Snapshot 1 – Negotiation

The Questionnaire has been online for two weeks, and we have received about 2200 comprehensive responses. There are some interesting trends so far: more than 40% of respondents are aged between 36 and 45, and about the same percentage of respondents receive money through the Child Support program. There are roughly equal numbers of responses from men and women. We have compiled some of the responses about the ease or challenges in negotiating child support arrangements. This question has prompted a wide range of responses— single word answers are presented in the word cloud, followed by longer responses.

Snapshot 1 Word Cloud

Some responses suggest negotiation can work

Others indicate serious challenges

For some people, negotiation has changed over time

And some responses report that negotiation is impossible

Thanks to everyone who has completed the Questionnaire. We will publish further snapshots online in coming months.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 2358

About this inquiry

The Committee will consider whether any problems experienced by payers or payees of child support impact on the majority of parents and other carers involved in the system, or a minority, and make recommendations accordingly.

Past Public Hearings

02 Oct 2014: Canberra
25 Sep 2014: Canberra
04 Sep 2014: Canberra

Inquiry Status

Report tabled


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