Inquiry into the Management and Integrity of Electronic Information in the Commonwealth

Submission | Public hearings | Report

Terms of Reference

The Committee shall inquire into and report on the potential risks concerning the management and integrity of the Commonwealth's electronic information.

The Commonwealth collects, processes and stores a large amount of private and confidential data about Australians. This information is held by various Commonwealth agencies and private bodies acting on behalf of the Commonwealth. For example, the Australian Taxation Office keeps taxpayer records, the Australian Electoral Commission keeps electoral roll information and Centrelink keeps social security, family and health information. The Committee is concerned that the Commonwealth's electronic information is kept securely and in a manner that ensures its accuracy.

In conducting its inquiry the Committee will consider:

  • the privacy, confidentiality and integrity of the Commonwealth's electronic data;
  • the management and security of electronic information transmitted by Commonwealth agencies;
  • the management and security of the Commonwealth's electronic information stored on centralised computer architecture and in distributed networks; and
  • the adequacy of the current legislative and guidance framework.