 2008, p. 4.

[36]       The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, p. 26,

[37]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 23.

[38]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 24.

[39]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 24.

[40]       The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, pp. 32-33,

[41]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 12.

[42]       Organised Crime Control Act 1970 (US), Pub L 91-452, 84 Stat 922, 923.

[43]       Edward Wise, 'RICO and its Analogues' (2000) 27 Syracuse Journal of International Law & Commerce 303 at p. 303.

[44]       RICO Act, 18 USC, §1962 (a)-(d).

[45]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, pp. 220-223.

[46]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 218.

[47]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 213, quoting Craig Bradley, 'Racketeers, Congress, and the Courts: An Analysis of RICO' (1980) 65 Iowa Law Review 837 at 844–845.

[48]       RICO Act, 18 USC, §1963(a).

[49]       Attorney-General's Department, Submission 16, p. 16.

[50]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 225.

[51]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, pp. 225-227.

[52]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 227.

[53]       Government of South Australia, Submission 13, p. 9.

[54]       Government of South Australia, Submission 13, p. 9.

[55]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 228, quoting James Jacobs & Lauryn Gouldin, 'Cosa Nostra: The Final Chapter?' (1999) 25 Crime and Justice 129 at 170.

[56]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 228.

[57]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 228.

[58]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 229, quoting James B Jacobs et al, Busting the Mob (1994) 11.

[59]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 229.

[60]       Government of South Australian, Submission 13, p. 10.

[61]       The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, pp. 32-33,

[62]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 18.

[63]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 48

[64]       Criminal Intelligence Service Canada, 'Report on Organized Crime, 2008' (2008), pp. 12, 14.

[65]       Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Subsection 2(d).

[66]       Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Section 7.

[67]       R. v. Heywood [1994] 3 S.C.R. 761.

[68]       Reference re Section 94(2) of the Motor Vehicle Act, [1985] 2 S.C.R. 486.

[69]       ACC, Submission 15, p. 6.

[70]       Act to amend the Criminal Code (criminal organizations) and to amend other Act in consequence (Bill C-95).

[71]       In the Act to amend the Criminal code (organised crime and law enforcement) and to make consequential amendments to other Act (Bill C-24).

[72]       Criminal Code (Canada), section 467.1.

[73]       Criminal Code (Canada), subsection 490.1(2).

[74]       Criminal Code (Canada), section 810.01.

[75]       Criminal Code (Canada), section 718.2.

[76]       Criminal Code (Canada), sections 183 and 186.

[77]       Criminal Code (Canada), section 467.11

[78]       Criminal Code (Canada), section 467.12.

[79]       Criminal Code (Canada), section 467.13.

[80]       Criminal Code (Canada), section 467.1.

[81]       Criminal Code (Canada), paragraph 467.11(3).

[82]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 33.

[83]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 31.

[84]       The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, p.25,

[85]       Law Societies of the Northwest Territories, Peace Bonds and Restraining Order, (accessed 1 June 2009).

[86]       Criminal Code (Canada), section 801.01.

[87]       The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, p. 25,

[88]       Government of South Australia, Submission 13, p. 12.

[89]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 34.

[90]       Chief Inspector Powell, SA Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 19.

[91]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 69.

[92]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p, 35.

[93]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 69.

[94]       Government of South Australia, Submission 13, p. 12.

[95]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 36.

[96]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 36; See for example R  v Pink, 2006 CanLII 38867 (ON S.C.)

[97]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 70.

[98]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 71.

[99]       Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 71.

[100]     Department of Justice Canada, New measures to combat gangs and other forms of organized crime, February 2009, available at: (accessed 26 May 2009).

[101]     New Zealand Ministry of Justice, Organised Crime Strategy, March 2008, available at (accessed 26 May 2009).

[102]     New Zealand Ministry of Justice, Organised Crime Strategy, March 2008, available at (accessed 26 May 2009).

[103]     New Zealand Ministry of Justice, Organised Crime Strategy, March 2008, available at (accessed 26 May 2009).

[104]     Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 38.

[105]     Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 38.

[106]     Crimes Act 1961, section 98A.

[107]     Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 42.

[108]     Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 44.

[109]     Attorney-General's Department, Submission 16, p. 13.

[110]     Serious Organised Crime Agency, About Us, (accessed 30 January 2008).

[111]     Attorney-General's Department, Submission 16, p. 12.

[112]     Serious Crimes Act 2007, sections 35-6.

[113]     Serious Crimes Act 2007, section 6.

[114]     Serious Crimes Act 2007, section 14.

[115]     Serious Crimes Act 2007, section 26.

[116]     Serious Crimes Act 2007, subsection 5(4).

[117]     The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, p. 86,

[118]     The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, p. 86

[119]     The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, p. 86,

[120]     Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, pp. 45-73.

[121]     Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, p. 53.

[122]     Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, pp.45-73.

[123]     Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1, pp.66 and 73.

[124]     Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 3; Deputy Commissioner Stewart, Queensland Police Service, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 18; Detective Superintendent Hollowood, Victoria Police, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p.10.

[125]     Government of South Australia, Submission 13, p. 8.

[126]     Professor Williams, Committee Hansard, 29 September 2008, p. 2.

[127]     Mr McDonald, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2009, p. 46.

[128]     Ms Lindsay Simmons, House of Assembly Hansard, South Australian House of Assembly, 11 September 2008, p. 40.

[129]     Chief Inspector Powell, SA Police, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 3 July 2008, p. 11.

[130]     Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008, sections 8 and 10.

[131]     Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008, section 13.

[132]     Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008, subsection 35(9).

[133]     Mr Whittle, Submission 21, p. 2.

[134]     Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008, subsection 35(6).

[135]     Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008 (SA), subsections 35(2) and (4).

[136]     Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008 , subsection 14(7).

[137]     Adam Shand, 'Taking on South Australia's bikie gangs', Sunday, 24 February 2008.

[138]     Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008 (SA), subsections 15(1)(d) and 15(2).

[139]     Superintendent Bray, SA Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 21.

[140]     Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008 (SA), subsection 23(1).

[141]     Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008, subsections 27(2) to 27(4).

[142]     Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008, section 26.

[143]     Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008, section 30.

[144]     Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008, subsection 32(1).

[145]     Sean Fewster, 'South Australia's anti-bikie laws grind to a halt', The Advertiser, 19 June 2009, available at,27574,25659111-2682,00.html (accessed 22 June 2009).

[146]     The Hon Mr Roberts-Smith QC, CCC, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2008, p. 6.

[147]     Assistant Commissioner Harrison, SA Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, pp. 12-13.

[148]     Mr Shand, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 41.

[149]     Mr Shand, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 41.

[150]     Detective Superintendent Hollowood, Victoria Police, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 4.

[151]     Acting Deputy Commissioner Tilyard, Tasmania Police, Committee Hansard, 27 October 2008, p. 14

[152]     Mr Jensen, AUSTRAC, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 22.

[153]     Assistant Commissioner Harrison, SA Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 7.

[154]     Superintendent Bray, SA Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 7

[155]     Mr Hayes, Longriders Christian MC, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p.57.

[156]     Professor Veno, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 36.

[157]     Commissioner Hyne, Tasmania Police, Committee Hansard, 27 October 2009, p. 5.

[158]     Mr Feary, Law Society of South Australia, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 25.

[159]     The Hon Mr Roberts-Smith QC, CCC, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2008, p. 15.

[160]     Chris Merrit, 'Queensland Bar Association and Law Society warning on anti-bikie powers', The Australian Online, 2 June 2009, available at:,25197,25572815-5006786,00.html (accessed 22 June 2009).

[161]     Assistant Commissioner Harrison, SA Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 9.

[162]     Mr O'Gorman, Australian Council for Civil Liberties, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 41

[163]     The Hon Mr Roberts-Smith QC, CCC, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2008, p. 5.

[164]     Mr Mancini, Law Society of South Australia, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 29.

[165]     Detective Superintendent Hollowood, Victoria Police, Committee Hansard , 28 October 2008, p.10.

[166]     Commissioner Scipione, NSW Police, Committee Hansard, 29 September 2008, p.25.

[167]     Commissioner Scipione, NSW Police, Committee Hansard, 29 September 2008, p.31.

[168]     Commissioner Hine, Tasmania Police, Committee Hansard, 27 October 2008, p.5.

[169]     Commissioner Hine, Tasmania Police, Committee Hansard, 27 October 2008, p.5.

[170]     Assistant Commissioner Steward, QPS, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 20.

[171]     Assistant Commissioner Steward, QPS, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 21.

[172]     Assistant Commissioner Steward, QPS, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 21.

[173]     Detective Superintendent Hollowood, Victoria Police, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 4.

[174]     The Hon Mr Roberts-Smith QC, CCC, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2008, p. 15.

[175]     The Australian, 'Two more jurisdictions sign up for bikie-gang laws', The Australian online, 20 June 2009, available at:,25197,25662681-5013871,00.html (accessed 22 June 2009).

[176]     Crimes Legislation Amendment (Gangs) Act 2006.

[177]     NSW Legislative Assembly Hansard (30 August 2006), Crimes Legislation Amendment (Gangs) Bill, Second Reading (Mr Tony Steward, Bankstown), 1142.

[178]     Commissioner Scipione, NSW Police, Committee Hansard, 29 September 2008, p. 31

[179]     Commissioner Scipione, NSW Police, Committee Hansard, 29 September 2008, p. 23.

[180]     Mr Ray, Law Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 48.

[181]     Crimes (Criminal Organisations) Control Act 2009, section 6.

[182]     Crimes (Criminal Organisations) Control Act 2009, subsection 9(2).

[183]     Crimes (Criminal Organisations) Control Act 2009, sections 14 (interim orders) and 19 (final orders).

[184]     Crimes (Criminal Organisations) Control Act 2009, section 26.

[185]     Crimes (Criminal Organisations) Control Act 2009, section 26A.

[186]     Crimes (Criminal Organisations) Control Act 2009, section 27.

[187]     The Hon Tony Kelly (Minister for Police, Minister for Lands, and Minister for Rural Affairs), NSW Legislative Assembly Hansard, 2 April 2009, p. 14331.

[188]     The Hon Tony Kelly (Minister for Police, Minister for Lands, and Minister for Rural Affairs), NSW Legislative Assembly Hansard, 2 April 2009, p. 14331.

[189]     Sydney Morning Herald, 'NSW Government Rushes Anti-Bikie Laws', Sydney Morning Herald online, April 2 2009, available at (accessed 22 June 2009).

[190]     Herald Sun, 'Australian Council for Civil Liberties urge caution on 'rushing' anti-bikie laws', Herald Sun online, 13 April 2009, available at,26576,25326978-1702,00.html (accessed 22 June 2009).

[191]     Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill 2009 (No 45 of 2009), introduced 30 June 2009,  Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[192]     Offences Against the State Act 1939 (Ireland), Part V.

[193]     Dr Schloenhardt, Submission 1B, p. 71.

Chapter 5 - Confiscating the Proceeds of Crime

[1]        Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2009, p. 5.

[2]        For a brief discussion of the history of proceeds of crime laws see Australian Law Reform Commission, Confiscation that Counts: A review of the Proceeds of Crime Act 1987, Report 87, 1999, chapter 2.

[3]        Tom Sherman, Report on the Independent Review of the Operation of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (Cth), 2006, p. 4.

[4]        ACC, Submission 15, p. 11.

[5]        The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, p. 62,

[6]        Australian Law Reform Commission, Confiscation that Counts: A Review of the Proceeds of Crime Act 1987, Report No 87, 1999, chapter 4.

[7]        Tom Sherman, Report on the Independent Review of the Operation of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (Cth), 2006, pp. 5-6.

[8]        Tom Sherman, Report on the Independent Review of the Operation of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (Cth), 2006, p. 11.

[9]        Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, section 213.

[10]      Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, section 219.

[11]      Dr Heriot, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 37.

[12]      PJC-ACC, Inquiry into the future impact of serious and organised crime on Australian society, September 2007, p. 55.

[13]      Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 3.

[14]      The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, pp. 83-85,

[15]      The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, p. 84,

[16]      The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, pp. 62-63,

[17]      Criminal Property Forfeiture Act 2002 (NT), subsection 71(1); Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), sub section 12(1).

[18]      Criminal Property Forfeiture Act 2002 (NT), subsection 71(1); Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), sub section 12(1).

[19]      Criminal Property Forfeiture Act 2002 (NT), subsection 71(2); Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), section 12(2).

[20]      Criminal Property Forfeiture Act 2002 (NT), Part 3; Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), Part 5.

[21]      Criminal Property Forfeiture Act, section 14; Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), section 54.

[22]      Criminal Property Forfeiture Act, Part 3, Division 2; Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), Part 5, Division 2.

[23]      Criminal Property Forfeiture Act, Part 3, Division 3; Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), Part 5, Division 3.

[24]      Criminal Property Forfeiture Act, Part 3, Division 4; Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), Part 5, Division 4.

[25]      Criminal Property Forfeiture Act, section 33; Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA),section 73.

[26]      Criminal Property Forfeiture Act, section 39; Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), section 33

[27]      Criminal Property Forfeiture Act, Part 4, Division 2; Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), Part 4, Division 3

[28]      Criminal Property Forfeiture Act, Part 4, Division 3; Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), section 50.

[29]      Criminal Property Forfeiture Act, Part 5; Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), Part 6.

[30]      Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), section 6.

[31]      Northern Territory Police, Submission 20, p. 3.

[32]      Commander Gwynne, Northern Territory Police, Committee Hansard, 2 March 2009, p. 7.

[33]      Northern Territory Police, Submission 20, p. 3

[34]      Commander Gwynne, Northern Territory Police, Committee Hansard, 2 March 2009, p. 7.

[35]      Assistant Commissioner McAdie, Northern Territory Police, Committee Hansard, 2 March 2009, p. 12.

[36]      Commander Gwynne, Northern Territory Police, Committee Hansard, 2 March 2009, pp. 7-8.

[37]      Commander Gwynne, Northern Territory Police, Committee Hansard, 2 March 2009, p. 8.

[38]      Assistant Commissioner Harrison, South Australian Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 3; ABC News, 'Reforms Proposed to Tackle Organised Crime', ABC News Online, (accessed 3 July 2009).

[39]      see Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 8; Assistant Commissioner Morris, AFP, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 29; Detective Superintendent Hollowood, Victoria Police, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 11; Deputy Commissioner Tilyard, Tasmania Police, Committee Hansard, 27 October 2008, pp. 11-12; Northern Territory Police, Submission 20, p. 3; Mr Burgess, Police Federation of Australia, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 80; and Mr Barlow, Australian Tax Office, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 73 respectively.

[40]      Mr Hunt-Sharman, Police Federation of Australia, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 81.

[41]      Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 8.

[42]      Detective Superintendent Hollowood, Victoria Police, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 3.

[43]      Mr Hunt-Sharman, Police Federation of Australia, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 81.

[44]      Detective Superintendent Hay, Queensland Police, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 25.

[45]      Mr Burgess, Police Federation of Australia, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 80.

[46]      Mr Barlow, Australian Tax Office, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 73.

[47]      Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 11.

[48]      Mr Outram, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 7.

[49]      Committee Hansard, 4 July 2008, p. 38.

[50]      Law Council of Australia, answer to question on notice, 6 November 2008 (received 1 December 2008), p. 12.

[51]      Law Council of Australia, answer to question on notice, 6 November 2008 (received 1 December 2008), p. 12.

[52]      Law Council of Australia, answer to question on notice, 6 November 2008 (received 1 December 2008), p. 13; see Criminal Property Forfeiture Act 2002 (NT), section 17; Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), section57.

[53]      Law Council of Australia, answer to question on notice, 6 November 2008 (received 1 December 2008), p. 13; see Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), subsection 139(1).

[54]      Law Council of Australia, answer to question on notice, 6 November 2008 (received 1 December 2008), p. 13.

[55]      Law Council of Australia, answer to question on notice, 6 November 2008 (received 1 December 2008), p. 12.

[56]      Law Council of Australia, answer to question on notice, 6 November 2008 (received 1 December 2008), p. 14.

[57]      Mr O'Gorman, Australian Council for Civil Liberties, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 7 November 2008, pp. 37-8.

[58]      Western Australia DPP, Annual Report: 2007-08, p. 30.

[59]      Mr Keen, CMC, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 31

[60]      Detective Superintendent Porter, Western Australia Police, Western Australia Joint Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission: Transcript of Evidence, 1 August 2007, pp. 3-4.

[61]      Mr Jones, WA DPP, Western Australia Joint Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission: Transcript of Evidence, 26 September 2007, p. 8.

[62]      Law Council of Australia, answer to question on notice, 6 November 2008 (received 1 December 2008), p. 16.

[63]      Commander Gwynne, Northern Territory Police, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 March 2009, p. 8.

[64]      Deputy Commissioner Kaldas, NSW Police, Committee Hansard, 29 September 2008, p. 26

[65]      The Hon Robert McClelland MP, Attorney-General, House of Representatives Hansard, 24 June 2009, p. 17.

[66]      Crimes Legislation Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Bill 2009, Schedule 1, Item 13, proposed subsection 179B(2)(b).

[67]      Crimes Legislation Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Bill 2009, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 5.

[68]      Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, paragraph 47(1)(c).

[69]      Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, paragraph 49(1)(c).

[70]      Crimes Legislation Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Bill 2009, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 6.

[71]      Mr Jensen, AUSTRAC, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 20.

[72]      AUSTRAC, Submission 17, p. 3.

[73]      AUSTRAC, Submission 17, p. 2.

[74]      AUSTRAC website, 'About AUSTRAC', at (accessed 6 July 2009)

[75]      Mr Jensen, CEO, AUSTRAC, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 20.

[76]      The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, p. 62,

[77]      The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, pp. 66-67,

[78]      The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, p. 63,

[79]      Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 3.

[80]      Mr Jensen, AUSTRAC, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 22.

[81]      Mr Jensen, AUSTRAC, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 22.

[82]      Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 2.

[83]      Serious and Organised Crime and Police Act 2005, sections 76 and 79-81.

[84]      Serious and Organised Crime and Police Act 2005, section 79.

[85]      Serious and Organised Crime and Police Act 2005, subsection 79(10).

[86]      ACC, Submission 15, p. 5.

[87]      Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 3.

[88]      Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 8.

[89]      Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 8.

[90]      ACC, Submission 15, p. 12.

[91]      Although the restraint of assets under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (UK) may be on the basis that the person is under investigation and there is reasonable cause to believe that they committed an offence.

[92]      ACC, Submission 15, p. 12.

[93]      ACC, Submission 15, p. 12.

[94]      Commander Colleen Gwynne, Northern Territory Police, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 March 2009, p. 8.

[95]      Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (UK), section 6.

[96]      Assistant Commissioner Newton, AFP, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 31.

[97]      The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009, pp. 84-85,

[98]      Mr Outram, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 7. However, the committee was also informed about some difficulties with the current Irish legislation, including the fact that the existing 7-step process for assets recovery on a reverse onus of proof adds complexity to the Irish assets recovery regime.

[99]      An Garda Síochána, 'Criminal Assets Bureau', at (accessed 7 July 2009).

[100]    Mr Outram, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 7.

[101]    Detective Superintendent Hollowood, Victoria Police, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 11.

[102]    Mr Cranston, Australian Tax Office, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 73.

[103]    Mr Outram, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 7.

[104]    Mr Outram, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 7.

Chapter 6 - A holistic and harmonised approach to serious and organised crime

[1]        Attorney-General's Department, Submission 16, p. 3.

[2]        ACC, Submission 15, p. 3.

[3]        Deputy Commissioner Stewart, QPS, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 20.

[4]        Government of South Australia, Submission 13, p. 46.

[5]        ACC, Submission 15, p. 8.

[6]        Dr Heriot, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 35.

[7]        The Hon Jim Cox, Minister for Police and Emergency Management, Tasmania, Submission 5, p. 1.

[8]        Mr Keen, CMC, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 29.

[9]        Mr Jensen, AUSTRAC, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, pp. 29-30.

[10]      ACC website, (accessed 30 June 2009).

[11]      See: The Parliament Of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009,

[12]      Deputy Commissioner Stewart, QPS, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 20.

[13]      Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 12.

[14]      Mr Outram, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, pp 13-14.

[15]      The ACC Board is comprised of representatives from law enforcement and other agencies from the Commonwealth and from each of the states and territories.

[16]      Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, pp 6-7.

[17]      PJC-ACC, Examination of the Australian Crime Commission Annual Report 2007-08, June 2009, see discussion on the National Indigenous Violence and Child Abuse Intelligence Task Force, paragraph 2.69.

[18]      Also see: 'The commissioner proceeds in an orderly direction,' The Age, April 23, 2009.

[19]      The Hon Leonard Roberts-Smith QC, Commissioner, CCC, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2008, p. 4.

[20]      Commissioner Scipione, NSW Police Force, Committee Hansard, 29 September 2008, p. 26.

[21]      PJC-ACC, Inquiry into the future impact of serious and organised crime on Australian Society, September 2007.

[22]      Assistant Commissioner Harrison, SA Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 8.

[23]      Government of South Australia, Submission 13, p. 46.

[24]      ACC, Submission 15, p. 10.

[25]      AUSTRAC, Submission 17, p. 4.

[26]      Detective Superintendent Hollowood, Victoria Police, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 11.

[27]      Australian Federal Police Association, Submission 3B.

[28]      Mr McDonald, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 40.

[29]      Acting Commissioner Hine, Tasmania Police, Committee Hansard, 27 October 2008, p. 14.

[30]      Mr McDonald, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 42.

[31]      Acting Commissioner Hine, Tasmania Police, Committee Hansard, 27 October 2008, p. 11.

[32]      Mr McDonald, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 43.

[33]      Standing Committee of Attorneys-General and Australasian Police Ministers Council Joint Working Group on National Investigation Powers, Leaders Summit on Terrorism and Multijurisdictional crime, Report on cross-border investigative powers for law enforcement, November 2003.

[34]      Crimes Legislation Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Bill 2009, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 46.

[35]      Crimes Legislation Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Bill 2009, Explanatory Memorandum, pp. 46-50.

[36]      The importance of political will is also canvassed at length in The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009,

[37]      Acting Commissioner Hine, Tasmania Police, Committee Hansard, 27 October 2008, p. 15.

[38]      See Appendix 8 for the SCAG 'Resolutions for a national response to combat organised crime'.

[39]      Commissioner Scipione, New South Wales Police Force, Committee Hansard, 29 September 2008, p. 23.

[40]      Government of South Australia, Submission 13, p. 48.

[41]      The committee also acknowledges the role played by the Criminal Law Branch of the Attorney-General's Department which is coordinating the Commonwealth's involvement in the national response to combat organised crime, including acting as the Secretariat for the Senior Officers' Group on Organised Crime. In particular, the Organised Crime Task Force, established within the Criminal Justice Division, will develop a Commonwealth Organised Crime Strategic Framework in partnership with relevant agencies.

[42]      Mr Buckpitt, Australian Customs Service, Committee Hansard, 29 September 2008, p. 15.

[43]      Assistant Commissioner Morris, AFP, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 29.

[44]      PJC-ACC Inquiry into the future impact of serious and organised crime on Australian Society, September 2007.

[45]      ACC, Australian Crime Commission Annual Report 2007-08, p. 19.

[46]      Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 21.

[47]      ACC, Australian Crime Commission Annual Report 2007-08, p. 20.

[48]      Mr Keen, CMC, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 30.

[49]      Mr Keen, CMC, Committee Hansard, 7 November 2008, p. 30.

[50]      Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 4.

[51]      Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 5.

[52]      Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 21.

[53]      PJC-ACC, Inquiry into the future impact of serious and organised crime on Australian Society, September 2007.

[54]      Mr Kitson,  ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 21

[55]      Mr Kitson, ACC, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 4.

[56]      Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Committee Hearing 25 March 2009, by Assistant Commissioner Mike Cabana, Organized Crime Committee, Federal and International Operations, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

[57]      Mr Cranston, Australian Taxation Office, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, pp 68-69. 

[58]      Mr Cranston, Australian Taxation Office, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 75.

[59]      Mr Jensen, AUSTRAC, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, pp. 29-30.

[60]      Mr Cranston, Australian Taxation Office, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, pp 68-69. 

[61]      Mr Jensen, AUSTRAC, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 20.

[62]      Assistant Commissioner Morris, AFP, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 32.

[63]      Acting Commissioner Hine, Tasmania Police, Committee Hansard, 27 October  2008, p. 8.

[64]      Assistant Commissioner Newton, AFP, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 30.

[65]      Police Federation of Australian, Submission 3C, p. 12.

[66]      Government of South Australia, Submission 13, p. 49.

[67]      Acting Commissioner Hine, Tasmania Police, Committee Hansard, 27 October 2008, p. 15.

[68]      The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009,

[69]      ACC, Submission 15, p. 2.

[70]      Dr Heriot, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 35.

[71]      Detective Superintendent Hollowood, Victoria Police, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2008, p. 11.

[72]      Mr Barlow, Australian Taxation Office, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 69.

[73]      Mr Cranston, Australian Taxation Office, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 70.

[74]      AUSTRAC, Submission 17, p. 4.

[75]      Mr Buckpitt, Australian Customs Service, Committee Hansard, 29 September 2008, p. 15.

[76]      The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Canada, the United States, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, June 2009,

[77]      Attorney-General's Department, answer to question on notice, 6 November 2008 (received 23 January 2009), p. 1.

[78]      Attorney-General's Department, answer to question on notice, 6 November 2008 (received 23 January 2009), p. 2.

[79]      Attorney-General's Department, answer to question on notice, 6 November 2008 (received 23 January 2009), p. 2.

[80]      Attorney-General's Department, answer to question on notice, 6 November 2008 (received 23 January 2009), p. 4.

[81]      Assistant Commissioner Tim Morris, AFP, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 32.

[82]      Attorney-General's Department, Submission 16.

[83]      CMC, Submission 6, p. 9.

[84]      Superintendent Bray, SA Police, Committee Hansard, 3 July 2008, p. 7.

[85]      Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights , Committee Hearing 25 March 2009, by Assistant Commissioner Mike Cabana, Organized Crime Committee, Federal and International Operations, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

[86]      Patricia Moloney Figliola, Congressional Research Service, Digital Surveillance: The Communication Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, (accessed 2 June 2009).

[87]      The Hon Leonard Roberts-Smith QC, Corruption and Crime Commission of WA, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2008, p. 2.

[88]      The Hon Leonard Roberts-Smith QC, Commissioner, CCC, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2008, p. 5.

[89]      Mr Ray, QC, Law Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 57.

[90]      Assistant Commissioner Morris, AFP, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2008, p. 30.

Appendix 7

[1]         This table is compiled from information made available to the committee by a range of agencies.  It is intended as an overview of key legislative mechanisms available to Commonwealth agencies to tackle serious and organised crime only.  It is not intended as a complete table of legislation governing the activities of the agencies listed and does not mention the responsibilities and activities of agencies with no or only incidental relevance to organised crime.