Appendix E - Category 3 Treaty Actions

Appendix E - Category 3 Treaty Actions


Category 3 treaty actions are identifiably minor treaty actions (mainly minor/technical amendments to existing treaties) which do not impact significantly on the national interest. Category 3 treaty actions are tabled with a one-page explanatory statement. The Treaties Committee has the discretion to formally inquire into Category 3 treaty actions or indicate its acceptance of them without a formal inquiry and report.

The following Category 3 treaty actions have been considered by the Treaties Committee on the dates indicated. The Committee determined not to hold formal inquiries and agreed that binding treaty action on each one may be taken.

Treaties tabled on 15 August 2007

Considered by the Committee on 11 September 2007

Treaties tabled on 18 September 2007

Considered by the Committee on 18 September 2007

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