Appendix 7

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Appendix 7

Commonwealth agencies with responsibility for combating serious and organised crime and their relevant legislative tools[1]


Role in combating organised crime

Relevant legislative tools

Australian Crime Commission (ACC)
(CEO – John Lawler)

Board: AFP Commissioner; State and Territory police commissioners, Director-General of Security, Chair of ASIC, CEO of Customs, Secretary of Attorney-General's Department and ACC CEO as non-voting member.

  • Combat serious and organised crime by working with Commonwealth, State and Territory law enforcement agencies.
  • Collect, correlate, analyse and disseminate criminal information and intelligence and maintain a national database of that information and intelligence
  • Undertake, when authorised, intelligence operations
  • Investigate, when authorised, matters relating to federally relevant criminal activity
  • Provide strategic criminal intelligence assessments, and any other criminal information and intelligence, to the Board;
  • Advice to the Board on national criminal intelligence priorities.

Australian Federal Police (AFP)
(Commissioner Mick Keelty APM)

  • Investigate and enforce the laws of the Commonwealth
  • Advise Government on policing issues
  • Provide community policing to territories (except NT); protective services to Government
  • International peacekeeping and policing

Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI)
(Integrity Commissioner - Philip Moss)

  • Preventing, detecting and investigating serious and systemic corruption issues in the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Crime Commission.

(CEO – Neil Jensen)

  • Oversees compliance with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing legislation by financial institutions, the gambling industry and others.
  • Gathers financial intelligence data which is provided to law enforcement and revenue agencies.

Australian Hi-Tech Crime Centre
(Director – James McCormack)

Part of the AFP

  • Co-ordination of technology enabled crime matters between Australian law enforcement, Federal Government and international agencies.
  • Investigation of high tech crimes.
  • Intelligence services


(CEO - Ben McDevitt AM APM)

  • Leads the development national policing information services;  advanced national police investigation tools; and national criminal history record checks for accredited agencies.
  • Developing a new National Automated Fingerprint Identification System; a National Criminal Investigation DNA Database;  a National Child Sex Offender System; and the provision of rapid access to national operational policing data.

Attorney-General's Department

(Secretary - Roger Wilkins AO)

(First Assistant Secretary, Criminal Justice Division - Elizabeth Kelly)

  • The Criminal Justice Division is responsible for Australian Government crime prevention initiatives, national law enforcement policy, fraud policy, legal and policy advice on criminal law and legal aspects of the Commonwealth criminal justice system as well as international criminal law and transnational crime issues.
  • The National Law Enforcement Policy Branch provides policy advice on the operational law enforcement agencies within the Attorney-General's portfolio (AFP, ACC and ACLEI); firearms; illicit drugs and fraud against the Australian Government.
  • The Strategic Policy Coordination Branch provides advice on a range of crime prevention and criminal justice issues, including: transnational organised crime, trafficking in persons, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing, corruption and foreign bribery. 
  • The Identity Security Branch is coordinates the development of the National Identity Security Strategy and other measures to enhance identification and verification processes and combat identity crime.

Australian Customs Service (ACS)
(CEO – Michael Carmody)

Australian Tax Office (ATO)(Commissioner Michael D'Ascenzo)

Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP)Director – Christopher Craigie SC)


Department of Immigration and Citizenship
(Secretary – Andrew Metcalfe)


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