Review of Independent Auditing by Registered Company Auditors

Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Full list of completed inquiries and reports
General Inquiries


Review of Independent Auditing by Registered Company Auditors

Terms of reference | Report


Submissions to this inquiry were received from the following individuals/organisations and copies of those submissions which have been provided in electronic format are available on this site. All submissions are available from the Committee Secretariat.

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There are 73 submissions in the following list.

No. Received from
1 Prof. Keith Houghton, Melbourne University (PDF Format 73KB)
2 Mr Brian Bolton (PDF Format 5KB)
3 Mr Brian Bolton (supplementary submission) (PDF Format 5KB)
4 Mr Rodney Bennett (PDF Format 21KB)
5 Mr Tom Ravlic (PDF Format 6KB)
6 The Law Society of SA (PDF Format 13KB)
7 Ciptanet International Pty Ltd (PDF Format 57KB)
8 The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (PDF Format 128KB)
9 A/Prof. John Ryan, School of Accounting, College of Law & Business (PDF Format 4KB)
10 Auditor-General of Queensland
11 The University of Sydney (PDF Format 74KB)
12 Australian Accounting Research Foundations (PDF Format 868KB)
13 Peter D Rickard & Co Pty Ltd (PDF Format 23KB)
14 Compostela Pty Ltd (PDF Format 44KB)
15 Pitcher Partners (PDF Format 78KB)
16 Prof. Keith Houghton, Melbourne University (PDF Format 31KB)
17 The Institute of Internal Auditors - Australia (PDF Format 56KB)
18 PricewaterhouseCoopers (PDF Format 65KB)
19 Mr John Hammond (PDF Format 52KB)
20 Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PDF Format 54KB)
21 Australian Stock Exchange (PDF Format 34KB)
22 Trustee Corporations Association of Australia (PDF Format 28KB)
23 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (PDF Format 25KB)
24 Mr Rodney Bennett (supplementary) (PDF Format 14KB)
25 Victorian Auditor-General (PDF Format 38KB)
26 Australian Institute of Company Directors (PDF Format 28KB)
27 Australian National Audit Office (PDF Format 59KB)
28 NSW Auditor-General (PDF Format 10KB)
29 The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (PDF Format 45KB)
30 WA Auditor-General (PDF Format 6KB)
31 Mr Tom Ravlic (supplementary) (PDF Format 43KB)
32 Ernst & Young
33 CPA Australia (PDF Format 98KB)
34 KPMG (PDF Format 43KB)
35 Spencer & Co Chartered Accountants (PDF Format 71KB)
36 National Institute of Accountants (PDF Format 83KB)
37 Mr Michael Nugent (PDF Format 43KB)
38 Mr Stuart Grant
39 Australian Securities and Investment Commission (PDF Format 12KB)
40 Queensland Government
41 R.G Walker, Professor of Accounting, University of NSW (PDF Format 37KB)
42 The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (supplementary submission)
43 Australian Stock Exchange (supplementary submission)
44 CPA Australia (supplementary submission)
45 Ernst & Young (supplementary submission)
46 The University of Sydney (PDF Format 22KB)
47 Australian Consumers' Association (PDF Format 26KB)
48 The Joshua Institute (PDF Format 16KB)
49 Department of Premier & Cabinet, Tasmania
50 Mr Mark Leibler (PDF Format 89KB)
51 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
52 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (PDF Format 51KB)
53 The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ausralia (PDF Format 306KB)
54 Australian National Audit Office
55 Australian Stock Exchange
56 CPA Australia (PDF Format 14KB)
57 Ernst & Young (PDF Format 49KB)
58 Auditing & Assurance Standards Board (PDF Format 40KB)
59 The Institute of Internal Auditors - Australia
60 PricewaterhouseCoopers
61 Mr Tom Ravlic (PDF Format 238KB)
62 Mr Mark Leibler
63 Ciptanet International Pty Ltd
64 Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board
65 Institutional Analysis Pty Ltd (PDF Format 14KB)
66 Australian Securities & Investment Commission (PDF Format 16KB)
67 Australian Institute of Company Directors
68 Mr Mark Leibler (PDF Format 38KB)
69 Professor Keith Houghton (PDF Format 15KB)
70 Professor Keith Houghton (PDF Format 8KB)
71 KPMG (PDF Format 122KB)
72 Pitcher Partners (PDF Format 8KB)
73 Mr Mark Leibler (PDF Format 41KB)