Terms of Reference

Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Full list of completed inquiries and reports
General Inquiries


Inquiry into the effects of the ongoing efficiency dividend on smaller public sector agencies

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Terms of Reference

Since 1987-88 an annual "efficiency dividend" has been applied to the operational appropriations of Commonwealth public sector agencies. The rate of the dvidend now stands at 1.25 per cent, with the Government imposing an additional one-off 2 per cent efficiency dividend for 2008-09 appropriations (with a pro-rata reduction in 2007-08 appropriations). The Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit will inquire into and report on the effects of the ongoing efficiency dividend on smaller public sector agencies, including:

For the purposes of its inquiry the Committee defines "smaller agencies" as those with an operational budget (that is to say, departmental as distinct from administrative appropriations) of $150 million per annum or less, and may particularly focus on a selection of such agencies as case studies. However, submissions relevant to the terms of reference will be accepted from other agencies.