

Submissions to this inquiry were received from the following individuals/organisations and copies of some of those submissions are available on this site or from the Committee Secretariat. Further submissions will be made available on this site as original paper copies are converted to electronic documents.

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No Received from
1 Robert Downey (PDF – 171 kb)
2 George Sanders (PDF – 133 kb)
3 Lindell White (PDF – 39 kb)
4 Angela Byrne (PDF – 39 kb)
5 National Civic Council WA (PDF – kb)
6 C. A. Roberts (PDF – 35 kb)
7 Centre for Public Law, University of New South Wales (PDF – 234 kb)
8 Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia (PDF – 115 kb)
9 John and Margaret Hale (PDF – 22 kb)
10 Friends of the ABC, Central Coast Branch (PDF – 24 kb)
11 Ann J Marshall (PDF – 39 kb)
12 E. A Bazeley (PDF – 28 kb)
13 Mnem Giles (PDF – 25 kb)
14 National Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS (NAPWA) (PDF – 182 kb)
15 Ron Clifton (PDF – 108 kb)
16 Ray Cox (PDF – 109 kb)
17 Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association of NSW Inc, Ununga Branch (PDF – 34 kb)
18 Alcoa World Alumina Australia (PDF – 104 kb)
18.1 Alcoa World Alumina Australia (PDF – 461 kb)
19 Australian Dairy Council (PDF – 125 kb)
20 State Library of Victoria (PDF – 35 kb)
21 Queensland Nurses Union (PDF – 291 kb)
22 Gymea Sub-branch, AMWU Retired Workers Association (PDF – 104 kb)
23 National Association of Testing Authorities (PDF – 58 kb)
24 AMWU, Retired Metalworkers and Printers Union (PDF – 117 kb)
25 Evelyn Rafferty (PDF – 27 kb)
26 Australian Chicken Meat Federation Inc. (PDF – 586 kb)
27 Matthew Rimmer, Faculty of Law, Australian National University (PDF – 1.7 mb)
28 Medicines Australia (PDF – 772 kb)
29 Ms Thea Ormerod, on behalf of 20 signatories (PDF – 221 kb)
30 Australian Superannuants and Pensioners League Qld Inc (PDF – 725 kb)
31 Music Council of Australia (PDF – 231 kb)
32 Peter Youll (PDF – 99 kb)
33 Withdrawn
34 Madelaine Chaim, Centre for International and Public Law, Faculty of Law, Australian National University (PDF – 145 kb)
35 Annette Bonnici and Mike Hanratty (PDF – 186 kb)
36 Professor Barry G. Rolfe (PDF – 327 kb)
37 Anthony Towns (PDF – 119 kb)
38 Institute of International Business, Economics and Law; University of Adelaide (PDF – 197 kb)
39 Australian Information Industry Association (PDF – 270 kb)
40 Katherine Martin (PDF – 116 kb)
41 Mervyn Murchie (PDF – 47 kb)
42 Andrew Gaines (PDF – 449 kb)
43 Australian Services Union (PDF – 284 kb)
44 Dr Michael Slaytor and Petrina Slaytor (PDF – 199 kb)
45 Rail Tram and Bus Union National Office (PDF – 120 kb)
46 Isabel Higgins (PDF – 331 kb)
47 B. Barrett-Lennard (PDF – 142 kb)
48 Mr Bill McClurg (PDF – 564 kb)
49 Murray Goulburn Cooperative Co Ltd (PDF – 4771 kb) 50 Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc. (PDF – 4003 kb) 51 Mr Jonathan Schultz (PDF – 28 kb) 52 Mr Michael Davies (PDF – 173 kb) 53 Mrs Jan Tendys (PDF – 2601 kb) 54 Ms Nizza Siano (PDF – 26 kb) 55 Ms Nicole da Silva (PDF – 146 kb) 56 Interactive Entertainment Association of Australia (PDF – 34 kb) 57 Ms Pauline Stirzaker (PDF – 9 kb) 58 Mudgee District Environment Group Inc (PDF – 111 kb) 59 Catholics in Coalition for Justice and Peace (PDF – 25 kb) 60 Friends of the ABC NSW (PDF – 29 kb) 61 Meat & Livestock Australia (PDF – 1253 kb) 62 Mr Peter Stratford (PDF – 14 kb) 63 University of the Sunshine Coast (PDF – 12 kb) 64 Unfolding Futures Pty Ltd (PDF – 44 kb) 65 Mr John Koch (PDF – 4 kb) 66 New South Wales Government (PDF – 1094 kb) 67 Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance (PDF – 525 kb) 68 Australian Fair Trade & Investment Network (PDF – 1094 kb) 69 Ms Alison Wodham 70 The Australian Institute (PDF – 88 kb) 71 Australian Libraries Copyright Committee (PDF – 18 kb) 72 Dr Thomas Faunce & Professor Peter Drahos (PDF – 88 kb) 73 Mr John Morris (PDF – 16 kb) 74 Ms Dee Margetts MLC (PDF – 49kb) 75 Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (PDF – 110 kb) 76 Peanut Company of Australia (PDF – 10kb) 77 Mr Alan Isherwood 78 Ms Vivian Miles (PDF – 129 kb) 79 Doctors for the Environment Australia inc. (PDF – 26kb) 80 CPSU-State Public Services Federation (PDF – 30kb) 81 Mr Brendan Scott (PDF – 9kb) 82 Oliver and Theresa Baudert (PDF – 170kb) 83 Generic Medicines Industry Association Pty Ltd (PDF – 399kb) 84 Mr Phillip Bradley (PDF – 18kb) 85 Cybersource Pty Ltd (PDF – 7kb) 85.1 Cybersource Pty Ltd (PDF – 147kb) 86 Ms Jacqueline Loney (PDF – 5kb) 87 Doctors Reform Society (PDF – 1069kb) 88 Mr Denis Bright (PDF – 177kb) 89 Mr Niko Leka (PDF – 30kb) 90 Progressive Labour Party (PDF – 409kb) 91 Victorian Government (PDF – 1307kb) 92 Ms Kimberlee Weatherall (PDF – 2259kb) 93 Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd (PDF – 845kb) 93_1 Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd (PDF – 1245kb) 94 Australian Industry Group (PDF – 1511kb) 95 Stop MAI (WA) Coalition (PDF – 1261kb) 96 Ms Annie Nielsen (PDF – 157kb) 97 The Grail Centre (PDF – 742kb) 98 Ms Robyn Doherty (PDF – 120kb) 99 Debbie Scholem (PDF – 72kb) 100 Ms Cleo Lynch (PDF – 129kb) 101 Rain Forest Information Centre (PDF – 928kb) 102 Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices (PDF – 565kb) 103 Swinburne University of Technology (PDF – 85kb) 104 Mr Zenon Sawko (PDF – 80kb) 105 Professor Ian Lowe AO (PDF – 240kb) 106 Professor Larissa Behrendt and Megan Davis (PDF – 728kb) 107 Ms Luci Temple (PDF – 68kb) 108 Australian Pork Limited (PDF – 3768kb) 109 Ms Jane Seymor (PDF – 90kb) 110 Mr John Campbell (PDF – 72kb) 111 Council of Textile & Fashion Industries of Australia Ltd (PDF – 230kb) 112 WTO Watch Qld (PDF – 1634kb) 113 Mr Liam Cranley (PDF – 150kb) 114 Baxter Healthcare Pty Ltd (PDF – 183kb) 115 Council of Australian University Librarians (PDF – 418kb) 116 Marjon & Greg Martin (PDF – 134kb) 117 Macquarie University - Sydney (PDF – 134kb) 118 Ms Vera Raymer OAM (PDF – 151kb) 119 Friends of the Earth Melbourne 120 Australian Nursing Federation (PDF – 309kb) 121 Ford Motor Company of Australia (PDF – 172kb) 122 CPA Australia (PDF – 277kb) 123 Digital Distribution Global Training Services Pty Ltd (PDF – 72kb) 124 Quaker Peace & Justice (PDF – 230kb) 125 Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (PDF – 1885kb) 126 Business Software Association of Australia (PDF – 72kb) 127 Australian Conservation Foundation (PDF – 1873kb) 128 Western Australian Government (PDF – 72kb) 128.1 Western Australian Government (PDF – 283kb) 129 National Tertiary Education Union (PDF – 928kb) 130 Australian Council of Trade Unions (PDF – 96kb) 131 Dr Colin Dahl and Mrs Catherine Dahl (PDF – 139kb) 132 Business Council of Australia (PDF – 706kb) 133 Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PDF – 608kb) 134 Minerals Council of Australia (PDF – 924kb) 135 Australian Broadcasting Authority (PDF – 748kb) 136 Ms Susan Houghton (PDF – 104kb) 137 Mr Tor Larsen and Darani Lewers AM (PDF – 409kb) 138 Mr Patrick Caldon (PDF – 206kb) 139 Ms Ruth Williams (PDF – 85kb) 140 Mr Mike Willis (PDF – 834kb) 141 Ms Merrill Jusuf (PDF – 82kb) 142 Australian Library & Information Association (PDF – 761kb) 143 Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (PDF – 720kb) 144 Ricegrowers Association of Australia (PDF – 1mb) 145 Commercial Television Australia (PDF – 916kb) 146 Australian Medical Association (PDF – 412kb) 146.1 Australian Medical Association (PDF – 278kb) 147 Mr Jock Given (PDF – 1515kb) 148 Holden Ltd (PDF – 1070kb) 148.1 Holden Ltd (PDF – 156kb) 149 Australian Meat Holdings Pty Limited (PDF – 194kb) 150 Mr Bruce Kirkham (PDF – 116kb) 151 Australian Coalition for Economic Justice (PDF – 209kb) 152 Australian Wine & Brandy Corporation (PDF – 406kb) 153 National Farmers' Federation (PDF – 623kb) 154 Wine Makers Federation of Australia (PDF – 760kb) 154.1 Wine Makers Federation of Australia (PDF – 247kb) 155 Australian Record Industry Association Ltd (ARIA) (PDF – 146kb) 156 Australasian Performing Rights Association (APRA) (PDF – 292kb) 157 Australia Council for the Arts (PDF – 193kb) 158 Mr Gerard Sont (PDF – 113kb) 159 Horticulture Australia (PDF – 1361kb) 160 Professor Ross Garnaut and Mr Bill Carmichael (PDF – 1733kb) 160.1 Professor Ross Garnaut and Mr Bill Carmichael (PDF – 284kb) 160.2 Professor Ross Garnaut and Mr Bill Carmichael (PDF – 734kb) 161 Australian Film Industry Coalition (PDF – 2521kb) 162 Dr Geoff Pain (PDF – 420kb) 163 Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Association of NSW (PDF – 569kb) 164 Australian Screen Directors' Association & the Australian Writers' Guild (PDF – 2656kb) 165 Mr John Quiggin (PDF – 1333kb) 166 Moonlight Cactus Music (PDF – 96kb) 167 Mr John Wood & Ms Inge Fina (PDF – 92kb) 168 Ms Kerry Brandy (PDF – 162kb) 169 Uniting Care NSW/ACT (PDF – 2146kb) 170 AUSTA Business Group (PDF – 553kb) 171 Ms Betty Murphy (PDF – 468kb) 172 Mr Clem Clarke (PDF – 173kb) 173 Cattle Council of Australia (PDF – 1766kb) 174 Dr Ken Harvey (PDF – 916kb) 175 Ms Anne Goddard (PDF – 1659kb) 176 Hinkler Burnett Green (PDF – 1728kb) 177 Ms Ana Penteado (PDF – 2281kb) 178 The American Chamber of Commerce in Australia (PDF – 311kb) 179 Healthy Skepticism Inc (PDF – 401kb) 180 ACT Government (PDF – 644kb) 180.1 ACT Government (PDF – 107kb) 181 Australian Broadcasting Corporation (PDF – 127kb) 182 Ms June Ayers (PDF – 72kb) 183 Linux Australia (PDF – 221kb) 184 Mr Paul Russell (PDF – 46kb) 185 Australian Stock Exchange Limited (PDF – 8422kb) 186 Tuna Boat Owners Association (PDF – 423kb) 187 Australian Red Cross Blood Service (ARCBS) (PDF – 256kb) 188 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Services (PDF – 8610kb) 189 Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee (PDF – 797kb) 190 Federation of Australian Scientific & Technological Societies (PDF – 200kb) 190.1 Federation of Australian Scientific & Technological Societies (PDF – 1241kb) 191 Australian Centre for Intellectual Property in Agriculture (PDF – 8522kb) 192 Mr Michael Baume (PDF – 109kb) 193 Yagoona Branch Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association of NSW Inc. (PDF – 92kb) 194 Mr Colin McQueen (PDF – 74kb) 195 Australian Consumers' Association (PDF – 2027kb) 196 Social Justice Committee Conference Leaders of Religious Institutes NSW (PDF – 192kb) 197 Copyright Agency Limited (PDF – 208kb) 198 South Australian Government (PDF – 241kb) 199 Arts Law Centre Australia (PDF – 75kb) 200 PC Profile (PDF – 162kb) 201 Open Interchange Consortiumn (PDF – 272kb) 202 Ms Janine Schmidt (PDF – 200kb) 203 Mr Tony Healy (PDF – 120kb) 203.1 Mr Tony Healy (PDF – 120kb) 204 Professor Peter Drysdale (PDF – 166kb) 205 NSW Teachers Federation (PDF – 254kb) 206 Queensland Government (PDF – 1496kb) 207 Mr Roger McDonald (PDF – 125kb) 208 Mr Greg Hayes (PDF – 120kb) 209 Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia Ltd (PDF – 279kb) 210 Catholic Women's League Australia - New South Wales Inc (PDF – 82kb) 211 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (PDF – 212kb) 211.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (PDF – 100kb) 211.2 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (PDF – 119kb) 212 South Australian Farmers Federation (PDF – 55kb) 213 Australian Copyright Council (PDF – 296kb) 214 Viscopy (PDF – 346kb)