Appendix 3

Bans in Australian states and territories

This appendix summarises current bans on in-venue gambling with credit under state and territory regulations in Australia.


A venue operator must not allow a person to obtain [cash] from a cash facility in the approved venue or a cash advance from a credit account.
All automatic teller machines installed in the licensee’s licensed premises are available only for the use of debit cards.
New South Wales
A hotelier or club must not permit a cash dispensing facility to be used or to be installed or located in any part of the hotel or club premises if the facility is capable of providing cash from a credit card account.
Northern Territory
ATM and EFTPOS Facilities will have access only to debit accounts; access to credit accounts will not be permitted.
A casino operator must not allow a person to obtain, from a cash facility, a cash advance from a credit account.
South Australia
The holder of a gaming machine licence must not provide, or allow another person to provide, a cash facility within a gaming area on the licensed premises.
Australia Capital Territory
A hotelier or club must not permit a cash dispensing facility to be used or to be installed or located in any part of the hotel or club premises if the facility is capable of providing cash from a credit card account.
Western Australia
In the gaming areas of the Casino EFTPOS is only to be used to access savings or cheque (not credit) accounts in accordance with relevant legislative and regulatory requirements, and subject to transaction limits.
Source: Australian Banking Association, Every Customer Counts, Consultation Report, December 2020, pp. 3, 24.
Tabcorp indicated that TAB outlets, including TAB facilities at stand-alone TAB agencies, racetracks and licenced venues, currently only take cash payments for wagering. No cashless payments or other forms of credit are presently used for TAB wagering in these venues.1
Visa indicated that card issuers implement blocks at their host systems to manage the block for the face-to-face environment.2
In-venue gambling transactions payment terminals used by merchants at the point-of-sale will not accept credit transactions. The terminals are configured to enable debit transactions, but not credit.3

  • 1
    Tabcorp, answers to questions on notice, 14 September 2021 (received 21 September 2021).
  • 2
    Visa, answers to questions on notice, 20 September 2021, (received 28 September 2021).
  • 3
    Australian Banking Association, answers to questions on notice, 14 September 2021 (received on 23 September 2021).

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