Environment and Heritage portfolio

Additional Estimates 2005-2006— (February 2006)

Environment and Heritage portfolio

Index of Questions on Notice   - (Word 204KB)   (PDF 407KB)

Tabled document
Copy of correspondence dated 18 October 2005 from the Minister for the Environment and Heritage to the WA Minister for the Environment concerning the preparation of a World Heritage nomination for North West Cape/Ningaloo Reef, tabled by the Minister.   (PDF 47KB)

Department of the Environment and Heritage
Approvals and Wildlife Division  (RTF 45KB)
Australian Antarctic Division   (RTF 22KB)
Corporate Strategies Division   (RTF 82KB
Environment Quality Division   (RTF 25KB)
Heritage Division   (RTF 190KB)
     QoN 30 Attachment 1  (Excel 47KB)
     QoN 30 Attachment 2  (Excel 22KB)
     QoN 32 Attachment A  (RTF 1697KB)
Industry, Communities and Energy Division   (RTF 72KB)
International, Land and Analysis Division   (RTF 8KB)
Land, Water and Coast Division   (RTF 115KB)
Marine Division   (RTF 76KB)
Natural Resource Management Programmes Division  (RTF 55KB)
     QoN 53 Attachment (Excel 84KB)
Parks Australia Division   (RTF 31KB
     QoN 58 Attachment (PDF 5843KB)
Policy Coordination Division   (RTF 247KB)

Bureau of Meteorology   (RTF 24KB)
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority    (RTF 46KB)
Sydney Harbour Federation Trust   (RTF 65KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818
Email: ecita.sen@aph.gov.au