B. Witnesses

Friday, 25 September 2020
via Teleconference
Care Leavers Australasia Network
Mrs Leonie Sheedy, CEO
Mr Frank Golding, Vice President
Mr Warren Strange, Executive Officer
Ms Anna Swain, Acting Principal Lawyer
Ms Amanda Whelan, Director of Client Services
Ms Nicole Peyton-Smith, Aboriginal Engagement Advisor
Ms Lauren Hancock, Law Reform and Advocacy Officer
Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency
Ms Hanina Rind, Senior Program Manager
Financial Counselling Australia
Ms Fiona Guthrie, CEO
Mr Peter Gartlan, Project Manager

Monday, 28 September 2020
via Teleconference
Grant Thornton UK – Fairbridge (Restored) Limited (in Administration)
Mr Trevor O’Sullivan, Joint Administrator
Mr Chris Laverty, Joint Administrator
Healing Foundation
Ms Fiona Peterson, CEO
Friday, 16 October 2020
via Teleconference
Attorney-General’s Department
Mr Michael Kingston, Australian Government Solicitor
Mr Michael Johnson, Assistant Secretary
Ms Emma Gill, Senior Executive Lawyer
Australian Border Force
Mr Daniel Caldwell, Acting Assistant Secretary, Child Wellbeing Branch
Department of Social Services
Ms Liz Hefren-Webb, Deputy Secretary, Families and Communities
Ms Emma Kate McGuirk, Group Manager, Redress
Mr John Riley, Branch Manager, Redress External Engagement
Ms Sharon Stuart, Branch Manager, Redress Policy Strategy and Design
Thursday, 26 November 2020
via Teleconference
Private capacity
Mr Frank Golding
Mrs Diane Lynn
Mr John Everett

In Good Faith Foundation
Ms Clare Leaney, CEO
Mr Phillip Lindenmayer, Head of Governance
Mr Joe Stroud, Head of Government Relations
Ms Rachel Last, Advocacy and Redress Manager
West Australian Stolen Generations Aboriginal Corporation (Yokai)
Mr James (Jim) Morrison, Chair
Mr Keith Bodman, Executive Secretary
Mr Brendan Loizou, Legal Consultant
Kimberley Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation
Mrs Tania Bin Bakar, CEO
Tuesday, 8 December 2020
Parliament House, Canberra
Department of Social Services
Ms Kathryn Campbell AO CSC, Secretary
Ms Emma Kate McGuirk, Group Manager, Redress
Mr John Riley, Branch Manager, Redress External Engagement and Communications
Friday, 22 January 2021
via Videoconference/Teleconference
Department of Social Services
Ms Liz Hefren-Webb, Deputy Secretary, Families and Communities
Ms Emma Kate McGuirk, Group Manager, Redress
Ms Sharon Stuart, Branch Manager, Redress Policy Strategy and Design
Mr John Riley, Branch Manager, Redress External Engagement and Communications

Thursday, 11 March 2021
via Teleconference
Relationships Australia Northern Territory
Ms Mary Wellington, Manager, Adult Specialist Support Services
In Good Faith Foundation
Ms Clare Leaney, CEO
Mr Joe Stroud, Chief Operating Officer
Mr Phillip Lindenmayer, Head of Governance
Ms Rachel Last, Advocacy and Redress Manager
Child Migrant Trust Inc.
Dr Margaret Humphreys, International Director
Mr Ian Thwaites, Assistant Director (Services)
Private capacity
Mr Mark Jones
Micah Projects
Mr Darcy Orr, Team Leader
Monday, 16 August 2021
via Teleconference
Care Leavers Australasia Network
Mrs Leonie Sheedy, CEO
Dr Frank Golding, Vice President
Private capacity
Mr David Hill
Beyond Brave
Mrs Silvia Skinner, National Manager of Advocacy and Support Services

knowmore Legal Service
Mr Warren Strange, CEO
Mr Simon Bruck, Principal Lawyer
Mrs Amanda Whelan, Director of Client Services
Mr Dean Bell, Manager - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Engagement Team
Ms Jasmine Jevaherjian, Acting Law Reform and Advocacy Officer
Ms Lisa van Toor, Lawyer and Acting Law Reform and Advocacy Officer
People with Disability Australia
Ms Karen Kobier, Manager and Specialist Advocate, Redress Project
Wednesday, 18 August 2021
via Teleconference
The Healing Foundation
Ms Fiona Cornforth, CEO
Link-Up QLD
Ms Patricia Thompson, CEO
Ms Virginia Clarke, Redress Counsellor
Mr Keith Bodman, Executive Secretary
Mr Brendan Loizou, Consultant/Project Consultant
Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency
Mrs Bindi Jose, Executive Manager - Statewide Programs
Mrs Sarah Gafforini, Director, Office of the CEO
Link-Up NSW
Mrs Lisa Polyblank, Redress Counsellor
Kimberley Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation
Mrs Tania Bin Bakar, CEO
Private capacity
Ms Robyn Kruk AO, Independent Reviewer
Department of Social Services
Ms Liz Hefren-Webb, Deputy Secretary, Families and Communities
Ms Emma Kate McGuirk, Group Manager, Redress
Mr John Riley, Branch Manager, Redress External Engagement
Monday, 11 October 2021
via Teleconference
Danila Dilba Health Service
Mr Jahmayne Coolwell, SEWB Team Leader
Private capacity
Mr David Hill
Helping Families Heal
Ms Christabel Chamarette, Clinical Director
Victim Support Service
Ms Sarah Scammell, General Manager
Mrs Helena Van Schalkwyk, Acting Team Leader Client Services/Counsellor
Private capacity
Ms Michelle Ring

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About this inquiry

The Joint Select Committee on Implementation of the National Redress Scheme was appointed by resolution of the House of Representatives on 10 September 2019 and resolution of the Senate on 11 September 2019.

Past Public Hearings

11 Oct 2021: Canberra
18 Aug 2021: Canberra
16 Aug 2021: Canberra