

Membership of the Committee
Resolution of appointment
List of abbreviations
List of recommendations

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Social Security Agreement with Japan
Chapter 3 Status of Visiting Forces Agreement with the Philippines
Chapter 4 Agreement between Australia and the Hellenic Republic on Social Security (Canberra, 23 May 2007)
Appendix A – Submissions
Appendix B – Exhibits
Appendix C – Witnesses
Appendix D – Report 88
Appendix E – Category 3 Treaty Actions

Membership of the Committee


Dr Andrew Southcott MP


Deputy Chair

Mr Kim Wilkie MP  


Hon Dick Adams MP

Senator Andrew Bartlett


Mr Michael Johnson MP

Senator Simon Birmingham


Mr Michael Keenan MP

Senator Carol Brown


Mr Andrew Laming MP

Senator The Hon Ian Macdonald


Mrs Margaret May MP

Senator Julian McGauran


Mr Bernie Ripoll MP

Senator Glenn Sterle


Hon Bruce Scott MP

Senator Dana Wortley

Committee Secretariat


James Rees

Inquiry Secretary

Serica Mackay

Research Officer

Sonya Fladun


Clare James

Administrative Officer

Heidi Luschtinetz


Doris Cooley

Resolution of appointment

The Resolution of Appointment of the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties allows it to inquire into and report upon:

  1. matters arising from treaties and related National Interest Analyses and proposed treaty actions presented or deemed to be presented to the Parliament;
  2. any question relating to a treaty or other international instrument, whether or not negotiated to completion, referred to the committee by:

    1. either House of the Parliament, or
    2. a Minister; and

such other matters as may be referred to the committee by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and on such conditions as the Minister may prescribe.

List of abbreviations


The Australian Customs Service


Australian Defence Force


Australian Taxation Office




Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs


Joint Standing Committee on Treaties


Medical Benefits Scheme


Memorandum of Understanding


National Interest Analysis


Commonwealth-State/Territory Standing Committee on Treaties


The Status of Visiting Forces Agreement

List of recommendations

2. Social Security Agreement with Japan

Recommendation 1

The Committee supports the Social Security Agreement with Japan and recommends that binding treaty action be taken

3. Status of Visiting Forces Agreement with the Philippines

Recommendation 2

The Committee supports the Status of Visiting Forces Agreement with the Philippines and recommends that binding treaty action be taken

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