Additional Estimates 2006-2007— (February 2007)

Additional Estimates 2006-2007— (February 2007)

View Report (HTML format) (PDF 240KB)

Hansard Transcripts

12 February 2007 (PDF 1117KB) Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
13 February 2007 (PDF 1109KB) Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
Environment and Water Resources
16 February 2007  (PDF 398KB) Environment and Water Resources

Questions on notice — index and answers

Answers to questions taken on notice at the additional estimates hearings are due Thursday, 5 April 2007.

Indexes of questions on notice for each portfolio have been loaded to respective web pages (link below).

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818