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Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Full list of completed inquiries and reports


General inquiries

The Committee has the capacity to determine its own work program and priorities. This power is derived from section 8 of the PAAC Act. The ability to consider and report on any circumstances connected with reports of the Auditor-General or with the financial accounts and statements of Commonwealth is one of the main sources of the JCPAA's authority - it gives the Committee the capacity to initiate its own references and, to a large extent, to determine its own work priorities. This power is unique among parliamentary committees and gives the JCPAA a significant degree of independence from the Executive arm of government.


43rd Parliament (September 2010 - present)

Report 427: Inquiry into National Funding Agreements
Parliamentary Paper: TBA/2011
Tabled 24 November 2011
Government Response

Report 421: Inquiry into the role of the Auditor-General in scrutinising government advertising campaigns
Parliamentary Paper: 63/2011
Government Response: Tabled 12 September 2011

Report 419: Inquiry into the Auditor-General Act 1997
Parliamentary Paper: 25/2011
Government Response: Tabled 13 September 2011


42nd Parliament (February 2008 - July 2010)

Report 413: The Efficiency Dividend: Size does matter
Parliamentary Paper: 578/2008
Government Response

Report 411: Progress on equipment acquisition and financial reporting in Defence
Parliamentary Paper: 321/2008
Tabling speech: Chair - Ms Sharon Grierson MP
Government Response

Report 410: Tax Administration
Parliamentary Paper: 307/2008
Government Response


41st Parliament (November 2004 - October 2007)

Report 409: Further Review of Aviation Security in Australia
Parliamentary Paper: 419/2006
Government Response

Report 406: Developments in Aviation Security since the Committee's June 2004 Report 400, Interim Report
Parliamentary Paper: 432/2005

Tabled 7 December 2005
Government response: see Report 409

Report 403: Indigenous Law and Justice Inquiry
Parliamentary Paper: 166/2005

Tabled 22 June 2005
Government Response


40th Parliament (February 2002 - August 2004)

Report 400: Review of Aviation Security in Australia
Parliamentary Paper: 167/2004

Tabled 24 June 2004
Government Response

Report 399: Management and Integrity of Electronic Information in the Commonwealth
Parliamentary Paper: 90/2004

Tabled 1 April 2004
Government Response

Report 395: Inquiry into the Draft Financial Framework Legislation Amendment Bill
Parliamentary Paper: 167/2003

Tabled 20 August 2003
Government Response

Report 394: Review of Australia's Quarantine Function
Parliamentary Paper: 30/2003

Tabled 5 March 2003
Government Response

Report 391: Review of Independent Auditing by Registered Company Auditors
Parliamentary Paper: 368/2002

Tabled 18 September 2002
Government Response


39th Parliament (November 1998 - October 2001)

Report 386: Inquiry into the Auditor-General Act 1997
Parliamentary Paper: 232/2001

Tabled 27 September 2001
Government Response

Report 384: Review of Coastwatch
Parliamentary Paper: 161/2001

Tabled 22 August 2001
Government Response

Report 379: Contract Management in the Australian Public Service
Parliamentary Paper: 676/2000

Tabled 2 November 2000
Government Response

Report 377: Guidelines for Government Advertising (The Report of Committee's Inquiry into Community Education and Information Programme)
Parliamentary Paper: 445/2000

Tabled 4 October 2000
Letter from the Special Minister of State in response to Report 377 (PDF 60KB)

Report 374: Review of Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 and the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997
Parliamentary Paper: 119/2000

Tabled 16 March 2000
Government Response

Report 372: Corporate Governance and Accountability Arrangements for Commonwealth Government Business Enterprises
Parliamentary Paper: 38/2000

Tabled 16 February 2000
Government Response.

Report 369: Australian Government Procurement
Parliamentary Paper: 309/1999

Tabled 30 June 1999
Executive Minute (PDF 108KB)

Government Response: 23 November 1999 (PDF 383KB)


See also