Chapter 2 - Purpose and outline of the Bill

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Chapter 2 - Purpose and outline of the Bill

2.1       The second reading speech for the Corporations Law Amendment (Employee Entitlements) Bill 2000 advised that the purpose of the Bill was to amend the Corporations Law to increase protection for employee entitlements.  This follows a number of high profile failures of corporate employers where employees were not paid the full amount of their accumulated entitlements.  The speech advised that the Bill would send a very clear message to corporate employers that deliberate avoidance of obligations to employees is not acceptable.

2.2       The speech further advised that the Bill would increase protection for employee entitlements in two ways.  First, by extending the existing duty on directors not to engage in insolvent trading.  Second, by introducing a new criminal offence which targets agreements and transactions entered into for the purpose of avoiding payment of employee entitlements; a breach of this provision may also lead to court-ordered payment of compensation by those involved.

2.3       The Explanatory Memorandum described the provisions of the Bill.

  1. Extension of existing duty on directors not to engage in insolvent trading

2.4       The Corporations Law already includes a prohibition on insolvent trading by directors, but there is currently no duty on directors not to engage in a non-debt uncommercial transaction where the company is or becomes insolvent.  An amendment of s.588G : Director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading by company addresses this.  Directors who breach this duty are liable to pay compensation under the civil penalty provisions of the Corporations Law.  In certain circumstances offending directors may also be subject to criminal prosecution.

  1. Protection of employee entitlements from agreements and transactions entered into with the intention of defeating those entitlements

2.5       This part of the legislative scheme is effected by inserting a new Part 5.8A Employee entitlements to Chapter 5 – External administration of the Corporations Law.  The provisions of the Part are summarised below.

Section 596AA : Object and coverage of Part

Section 596AB: Entering into agreements or transactions to avoid employee entitlements

(Penalty: 1000 penalty units (at present $110,000) or 10 years, or both.  Under the general principles of criminal law, persons who aid or abet a breach of this provision would also be liable to a penalty.)

Section 596AC : Person who contravenes section 596AB liable to compensate for loss

Section 596AD: Avoiding double recovery

Section 596AE: Effect of section 596AC

Section 596AF: Employee may sue for compensation with liquidator’s consent

Section 596AG: Employee may give liquidator notice of intention to sue for compensation

Section 596AH: When employee may sue for compensation without liquidator’s consent

Section 596AI: Events preventing employee from suing

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