Terms of Reference

Regulation of the use of financial services such as credit cards and digital wallets for online gambling in Australia, including:

a. the extent of consumer detriment;
b. the level of existing voluntary bans by Australian financial institutions;
c. existing consumer protections;
the potential for a mandatory industry code;
regulatory approaches used in other relevant jurisdictions;
the provisions of the attached draft legislation to amend clause 15C the Interactive Gambling Amendment Act 2017; and
any related matters.

Current section

Part 15C; Credit not to be provided to customers of certain interactive wagering services.

  (1) A person commits an offence if:

  (a) the person intentionally provides a regulated interactive gambling service that is a wagering service; and

  (b) either:

  (i) the person provides, or offers to provided, credit in connection with the service to a customer, or prospective
                             customer, of the service who is physically present in Australia; or

  (ii) the person facilitates of promotes the provision of credit (other than by way of an independently issued
                              credit card), by a third person, in connection with the service to a customer, or prospective customer,
                              of the service who is physically present in Australia.

Possible amendments

  • At 15C(1)(b)(ii), delete the words “(other than by way of an independently issued credit card)”;
  • At 15(C)(1)(b)(ii), after “physically present in Australia” insert “or;”;
  • After 15C(1)(b)(ii), insert:  “(iii) where the service is provided online, the person accepts credit as a form of payment for the service.
  • After 15C(1)(b)(iii), insert “For the avoidance of doubt, 15C(1)(b)(iii) does not apply to debit payments.”

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3583