
Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

Australia's relations with the United Nations in the post Cold War environment


Submissions to this inquiry were received from the following individuals/organisations and copies of those submissions are available from the Committee Secretariat. Submissions are listed in numerical order, and supplementary submissions are also indicated.

No. Received from
1 Mr Leonce Kealy
2 Embassy of Ecuador
3 Dr Glenister Sheil
4 Mr Michael de Mol
5 Australian Defence Association
6 Mr T M Greene-McCosker
7 Mr Michael Palmer
8 Mr A Dykeman
9 Mr Michael Renehan
10 Embassy of Argentina
11 Mr E Chapman
12 Mr Jeremy Lee
13 Mrs E M Lippold
14 Mr Alan Barton
15 Embassy of Ecuador (Supplementary to Submission No 2)
16 Mr John Baldwin
17 Mrs J Bourne
18 Mr James Johnson
19 Mr George Bradney
20 Voters Policy Association
21 Mr Ron Barrett
22 Mr D N Bruderlin
23 The Christian Alternative Movement
24 University of the Third Age - Southern Highlands
25 Mr Rod Barton
26 Mr G Lloyd-Smith
27 Bureau of Meteorology
28 Mr Harley Morrow
28 Mr Ron Burke
30 Mr R W Davey
31 Mrs Annette Hooper
32 Mr Laurence Hagerty
33 Mr W G Bethage
34 Mr J John
35 Mrs Fay Bethage
36 Mr John O'Neill
37 Ms Judith Orr
38 Mr Ewen McBride
39 Mr C E Clark
40 Mr Henry G Eiler
41 Mr P J Keogh
42 Australian Peace Committee (SA Branch) Inc
43 Mr J & Ms K Ferguson
44 Ms June Beckett
45 National Observer
46 Mr J C Ingram, AO
47 United Nations Youth Association of Australia
48 Mr George Menkins
49 Mrs Olga Scully
50 Mrs Sandra Hill
51 Campaign for International Co-operation and Disarmament
52 Mrs Gwen M Beale
53 Mr Thomas D King
54 Mr D & Ms M G Connolly
55 Mrs J A Lees
56 Dr Ka-Sing Chua
57 Mr Yutaka Kawasaki
58 Mr Asem Judeh
59 Associate Professor Stanley Johnston
60 Hastings Patriotic Society
61 Mrs M Whitton
62 Mr Bill Webster
63 Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Australian Section)
64 Mr Alan Harrison
65 Mr Mark Nolan
66 Mr Bill Fisher
67 Australian Volunteers International
68 Ms Heather Jones
68 Mr Peter D Jones
70 Department of Health and Aged Care
71 United Nations Association of Australia
72 Mrs B M MacIntyre
73 Campaign for and Independent East Timor (SA) Inc
74 Mrs J E Milligan
75 Hon Doug Everingham
76 Mr Alan Bull
77 Mr Harold Paterson
78 Mr John Gates
79 Australian Electoral Commission
80 Freedombell Pipeline
81 Queenslanders for Constitutional Monarchy Assn (Inc)
82 National Council of Women of Australia
83 Rotary Club of Canberra Inc
84 UNICEF Australia
85 Union of Australian Women (Victorian Section)
86 Women's Rights Action Network Australia
87 Attorney-General's Department
88 Dr Colin J Balmer
89 Mr W G Digger James, AC, MBE, MC
90 Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia)
91 Uniting Church in Australia
92 Calbary Chapel United Pentecostal Churc Inc
93 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission
94 Department of the Environment and Heritage
95 Australian Baha'i Community
96 International Campaign to Ban Landmines Australian Network Inc
97 Mr Darryl Venz
98 Dr Claire Clark
99 World Vision Australia
100 Mr Stephen Bouwhuis
101 Australian Council for Overseas Aid
102 Mr Chris Gardiner
103 Council for the National Interest
104 Australian Red Cross
105 Mr Tom Dolling
106 National Party Queensland
107 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
108 Department of Defence
109 Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance
110 Australian National Commission for UNESCO
111 Department of Defence (Supplementary to Submission No 108)
112 Ms Rosemary O'Grady
113 United Nations Association of Australia (Supplementary to Submission No 71)
114 Amnesty International
115 AusAID
116 Ms Sue Downie
117 Polisario Representation in Australia
118 Department of Defence (Supplementary to Sub Nos 108 and 111)
119 Results Australia
120 Dr John Pace
121 Mr Gordon Barton
122 Mr C E Clark (Supplementary to Sub No 39)
123 Associate Professor Stanley Johnston (Supplementary to Sub No 59)
124 The Global Foundation
125 World Vision Australia (Supplementary to Sub No 99)
126 National Observer (Supplementary to Sub No 45)
127 Department of Defence (Supplementary to Sub Nos 108, 111 and 118)
128 Attorney-General's Department (Supplementary to Sub No 87)
129 Dr Glenister Sheil (Supplementary to Sub No 3)
130 Ms Elizabeth Evatt, AC
131 Mr James Page
132 UNICEF Australia (Supplementary to Sub No 84)
133 Campaign for an Independent East Timor (SA) Inc (Supplementary to Sub No 73)
134 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
135 Mrs Jocelyn Clarkson
136 Dr Glenister Sheil (Supplementary to Sub Nos 3 and 129)
137 World Vision Australia (Supplementary to Sub Nos 99 and 125)
138 Associate Professor Stanley Johnston (Supplementary to Sub Nos 59 and 123)
139 Confidential Submission
140 Committee for Melbourne
141 Centre for International and Public Law, Australian National University
142 Australian Federal Police
143 Attorney-General's Department (Supplementary to Sub Nos 87 and 128)
144 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Supplementary to Sub No 107)
145 Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs
146 Mr Chris Sidoti
147 Mr Bartle Kempster