Completed Inquiry: Australia's Role in United Nations Reform

Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Completed Inquiry: Australia's Role in United Nations Reform


The Committee presented its report Australia's Role in United Nations Reform to both Houses of Parliament on 25 June 2001. Copies of the individual chapters are available in PDF format. The report is also available from the Committee Secretariat.

(To view or print the PDF document, you will require the Acrobat® PDF Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe®.)

Conclusions and Recommendations

Chapter 1: The Role and Purpose of the United Nations (PDF Format 48KB)

Chapter 2: The Structure of the United Nations - Facts and Figures (PDF Format 62KB)

Chapter 3: Peace Operations (PDF Format 75KB)

Chapter 4: A United Nations Standing Army (PDF Format 47KB)

Chapter 5: The Role of the United Nations in Reconstruction (PDF Format 71KB)

Chapter 6: Preventive Action and Aid (PDF Format 79KB)

Chapter 7: Human Rights (PDF Format 68KB)

Chapter 8: The International Criminal Court (PDF Format 63KB)

Chapter 9: The Structural Reform of the UN (PDF Format 47KB)

Chapter 10: The Financial Reform of the UN (PDF Format 39KB)

Chapter 11: Australia and the United Nations (PDF Format 80KB)

List of Submissions

Public Hearings

A dissenting view (PDF Format 25KB)

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (PDF Format 16KB)

Additional Comments (PDF Format 7KB)

Dissenting Report (PDF Format 71KB)