

Chapter 2 - Issues raised with ASIC

[1]        Department of Treasury, Corporate and Financial Services Regulation Review: Consultation Paper, April 2006,, (accessed 9 February 2007).

[2]        The Hon. Chris Pearce MP, 'Pearce announces progress towards simpler regulatory system bill', Press release, 14 August 2006.

[3]        Department of Treasury, Corporate and Financial Services Regulation Review: Proposals Paper, November 2006,, (accessed 29 January 2006).

[4]        Department of Treasury, Table on progressing Corporate and Financial Services Regulation Review,, (accessed 12 December 2006).

[5]        Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 3.

[6]        Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, pp. 2-3.

[7]        ASIC, Monitoring superannuation fees and costs, November 2006.

[8]        ASIC, 'ASIC reports on monitoring superannuation fees and costs', Press release, 16 November 2006.

[9]        Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 30.

[10]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 31.

[11]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 32.

[12]      Department of Treasury, Regulation for Compensation for Loss in the Financial Services Sector: Commentary on draft regulations, November 2006,, (accessed 9 February 2007).

[13]      See for example 'Westpoint fallout: planners forced to protect investors', Australian Financial Review, 6 November 2006, p. 1.

[14]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 13.

[15]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, pp. 13-14.

[16]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Statutory oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, August 2006, pp. 9-14.

[17]      ASIC, Press Release, 'ASIC accepts a legally enforceable undertaking from AMP financial planning', 27 July 2006

[18]      ASIC, Press Release, 'ASIC accepts a legally enforceable undertaking from AMP financial planning', 27 July 2006

[19]      ASIC, Press Release, 'ASIC accepts a legally enforceable undertaking from AMP financial planning', 27 July 2006

[20]      Enforceable undertaking offered to ASIC by AMP Financial Planning Limited pursuant to section 1 of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission ACT 2001, 27 July 2006, pp. 13-24.

[21]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Statutory oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, August 2006, p. 10.

[22]      Response to question on notice no. 18. See appendix 2.

[23]      Senate Economics Committee, Committee Hansard, 2 November 2006, pp. 23-24.

[24]      Response to question on notice no. 13. See appendix 2.

[25]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Statutory oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, August 2006, p. 8.

[26]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 24.

[27]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 25.

[28]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 26.

[29]      ASIC, 'ASIC takes further action against David Tweed', Press release, 2 November 2006.

[30]      ASIC, 'ASIC takes further action against David Tweed', Press release, 2 November 2006.

[31]      ASIC, ' ASIC takes action to stop unsolicited share offers', Press release, 26 November 2004.

[32]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, pp. 18-19.

[33]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 19.

[34]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 19.

[35]      ASIC, Press release, 'Tune in to ASIC's "Your Money"', 24 July 2006.

[36]      Response to question on notice no. 2. See appendix 2.

[37]      Mr Jeffrey Lucy, Speech, 'ASIC's Super Strategies: 2006-07', 6 September 2006, p. 12,$file/ASFA_Super_Strategies_2006_07.pdf, (accessed 12 February 2007).

[38]      Response to question on notice no. 2. See appendix 2.

[39]      'Lay links Vizard to hidden share deals', Australian Financial Review, 9 September 2006, p. 3.

[40]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 38.

[41]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 11.

[42]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 11.

[43]      Priest, M. 'United against privilege', Australian Financial Review, 2 December 2006, p. 22.

[44]      The Hon. Philip Ruddock MP, 'Australian Law Reform Commission to review legal professional privilege', Press release, 30 November 2006.

[45]      The Hon. Philip Ruddock MP, 'Australian Law Reform Commission to review legal professional privilege', Press release, 30 November 2006.

[46]      The Hon. Philip Ruddock MP, 'Australian Law Reform Commission to review legal professional privilege', Press release, 30 November 2006.

[47]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 12.

[48]      ASX Corporate Governance Council, Good Corporate Governance and Best Practice Recommendations, November 2006, p. 21,, (accessed 8 February 2007). 

[49]      ASX Corporate Governance Council, Good Corporate Governance and Best Practice Recommendations, November 2006, p. 15,, (accessed 8 February 2007).

[50]      Treasury, Corporate and Financial Services Regulation Review: Proposals Paper, November 2006, p. 42,, (accessed 8 February 2007).

[51]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 6.

[52]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, pp. 7-8.

[53]      Chong, F. 'Aussie LPTs "fail global governance test"', The Australian, 23 November 2006, p. 25.

[54]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 9.

[55]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 9.

[56]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 9.

[57]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 10.

[58]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, pp. 3-4.

[59]      Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Committee Hansard, 30 November 2006, p. 4.