Budget Estimates 2010-2011 - (May 2010)

Budget Estimates 2010-2011 - (May 2010)

View Report (HTML format) (PDF 367KB)

Hansard Transcripts

24 May 2010  (PDF 1089KB) Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy
25 May 2010  (PDF 1225KB) Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy and Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
26 May 2010  (PDF 1185KB) Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
27 May 2010  (PDF 1056KB) Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

Correspondence about evidence given on:

   24 May 2010

Dr Philip Nitschke, dated 3 June 2010 concerning evidence given during the Committee's  hearing on Monday, 24 June 2010
(Official Committee Hansard, p. ECA 171; Proof Hansard p. ECA120)

(PDF 18KB)

   25 May 2010

Symphony Orchestra Musicians Association (SOMA), received 8 June 2010, with attachments:
-  LECG, Evaluation of the Orchestras Review 2005 funding
    package implementation, Summary Document
-  SOMA Position Paper on the Third MPAI Funding Model Review

Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, received 21 June 2010

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, received 5 July 2010

Australia Council, received 6 July 2010
(Official Committee Hansard, p. ECA 180; Proof Hansard, p. ECA 128)

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(PDF 343KB)

(PDF 71KB)

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(PDF 448KB)

(PDF 565KB)

Questions on notice — indexes and answers

Answers to questions on notice are due by close of business on Friday, 30 July 2010.

The indexes of questions on notice for each portfolio have been finalised and loaded to the respective portfolio pages (link below).

For further information, contact:

Research/Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818
Email: eca.sen@aph.gov.au