Standing orders and other orders of the Senate

Time limits on debate

A consolidated list of time limits on speeches and the consideration of particular items of business.

Standing orders

Section 50 of the Constitution empowers the Senate to make rules and orders with respect to how its powers, privileges, and immunities may be exercised and upheld, and the order and conduct of its business and proceedings.

Parliamentary privilege

Resolutions agreed to by the Senate on 25 February 1988.

Procedural orders and resolutions of continuing effect

Ongoing orders that relate to the manner in which the Senate conducts its legislative and inquiry functions and exercises and upholds its constitutional powers.

Senate orders for documents 2025 due dates - updated 12 March 2025 (PDF 199KB)

Standards of behaviour and behaviour codes for Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces

Guidelines on how staff employed under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 must behave towards each other.

Senators’ Interests, gifts and training registers

Resolutions of the Senate relating to the registration and declaration of senators' interests and the receipt of gifts.

Broadcasting of Senate and committee proceedings

Resolutions of the Senate relating to television and radio broadcasts of Senate and committee proceedings.