Report 377

Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Full list of completed inquiries and reports
General Inquiries


Guidelines for Government Advertising: inquiry into the Community Education and Information Programme

Report 377

The Committee tabled its report Guidelines for Government Advertising on 4 October 2000 in the House of Representatives and the Senate . Copies of the contents of the report (individual chapters and other sections of the report) are available in PDF format or from the Committee Secretariat.

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Contents of report: Guidelines for Government Advertising

Covering documents (PDF Format 33KB)

Chairman's Foreword
Membership of the Committee
Membership of the Sectional Committee
Duties of the Committee
Terms of Reference

Chapter 1: Guidelines for Government Advertising (PDF Format 28KB)
Appendix A: List of Submissions (PDF Format 10KB)
Appendix B: List of Exhibits (PDF Format 13KB)
Appendix C: Witnesses appearing at public hearings (PDF Format 12KB)