The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport will inquire into and report on the health impacts of alcohol and other drug use in Australia, with the aim to:
a) Assess whether current services across the alcohol and other drugs sector is delivering equity for all Australians, value for money, and the best outcomes for individuals, their families, and society;
b) Examine the effectiveness of current programs and initiatives across all jurisdictions to improve prevention and reduction of alcohol and other drug-related health, social and economic harms, including in relation to identified priority populations and ensuring equity of access for all Australians to relevant treatment and prevention services;
c) Examine how sectors beyond health, including for example education, employment, justice, social services and housing can contribute to prevention, early intervention, recovery and reduction of alcohol and other drug-related harms in Australia; and
d) Draw on domestic and international policy experiences and best practice, where appropriate.