Additional Documents

1 PDF: Adj. Professor David King – exhibit – site visit 25 July 2024 Adj. Professor David King – exhibit – site visit 25 July 2024
2 PDF: Townsville Chamber of Commerce – exhibit – public hearing 25 July 2024 Townsville Chamber of Commerce – exhibit – public hearing 25 July 2024
3 PDF: FNQ Volunteers – exhibit – public hearing 25 July 2024 FNQ Volunteers – exhibit – public hearing 25 July 2024
4 PDF: City of Launceston – exhibit – public hearing 17 July 2024 City of Launceston – exhibit – public hearing 17 July 2024
5 PDF: Rosemary Townsend – exhibit – public hearing 8 May 2024 Rosemary Townsend – exhibit – public hearing 8 May 2024
6 PDF: Forbes Shire Council – exhibit – public hearing 7 May 2024 Forbes Shire Council – exhibit – public hearing 7 May 2024
7 PDF: Central NSW Business HQ – exhibit – by email 2 May 2024 Central NSW Business HQ – exhibit – by email 2 May 2024
8 PDF: Mount Alexander Shire Council – exhibit – public hearing on 19 April 2024 Mount Alexander Shire Council – exhibit – public hearing on 19 April 2024
9 PDF: Ted Fensom – exhibit – public hearing on 10 April 2024 Ted Fensom – exhibit – public hearing on 10 April 2024
10 PDF: ASIC - exhibit - letter to Chairs and CEOs of general insurance companies, by email 6 March 2024 ASIC - exhibit - letter to Chairs and CEOs of general insurance companies, by email 6 March 2024

Committee Secretariat contact:

Standing Committee on Economics
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Phone: (02) 6277 4707

Past Public Hearings

30 Jul 2024:
25 Jul 2024: Townsville
24 Jul 2024: Cairns


Inquiry Status

Submissions Closed


If you require any special arrangements to enable you to participate in the Committee's inquiry, please contact the Committee Secretariat.

Further information regarding accessibility can be found at