Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Full list of completed inquiries and reports
Reviews of Auditor-General's Reports


Review of Auditor-General's Reports 1997-98: Third Quarter


The Committee tabled its report Review of Auditor-General's Reports 1997-98: Third Quarter on
30 March 1999 in the House of Representatives and the Senate . Copies of the contents of the report (individual chapters and other sections of the report) are available in PDF format or from the Committee Secretariat.

(To view or print the PDF document, you will require the Acrobat PDF Reader ®, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe®


Finance Minute/Government Response: The Finance Minute/Government response to the Committee's report was tabled on 10 May 2000.

Contents of report: Review of Auditor-General's Reports 1997-98: Third Quarter

Covering documents (PDF Format 22KB)

Chairman's Foreword
Table of contents of the report
Membership of the Committee
Duties of the Committee

Recommendations (PDF Format 9KB)

Chapter 1: Introduction (PDF Format 12KB)

Structure of the report
Chapter 2: Audit Report No. 35, 1997-98, DEETYA International Services, Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs (PDF Format 38KB) 

Objective of ANAO Audit
ANAO Audit Findings
DIS' Current Directions
The Focus of the Hearing
Performance Management
Managing Service Provision
Accounting and Financial Management
Chapter 3: Audit Report No. 38, 1997-98, Sale of Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth Airports (PDF Format 55KB)

Commonwealth Sales Objectives
Objective of ANAO Audit
Audit Findings
Focus of Hearing
Sale Management
Management of Outsourcing
Contracting Process
Printing Contract
Investing Accountant
Legal Adviser
Bid Assessment
Market Risk
Gearing Levels
Sale Outcome
Airport Leases
Chapter 4: Audit Report No. 39, 1997-98, Selected Functions of the Child Support Agency (PDF Format 55KB)

Previous Reviews
Objective of Present Audit
Audit Findings
The Focus of the Hearing
Child Support Administration
Client Service
Complaints Handling
Human Resources Development
Debt Management and Collection
Appendix I: Conduct of the committee review (PDF Format 12KB)
Appendix II: Submissions (PDF Format 7KB)
Appendix III: Exhibits (PDF Format 8KB) 
Appendix IV: Transcript of evidence