Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Question No. Senator Date of question Subject Date Reply Received Hansard Date of Reply Hansard Page No. of Reply Elapsed Time (days)
15 Siewert 28/09/2010 Invasive plant control-Funding 15/10/2010 25/10/2010 722 17
154 Abetz 29/09/2010 Australian Landcare Council-Membership details and public records WITHDRAWN
162 Milne 01/10/2010 Tasmanian forestry industry-Australian National Audit report no. 26 of 2007-08-Development and assistance programs 08/11/2010 15/11/2010 1281 38
163 Milne 13/10/2010 Tasmanian forestry industry-Australian National Audit report no. 26 of 2007-08-Development and assistance programs 16/11/2010 17/11/2010 1552 34
164 Milne 13/10/2010 Tasmanian forestry industry-Australian National Audit report no. 26 of 2007-08-Development and assistance programs 16/11/2010 17/11/2010 1554 34
165 Milne 13/10/2010 Tasmanian forestry industry-Australian National Audit report no. 26 of 2007-08-Development and assistance programs 16/11/2010 17/11/2010 1556 34
170 Milne 27/10/2010 Tasmanian forestry industry-Development and assistance programs 24/11/2010 24/11/2010 2167 28
171 Milne 27/10/2010 Tasmanian forestry industry-Australian National Audit report no. 26 of 2007-08-Development and assistance programs 24/11/2010 24/11/2010 2170 28
193 Siewert 11/11/2010 Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock-Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service administration 06/12/2010 08/02/2011 162 25
211 Colbeck 18/11/2010 Primary Industries Ministerial Council-Safety of imported and domestically produced pet food-Working group 09/12/2010 08/02/2011 170 21
214 Siewert 22/11/2010 Pet food import licences-Listed quarantine safe by irradiation-Number and percentage issued over the past 3 years 09/12/2010 08/02/2011 172 17
243 Humphries 29/11/2010 Administration-Stationery and publications-Spending 12/01/2011 09/02/2011 397 44
285 Humphries 29/11/2010 Administration-Departmental credit cards, mobile phones and travel-Spending 12/01/2011 09/02/2011 401 44
626 Siewert 27/04/2011 Departmental staff-Recruitment and employment-People with disability 19/05/2011 16/06/2011 3221 22
1060 Abetz 29/08/2011 Administration-Code of Conduct-Investigations into breaches 27/09/2011 11/10/2011 7110 29
1128 Humphries 12/09/2011 Administration-Agencies-Staffing 06/10/2011 12/10/2011 7280 24
1175 Abetz 13/09/2011 Staffing-Working at sea-Allowances 13/10/2011 01/11/2011 7903 30
        Amended answer
        09/11/2011 09/11/2011 8768
1291 Bob Brown 27/10/2011 Tasmanian Regional Forests Agreement-Gunns Limited sawmills 12/12/2011 07/02/2012 294 46
1313 Milne 31/10/2011 Asian honey bee-2007 incursion in Cairns 14/12/2011 08/02/2012 450 44
1425 Siewert 07/11/2011 Genetically modified wheat-Field trials-Transmission to food supply 09/12/2011 08/02/2012 499 32
1486 Abetz 12/12/2011 Administration-Freedom of information-Environmental exports 16/01/2012 09/02/2012 740 35
1753 Abetz 22/03/2012 Administration and costs-Office locations of departments and agencies 27/04/2012 09/05/2012 3011 36
1793 Siewert 02/04/2012 Pesticide-Methyl iodide trials 09/05/2012 20/06/2012 3981 37
1897 Siewert 25/06/2012 Fisheries-Regulation of shark catch and exports 25/07/2012 15/08/2012 5459 30
1925 Whish-Wilson 25/06/2012 Small Pelagic Fishery-Seafish Tasmania Pty Ltd-Trawler proposal 25/07/2012 15/08/2012 5470 30
1962 Whish-Wilson 13/07/2012 Small Pelagic Fishery-Seafish Tasmania Pty Ltd-Trawler proposal 09/08/2012 15/08/2012 5484 27
1963 Whish-Wilson 13/07/2012 Small Pelagic Fishery-Seafish Tasmania Pty Ltd-Trawler proposal 09/08/2012 15/08/2012 5487 27
1964 Whish-Wilson 13/07/2012 Small Pelagic Fishery-Seafish Tasmania Pty Ltd-Trawler proposal 09/08/2012 15/08/2012 5488 27
1982 Abetz 02/08/2012 Live animal exports-7 June announcement-Advice 22/08/2012 22/08/2012 6182 20
2008 Cormann 10/08/2012 Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service-Monies owed by companies in administration-Abattoirs in Narrogin and Gingin, Western Australia 05/09/2012 10/09/2012 6546 26
2110 Edwards 23/08/2012 Wine Australia-Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation-Proposed merger 18/09/2012 20/09/2012 7597 26
2111 Edwards 23/08/2012 Aerial dingo baiting-South Australian Arid Lands region-Funding and research 18/09/2012 20/09/2012 7598 26
2112 Edwards 23/08/2012 Wheat Exports Australia-Abandoned snail shells in wheat grain-South Australia 18/09/2012 18/09/2012 7288 26
2113 Edwards 23/08/2012 Grains Research and Development Corporation-Abandoned snail shells in wheat grain-South Australia 18/09/2012 18/09/2012 7289 26
2114 Edwards 23/08/2012 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation-Primary industries health and safety project-2012-13 Budget 18/09/2012 18/09/2012 7290 26
2125 Rhiannon 31/08/2012 Regional Forest Agreements-Government response to 5 yearly review-Assessment of changes and extension of agreements 28/09/2012 11/10/2012 8104 28
2126 Rhiannon 31/08/2012 Regional Forest Agreements-Government response to 5 yearly review-Assessment of changes and extension of agreements 28/09/2012 11/10/2012 8104 28
2130 Rhiannon 31/08/2012 Regional Forest Agreements-Eden and Southern Regions-Potential for suspension, amendment or cancellation 28/09/2012 11/10/2012 8106 28
2155 Williams 10/09/2012 Equine Influenza-Commercial Horse Assistance Payment Scheme-Verification and audit of claims 09/10/2012 11/10/2012 8114 29
2186 Humphries 18/09/2012 Administration-2012-13 Budget-Impact of efficiency dividends 29/10/2012 30/10/2012 8552 41
2249 Bernardi 03/10/2012 Administration-Financial management and accountability-Data collection 15/11/2012 19/11/2012 9111 43
2347 Ryan 09/10/2012 Administration-Financial management and accountability-Licences, registrations, fee for services and permits (and all other permission structures) 17/12/2012 05/02/2013 208 69
2394 Whish-Wilson 24/10/2012 Small Pelagic Fishery-Harvest strategy and regulation-Definition of the fishing season 20/11/2012 21/11/2012 9454 27
2416 Abetz 30/10/2012 Administration-Electorate-by-electorate dissections 07/12/2012 06/02/2013 388 38
2471 Bushby 01/11/2012 Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 and Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997-Annual Regulatory Plans-Cost burden 14/01/2013 06/02/2013 417 74
2566 Rhiannon 22/11/2012 Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation Act 1980-Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation Amendment Act 2010, Section 40DA(2)-Consultation 14/01/2013 25/02/2013 839 53
2633 Ronaldson 28/11/2012 Customs and quarantine regulations-Tomato/potato psyllid-Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service 29/01/2013 26/02/2013 1024 62
2641 Milne 29/11/2012 Illegal trade in wildlife-Infectious diseases-Regulation and investigation 05/02/2013 26/02/2013 1029 68
2649 Rhiannon 06/12/2012 Greyhound export industry-Animal welfare-China and Macau 14/01/2013 26/02/2013 1032 39
2660 Rhiannon 12/12/2012 Live animal exports-Pakistan-Regulation 04/02/2013 26/02/2013 1037 54
2668 Milne 14/01/2013 Biosecurity-Animal Health Australia and Plant Health Australia-Funding 12/02/2013 27/02/2013 1237 29
2669 Milne 14/01/2013 Biosecurity-Engagement project-Cost 04/02/2013 26/02/2013 1044 21
2670 Milne 14/01/2013 Biosecurity-Myrtle rust-Reviews or assessments 04/02/2013 26/02/2013 1044 21
2671 Milne 14/01/2013 Biosecurity-Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service-Interceptions 05/02/2013 26/02/2013 1045 22
2672 Milne 14/01/2013 Biosecurity-Australian Government Authorised Officers-Export trade 12/02/2013 Published online   29
        Amended answer
        15/02/2013 27/02/2013 1238
2705 Abetz 04/02/2013 Administration-Redundancies 26/02/2013 Published online   22
2738 Milne 05/02/2013 Environment-Neonicotinoid pesticides 26/02/2013 Published online   21
2884 Payne 13/03/2013 Commonwealth Procurement Rules, Exemption 17-Departmental contracts with Indigenous business 09/04/2013 Published online   27
2951 Abetz 24/04/2013 Media contact-Australian newspaper editors 16/05/2013 Published online   22
3014 Siewert 24/06/2013 Fisheries-Seabirds-Threat Abatement Plan 23/07/2013 Published online   29
3026 Abetz 01/08/2013 Fisheries-Orange roughy-Availability to New Zealand firm       4

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