Snapshot 3 – Communication Tools

Communication Tools

This snapshot captures some questionnaire responses about how the Child Support program communicates with its clients. The questionnaire has been online for approximately 14 weeks and we have received over 11 000 responses. Though it isn't a statistical tool, it captures the opinions of the people who choose to complete it.

The questionnaire asks individuals to rate the communication tools used by the Child Support program on a scale from 1, being 'no use' to 5, being 'very useful'.


In the graph below, the green line represents the percentage of people who thought a particular communication tool was either 'no use' or almost no use (1 or 2 on the scale). The blue line represents the percentage of people who thought a particularly communication tool was useful or 'very useful' (4 or 5 on the scale). Most people found the communication tools not useful. The worst result was for the automated phone service, with only 6% of respondents rating it as useful, and 77% rating it not useful. The best result was for the operator phone service, with 19% of respondents rating it as useful and 58% rating it as not useful.

Graph depicting responses to the usefulness of various Communication tools

Some responses report positive experiences:

However a much larger proportion report serious problems with communication tools:

When asked about the Child Support program, many participants reported not understanding the system:

Thanks to everyone who has completed the Questionnaire.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 2358

About this inquiry

The Committee will consider whether any problems experienced by payers or payees of child support impact on the majority of parents and other carers involved in the system, or a minority, and make recommendations accordingly.

Past Public Hearings

02 Oct 2014: Canberra
25 Sep 2014: Canberra
04 Sep 2014: Canberra

Inquiry Status

Report tabled


If you require any special arrangements to enable you to participate in the Committee's inquiry, please contact the Committee Secretariat.

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