The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Resources will inquire into and report on developing advanced manufacturing in Australia, including consideration of:
- the opportunities of advanced manufacturing for Australia – including in relation to job creation, productivity and capability;
- international trends in advanced manufacturing;
- competitive strengths and advantages of Australia in advanced manufacturing, including Australia's comparative international position in advanced manufacturing;
- barriers to the growth of advanced manufacturing in Australia – including barriers to existing manufacturers, particularly small and medium enterprises, adopting advanced manufacturing technologies and processes such as AI and robotics;
- financial and non-financial investment opportunities or possible reforms to support the growth of advanced manufacturing in Australia in: renewables and low emission technology; medical science; transport; value adding in agriculture, forestry and fisheries; value adding in resources; defence; and enabling capabilities;
- the opportunities to increase the number of workers employed in advanced manufacturing, including consideration of ways to increase the participation and retention of women and other historically underrepresented groups; and
- skills needs in advanced manufacturing.
Matters relating to national security are out of scope for this inquiry.