Chapter 1 - The Committee’s inquiry

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Chapter 1 - The Committee’s inquiry

1.1         On 8 March 2000 the Senate referred the provisions of the Corporations Law Amendment (Employee Entitlements) Bill 2000 to the Committee for report by 6 April 2000.  At the request of the Committee the Senate later extended the reporting date to 10 April 2000.

1.2       The Committee advertised the terms of its inquiry and received 14 submissions.  A list of those who made submissions is shown in Appendix 1.

1.3       The Committee held a public hearing on the Bill in Canberra on Wednesday, 5 April 2000.  A list of witnesses who appeared at the hearing is shown in Appendix 2.

1.4       All submissions and the Hansard of the Committee’s hearing on the Bill are tabled with this report.  Copies of submissions are available on request from the Committee staff on (02) 6277 3580.  The Hansard of the hearing is available at the Committee site on the Internet (

1.5       The Committee acknowledges the assistance of those who made submissions or who appeared as witnesses, all of whom did so at short notice.  The Committee is grateful for this assistance.

1.6       It should be noted that the Committee’s terms of reference extend only to the provisions of the Bill.  A number of submissions referred to other aspects of the Government’s broader package of measures intended to address employee entitlements.  However, the report deals only with the reference to examine the actual provisions of the Bill.

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